Pain in the mole area

A mole is a pigmented neoplasm that can be on any part of the body.. Often in medical practice, nevus appears on the mucous membranes of the body. The color of the spots can be brown, black, red, purple. Neoplasms are considered benign and very often do not bother a person throughout his life. But sometimes they begin to cause discomfort, and a person is faced with the question: why does a mole hurt and what to do?


The appearance of moles on the body often does not cause panic. But at some point she starts to get sick. The main cause of the appearance of nevi are viruses, so if you experience discomfort or changes in the shape of a mole, you should contact a specialist.

Why does a mole hurt? The answer to this question will be received after the necessary measures have been taken. But very often the cause is their injury.. In men, the appearance of painful sensations on the face may indicate improper handling of the razor. A mole on the back, located in the area where the bra is located, very often becomes inflamed due to constant friction with underwear.

Very often, voluminous neoplasms appear in areas more open to damage. For example, on the face, hands, neck, scalp.

For what other reasons does a mole hurt? This may be repeated injury to the tumor with infection in the wound. Or the patient’s predisposition to cancer. Soreness appears when a person spends a long time in the sun or in baths, or with intensive growth of a mole.

What to do if a mole starts to hurt?

If a mole hurts when pressed or touched, or itches constantly, you should not put off visiting a doctor, otherwise this may lead to its malignancy.

If a large tumor is partially torn off, you must take precautions yourself and then contact a specialist:

  1. First, the wound must be treated with hydrogen peroxide and a sterile bandage applied to the damaged area.
  2. Secondly, in order to test the torn part for the presence of cancer cells, it must be placed in any container and filled with saline solution.
  3. Thirdly, go to an appointment with an oncologist or dermatologist.

In this case, most often the treatment is aimed at completely removing the remnants of the nevus, relieving pain and preventing inflammatory processes.

If a mole on your face hurts, when you contact a specialist, you will be examined and further treatment measures will be outlined. But most often, a specialist will advise removing it completely to prevent injury and re-infection. In this case, the patient will be offered several options for performing the operation:

  1. removal with a scalpel;
  2. exposure to a mole using a laser or current.

If, after damage to the mole, an inflammatory process begins, the doctor will prescribe a course of antibiotics, local anesthesia, and the application of compresses to prevent the germs from reentering.

For no apparent reason

What to do if a mole hurts for no reason? Most often, redness and growth of a nevus indicate the growth of cancer cells. The impetus for this can be going to saunas or solariums. If you see a doctor immediately, you need to get tested. And if it is confirmed that the mole has grown into a malignant one, a course of chemotherapy will be prescribed. Treatment will be aimed at stopping the process or inhibiting cell growth.

Drug or surgery does not guarantee complete removal of cells. Very often they are located deep under the skin, and during surgery only the superficial part of the tumor is removed.

Therefore, for treatment it is necessary to prescribe procedures aimed at determining the depth of the cells. This greatly simplifies the treatment process.

Prevention of the appearance or overgrowth of a mole is to regularly visit doctors to monitor the process of cell growth, changes in size or color.

If your body is covered with multiple nevi, you should avoid artificial tanning and reduce your time in the sun. If voluminous moles are located on open areas of the body, it is best to remove them without waiting for injury.

Removing moles by any surgical method is a painless procedure, after which the location of the mole heals within a few days. It is best to remove nevi in ​​clinics under the constant supervision of the attending physician. You should refuse the services of beauty salons: the risk of infection of neoplasms is high.

If any changes in the mole, itching or pain appear, you need to seek the help of qualified specialists. It is better to refuse treatment with folk remedies: this does not always lead to the desired result.

A painful mole is a reason to consult a doctor as soon as possible to identify the cause of the unpleasant symptom. Causes for concern are discomfort and changes in the appearance of the pigment spot. Properly selected therapy will stop dangerous processes and prevent the development of oncology. A mole, according to medical terminology, is a benign formation. Nevi exist on the body of every person. In most cases they are not dangerous.

Types of pain in the area of ​​moles

Be wary of any changes in the condition of nevi. A skin lesion is a defect in cell development that can develop into cancer.

