How to Reduce Risks of Cancer Cells in Your Body

The American Cancer society advises on maintaining a healthy body weight and eating a well-balanced diet, while minimizing unhealthy habits such as excessive alcohol consumption. Cancer cells are often linked to obesity, as both factors increase the risk for metabolic disease and unhealthy lipids such as lipoprotein(a). Physical activity is advised in reducing risk for various diseases including cancer, cardiovascular disease and lung disease. Central obesity requires urgent attention as it is linked to many other chronic conditions. Polyphenol constituents from plant materials not only block reactive oxygen, free radicals stem mastitis and cell mutation but are potent antioxidants that scavenge reactive oxygen species and damage from ultraviolet rays. Fisetin can regulate circadian rhythm and digestive enzymes helping detoxify the body from environmental toxins. Berberine has anti-inflammatory properties of up to 80 times greater than vitamin e. Quercetin is one of the best flavonoids known for healthy parts of plant 's heart, boosting cognitive function and protect against heart disease as its antioxidant nature aims at reactive oxygen free radical scavenging and suppression of inflammatory processes.