Hanoverian disease

Article "Hannover's disease - worth knowing about it"

Viral diarrhea (VD) is an acute bacterial or Salmonella-caused acute febrile disease of the gastrointestinal tract lasting from several hours to 24 days, accompanied by symptoms of gastroenteritis and intoxication and requiring etiotropic treatment and antimicrobial therapy [1]. Viral diseases today represent an urgent medical and socio-economic problem, since they lead to a decrease in human performance, can pose a threat to his life, cause significant economic losses as a result of industrial injuries and loss of value of the product, materials, etc. Viruses that cause VD, their structure contains determinants that determine the pathogenesis of infection [2]. DV syndrome can occur as an episode in individuals who have had a corresponding infection due to the appearance of antibodies to ARVI or who are recovering from the manifestation of an acute form of DV. Therefore, it is important to study the pathogenesis of the disease, clinical manifestations and diagnosis of this pathology both among adults and children.

This term “Hannoverian” has not found its place in the specialized medical literature, and the cases found in the literature belong to the category of diarrhea syndrome and are considered as a clinical case of a pathological process. The diagnosis of Hanover's disease is synonymous with another clinical and morphological classification, denoting the main forms of inflammatory processes of the intestine, but is also found in our course of clinical medicine. However

Gunn's disease (Ganner's disease) is the medical term for prolonged diarrhea in dogs and cats. It is usually called viral, but this is not so. This “disease” is just a consequence of a disruption in the gastrointestinal tract. With proper nutrition and intestinal support, the pet’s gastrointestinal tract copes with its responsibilities and works like a Swiss watch.

But if for some reason the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, then it can no longer work like that. All the necessary components and minerals begin to be poorly absorbed; their unburnt sediment remains in the intestines, which is an excellent breeding ground for harmful bacteria. As a result, they will suffer from a lack of the substances they need, which causes the body to react and develop intestinal inflammation. The presence of many fermenting microbes affects the consistency of the stool (often the presence of blood), then erosive gastroenteritis gradually develops.

As practice shows, the vast majority of four-legged clients suffering from Hannover disease enter the clinic with a chronic course of gastroenteritis, and the reason for this is an unhealthy diet, including a high content of animal protein. No special specific therapy other than relieving inflammation with antibiotics, antimicrobials and anti-inflammatory drugs. And the treatment of the main cause, which is a pathological disorder of the intestines, involves changing the type of food in favor of a special food that pays special attention to animal proteins and their breakdown products in the upper part of the intestine.