Painful sensations manifest themselves as follows:

  1. Constant pain, may pulsate and tingle at times. It does not have a pronounced syndrome; many people prefer to endure it and not see a doctor. If the area around it turns red, this is a result of increased blood flow to the nevus. Main causes: sunburn, injury, abrasion or scratch.
  2. Pain when pressing. It tends to spread to nearby tissues, causing colitis in the mole. The causes of development are injury, reaction to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. An increase in size indicates the occurrence of unfavorable processes within the neoplasm. It does not always indicate degeneration into a malignant tumor; it is not advisable to ignore the symptom or leave it unattended.
  4. Itching and burning. The nevus area may itch due to physiological changes within. Unpleasant sensations spread to the skin of the arms, back, and legs. Source: damage from a sponge with stiff bristles, contact with clothing made of synthetic rough material.
  5. Pallor. The color of the mole surrounding the area changes. Color changes occur against the background of inflammation and vasospasm inside. Loss of color is a protection against degeneration.
  6. Swelling. Soreness combined with swelling indicates accidental injury.
  7. Neurogenic pain. Occurs as a result of temperature or mechanical influence.
  8. Color changes to black or red. The sign acts as a signal of changes in the body. Don't put off visiting your doctor. In some cases, urgent surgical intervention is required.
  9. Releases liquid when pressed. One of the main symptoms of degeneration into malignant cancer.

Main causes of pain

A benign birthmark is formed in the middle layers of the skin and passes through many receptors. Any damage, pressure, and the mole begins to hurt. If unusual sensations are detected, the triggering factors should be carefully examined. The greatest danger is pain that occurs in the area around the growth, but is not strictly concentrated in the tumor-like growth. There are several reasons for the problem.

Mechanical damage

Trauma is the leading cause of pain and inflammation in the nevus. It happens due to an unfortunate location on the body. Dangerous places:

  1. back, neck. The growths are often damaged by a hard washcloth, jewelry, straps from clothes or bags, belts, belts;
  2. groin area. Hanging tumors pose the greatest threat; they interfere with hygiene procedures. Accidentally damaged by a razor, epilator, or underwear. The result of injury is bleeding, infection with a good outcome;
  3. buttocks. A dangerous place for moles; it is difficult to see the growth on your own and prevent damage. Frequent causes of pain are injections, blows, rubbing with a hard washcloth, massage brush;
  4. stomach. The body in this part is covered with clothing, the integrity of the mole is easily damaged by the belt of trousers, skirts, or rubbed with low-quality material;
  5. head, face. Injuries are caused by a comb, styling devices, other care items, and hair coloring compounds;
  6. leg, hand. The most susceptible parts of the body to various injuries. The nevus becomes inflamed from a scratch from a cat, dog, insect bite, blow, or fall.

The location of moles in unfortunate places, the structure in the form of a hanging papillomatous wart, increases the chances of injury. From contact with clothing, household appliances, and other objects, the epithelial cover is destroyed, and the nerve endings are exposed in response to the stimulus. If the growth is not subject to friction, only a doctor can determine the causes of the mole's tingling and pain.

Damage and ultraviolet radiation have an adverse effect on moles. The sun can provoke the degeneration of a harmless formation into a malignant one. Scientists have proven that ultraviolet radiation has a negative effect on pigmented areas. Dermatologists and oncologists recommend protecting tumors as much as possible from direct sunlight and solariums. Tanning is only permitted with strong sun protection.

Decrease or increase in temperature

The skin is penetrated by a large number of nerve endings that send signals to the central nervous system. Takes an active part in the process of thermoregulation. For humans, the optimal ambient temperature is 18-20 degrees. Temperature changes, sudden fluctuations, cause a reaction. The skin along with the nevus experiences stress.

Any undesirable effect on a mole gives rise to the beginning of a pathogenic process inside, leading to the degeneration of a harmless formation into a malignant tumor with metastases.

Pain as a sign of malignancy of a mole

Malignization is a dangerous process of malignancy of a nevus; a normal cell of a benign tumor begins to change and acquires malignant properties. The result is melanoma. Cancer is the second most common cause of death. Capable of affecting adults, children, and the elderly.

Melanoma affects the body in different parts. It develops quickly and affects the skin, internal organs, and bones. A timely visit to a doctor will help identify the pathological process in the early stages or prevent its onset.

  1. the surface of the mole becomes covered with cracks and knots;
  2. the appearance changes - the dense structure becomes spotted;
  3. the shape of the edges changes from smooth to jagged;
  4. color changes - redness or darkening;
  5. peeling appears;
  6. bleeding;
  7. touch causes pain;
  8. purulent or clear liquid accumulates near the nevus or under it and begins to come out if you press the growth with your finger;
  9. size has changed - drying out or rapid growth;
  10. compaction;
  11. swelling;
  12. redness of nearby tissues.

