Shingles Pain

Shingles pain: causes and treatment

Shingles pain is a fairly common condition, which is characterized by a sensation of pain in the epigastric (epigastric) region, which radiates to the left and right, covering the torso at the level of the lower thoracic and upper lumbar vertebrae. This pain can be associated with various diseases, such as cholecystitis, pancreatitis, duodenal ulcer and some other diseases.

Cholecystitis is an inflammatory disease of the gallbladder that often causes girdle pain. Symptoms of cholecystitis may include pain in the right upper quadrant of the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, and jaundice. Treatment for cholecystitis may include the use of antibiotics as well as surgical removal of the gallbladder.

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can also cause girdle pain. Symptoms of pancreatitis may include pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting and fever. Treatment for pancreatitis may include hospitalization and drug therapy.

Duodenal ulcer is a disease in which ulcers form on the mucous membrane of the duodenum. Symptoms of peptic ulcers may include pain in the upper abdomen, nausea, vomiting and morning heartburn. Treatment for peptic ulcers may include the use of antibiotics and drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice.

In addition to the diseases listed above, shingles pain can be associated with other diseases, such as gastritis, esophagitis and many others. If you have symptoms of shingles pain, it is important to see your doctor for a thorough examination to determine the cause of the pain.

In general, treatment for shingles pain depends on the cause of its occurrence. In most cases, treatment involves drug therapy, but in some cases surgery may be required. It is important to remember that lack of treatment can lead to serious complications, so you should consult a doctor at the first sign of shingles pain.

Shingles pain hurts in the stomach area, forcing the patient to constantly think about what to do with this unpleasant pathology. If you begin to experience such pain, consult a doctor immediately. How exactly and why does shingles pain occur?

Shingles pain is a common disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Esophageal hernia or nonspecific gastroduodenitis are often the causes of such pain. In addition to these diseases, girdle pain is caused by: - ​​Infections of the abdominal organs; - Cirrhosis of the liver; - Disorders of the genitourinary system; - Acute appendicitis with caudal abs