Nerve diseases

As for the nerves themselves, you already know where they grow from, how they branch, what their shape, nature and anatomy are, and as for diseases of the nerves, know that varieties of all three types of diseases happen to them, that is, diseases caused by nature , diseases of organs-instruments and diseases from the general disintegration of the whole. The damage affects the natural sensory and motor abilities of the nerves. Sudden movements are of great importance as a cause of nerve diseases, more than anything else, for nerves are the instruments of movement. Sudden movements are, for example, pulling on a rope, lifting something heavy, and anything that causes strong stretching or, conversely, compression and contraction.

The state of the nerves is judged by their ability to sense and move, by softness or hardness to the touch, by the involvement of the brain and vertebrae with them, by pain, by matter related specifically to the nerves, as well as by most signs that help to know the state of the brain, based on the violation of its action and what palpation gives.

When doubt arises as to whether this or that nerve disease is wet or dry, then you should think about how it arose: if it arose suddenly, then there is no doubt that it is wet. They also take into account how a given organ absorbs oil: if it absorbs oil quickly and is not heated by extraneous heat, then the disease is undoubtedly dry.

Physical exercise after cleansing is the best way to change the nature of the nerves; Each organ has its own exercises. You should start with the easiest exercises and gradually move on to movements that require moderate effort.

As for therapeutic measures to cleanse the nerves and change their nature, the juices from which it is most necessary to completely cleanse the nerves are cold juices. They are emptied of them with strong medicines like the pulp of Kolokt Vint and Kharbak, especially white if you induce vomiting, furbiyun, ushshak, sagapen and other strong resins, as well as strong iyarajas; Light bowel movements include a dry bath and moderate exercise. And the agents which alter the nature of the nerves are those mentioned in the chapter on the brain, and especially those which are oily or oily. Consuming the fat of wild animals and oils with a hot nature, such as olive oil or linseed oil, is good for cold diseases of the nerves, and this softens their hardness. Bush and clover oil are very useful for the nerves.

Various waterings and squeezed juices are used in accordance with the nature of the nerves. However, they must be very strong and one should try more than usual to soften the body and open the pores so that these agents penetrate to the nerves.