The clinical picture is typical for melanoma; it is not a reason to despair. The mole hurts because of nerves; the receptors are most susceptible to external stimuli. Only a doctor will determine the true cause.

Precautions for painful moles

In case of unpleasant painful sensations, the specialist will develop treatment tactics and give recommendations for the prevention of oncology.

  1. Get regular examinations from a dermatologist.
  2. Pregnancy, adolescence, menopause, old age, metabolic diseases are the main causes of active growth and changes in moles. If you have diseases or conditions, carefully monitor the growths, and if there are any changes, go to the doctor.
  3. Removal of nevi located in places inaccessible for self-diagnosis or in areas subject to constant friction and injury.
  4. Localization of several pigment formations in one zone is a direct indication for excision.
  5. Do not touch, cauterize, or remove the pigment spot yourself.
  6. Do not expose to ultraviolet radiation. Protect with sunscreen with an SPF greater than 50 and cover with clothing. Tanning only with a doctor's permission.

Don't be afraid to remove moles. Carrying out the procedure by a qualified doctor will help avoid dangerous, irreversible consequences. Modern treatment methods make it possible to conduct histology in a timely manner and eliminate the likelihood of developing melanoma.

Surgical excision is not a cause of cancer, but a way to protect against it.

If a mole hurts when touched or itches, it is important to establish the cause in time and undergo treatment from a qualified doctor. Don’t wait for the discomfort to go away on its own, it’s dangerous. Cells of pigmented neoplasms begin to degenerate into malignant ones under the influence of various negative factors - trauma, burn, nervous breakdown, etc. Do not leave a dark large growth on open areas of the body - palm, leg, face, head, neck. Increases the risk of injury and melanoma development.

A mole hurts - what does it mean? Moles, or nevi, are new growths on the skin that occur when melanin accumulates in skin cells. Despite the fact that they are benign in nature, under the influence of certain factors they can degenerate into cancerous tumors (melanomas).

With prolonged irritation, such growths often become inflamed, especially if they are located in places subject to constant friction or other mechanical stress. If a mole hurts when pressed, this should serve as a good reason to consult a doctor and be sure to take measures to eliminate the inflammatory process occurring in its cells.

Causes of pain

Can a mole hurt? Yes, pain in the area of ​​a benign skin growth is quite possible, and most people who have such tumors encounter this phenomenon every day. Persons who have a large number of nevi (over 50 pieces) on their bodies should be especially attentive, since in this case the risk of their malignancy increases.

So, why does a mole hurt, and when is it necessary to be wary and consult a doctor for advice? Below are the most common causes of the unpleasant symptom.

Mechanical impact

If a mole on the back hurts, this is most often the result of mechanical damage. The back is that part of the human body that is always under clothing, so it is not surprising that nevi can rub and then become inflamed. Moreover, damage to the growth can also occur during bathing when using a hard washcloth.

The same applies to the situation when a mole on the neck hurts, because this area is also very sensitive. Wearing ties, high-collared shirts, massive or too tight jewelry, scarves - all this can sooner or later cause the development of inflammation. As in the previous case, nevi on the neck can be damaged with a washcloth, or injured when scratching the skin.


If a mole is red and painful, or constantly itches, and this has been observed for a long time, do not put off visiting a doctor. Such anomalies may indicate its degeneration into a malignant tumor - melanoma.

This type of cancer is the most dangerous because it is prone to rapid metastasis and damage to various internal organs. In addition, in most cases, advanced melanoma causes death.

UV exposure

If a mole on the face or other part of the body is inflamed, which is not protected from sunlight on hot days, this may indicate a negative impact of ultraviolet radiation on it. This is a very alarming sign, since it is with prolonged UV irradiation that a cancerous tumor forms at the site of the nevus. Therefore, in this case, it is better to prevent exposure of the growth to sunlight, and for safety reasons, consult a doctor.


Most often you can hear complaints that a hanging mole hurts. Such neoplasms are subject to irritation, especially large ones.

The fact is that hanging nevi have a thin stalk, and on their surface there are a large number of pain receptors. When rubbed or scratched, such growths cause burning or throbbing pain. Moreover, they can bleed and itch, so if you have such growths on your body, be extremely careful and avoid injuring them.

