Bogusha Thoracoplasty

Bogush thoracoplasty (or staged thoracoplasty) is a surgical procedure used to treat various chest conditions. This procedure involves gradually expanding the chest cavity by inserting special devices inside the chest that gradually increase its volume.

The Bogush thoracoplasty procedure can be used to treat various diseases, such as chest deformities, chest tumors, pulmonary diseases, as well as to correct respiratory failure and improve the functional state of the respiratory system.

One of the main advantages of Bogush thoracoplasty is the possibility of gradual expansion of the chest cavity, which avoids serious complications associated with sudden expansion of the chest. This also allows for more precise correction of the chest shape and more effective treatment of lung diseases.

However, like any surgical procedure, Bogusha thoracoplasty can have a number of complications, such as infections, bleeding, pleural empyema and others. Therefore, it is important to carry out this procedure only under the supervision of experienced specialists with the necessary qualifications and experience.

Overall, Bogusha thoracoplasty is an effective and safe procedure for treating various chest conditions. However, as with any other surgical procedure, it is important to discuss all possible risks and benefits of this treatment with your doctor before deciding to undergo this procedure.

Bogush Thoracoplasty is a method of surgical treatment of the lungs, which was developed by the Soviet surgeon Lavrentiy Kondratievich Bogush. It involves separating the inner part of the chest (pleura) from the chest wall and fixing it to the ribs. This procedure helps to cope with pneumosclerosis and chronic bronchitis.

Bogush Thoracoplasty is best done in the early stages of the disease. It takes from several days to several weeks, depending on the complexity of the operation. The main symptoms of pneumonia are cough, shortness of breath and chest pain. Pneumonia can develop quickly and lead to serious consequences such as heart failure and respiratory failure.

The stepwise approach to treating lung diseases itself is old and ineffective. However, thanks to the Thoracoplat method, medicine was finally able to make a qualitative leap forward in the treatment of lung diseases. Bogush came up with a number of new unique techniques for treating lung diseases and helped more than 20 thousand patients achieve recovery.

A staged approach involves performing lung surgery without anesthesia. This makes it possible to carry out several operations in a short time without any time delays between operations,