Plasma Thromboplastic Factor B

Thromboplastins are substances that promote platelet formation. According to the mechanism of action, thromboplastins can be divided into 2 groups:

Catalases - contain only carbohydrate residues, are catalysts and are found in plant juices (chicory, wine), saliva, the stomach of ruminants, in human urine, blood and milk of some birds, especially geese and ducks, as well as in the bones, horns and cartilage of mammals ; in humans in blood plasma (reactive fraction), eggshells, oil; the same as chemiphosphates.

Kinases – also contain carbohydrate residues and are kinases; isolating a bacterial plasmid where plasma kinase functions as a carrier protein; exhibit antimutagenic effects against strains of tumor cells. A group of enzymes that enhance the synthesis of its own serotonin after the onset of bleeding. They activate clotting processes and can cause vasospasm. Plant hormone-like substances have such properties: horsetail and ginkgo biloba. They thin the blood and prevent the formation of blood clots. If bleeding from a wound continues for several hours, latent hemosiderosis (deposition of hemoglobin in the subcutaneous tissue) may develop. With minor hematesiosis, during the examination, the elongation of the oblong process of the nail is hardly noticeable (due to its compression by a blood clot).