Warning symptoms and the need to consult a doctor

When a mole hurts when touched, it is important to pay attention to the presence of accompanying symptoms. They may indicate its degeneration into a malignant skin tumor. Thus, the process of malignancy of a nevus may be accompanied by:

  1. itching in the area of ​​the tumor;
  2. increase in growth;
  3. bleeding moles;
  4. constant or periodic pain even without touching the nevus;
  5. the occurrence of asymmetry of the mole.

Remember! If there is redness and swelling around the mole, or it begins to peel off, you should immediately consult a specialist. The growth may have to be removed, thereby preventing the dangerous consequences that the process of its degeneration into melanoma can lead to.

The neoplasm, which has begun to change its shape, requires special care. Normally, it should be even, so that when drawing a conditional line in the middle, both sides have approximately the same dimensions. If the mole has increased in size and hurts, and at the same time there is a clear deformation of it, it is necessary to urgently take action. A similar deviation is observed at the beginning of the process of its malignancy.

Another warning symptom is a change in the color of the birthmark. Degeneration into a malignant formation is also indicated by the situation when the mole swells, becomes dark brown, or even black, and red dots appear on its surface. Do not neglect such signals, so as not to encounter a problem that is more dangerous than the unaesthetic appearance of nevi on the body!

Which doctor should I contact?

If a mole is inflamed and bothers you, which doctor should you go to? First, you need to visit a dermatologist’s office, who will conduct an initial examination and collect anamnesis. Often such inflammation is not dangerous and can be eliminated quite easily.

But if the doctor has suspicions about the nature of the neoplasm, or if after therapeutic measures the mole still itches and hurts, the patient may be referred for a consultation with an oncodermatologist. It is this specialist who will prescribe the necessary diagnostic tests and, if necessary, carry out further treatment.

What to do if a nevus is inflamed?

What to do when a mole becomes inflamed, and is it possible to do without medical intervention? Unfortunately, the use of decoctions of medicinal plants that have anti-inflammatory properties only helps to temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. And only if there is no process of malignancy of the tumor.

So, what to do if a mole constantly hurts? Doctors often resort to instrumental methods to remove tumors that cause discomfort. The most popular today are:

  1. laser coagulation;
  2. removal by radio waves;
  3. cryotherapy;
  4. electrocoagulation.

If the mole is swollen and painful due to degeneration into melanoma, radical surgical intervention is resorted to.

Laser removal

Laser coagulation is a very effective, but at the same time, quite expensive method of removing nevi. The manipulation does not require prior preparation, and it is absolutely painless. The undeniable advantage of laser coagulation is the rapid occurrence and elimination of injury to the deep layers of the dermis.

The use of this method is possible only if the mole is inflamed and red, but has not entered the malignancy phase. The disadvantage of the procedure is the inability to take a tissue sample from the surface of the tumor for histological examination.

Radio wave removal

When a mole is swollen and painful, and such deviation lasts for quite a long time, the doctor may resort to radio wave removal of the growth. The procedure is painless and is performed using a special radio knife. The rehabilitation period is minimal, and after tissue removal, tumors can be selected for further microscopic examination.

The disadvantage of the radio wave method is the ability to excise only those growths that rise above the skin.


Electrocoagulation is another painless and quick method for removing a mole that has increased in size and hurts. After the procedure, the tissues are sent for histological examination to determine the nature of the growth.

The disadvantage is that it is impossible to remove the root of a mole if it has penetrated into the underlying layers of the dermis.


Using liquid nitrogen is another widely used technique that is used when a mole begins to hurt. A special preparation is sprayed with a special apparatus, which allows you to remove even deep-rooted nevi.

But despite this, this manipulation has a number of disadvantages. First of all, it leaves a crust that takes quite a long time to heal. It is impossible to take tissue for research, and the lack of control over the depth of nitrogen penetration often leads to damage to healthy tissue.


A radical method of removal is resorted to only when a mole, which is growing and hurts, has already degenerated into melanoma. In this case, not only the tumors are excised, but also nearby tissues. This allows you to send their samples for examination, and also significantly reduce the risk of relapse of a dangerous disease.

Remember! If a mole burns, bleeds and itches, you should not self-medicate. Using hydrogen peroxide to get rid of the growth will not give any results, and using celandine extract may well accelerate or provoke the process of malignancy of the nevus!