Heart diseases

Recognizing one or another type of heart disease and its correct treatment is the job of a doctor, but in no case can it be taken upon by people who have little understanding of medical science. Therefore, we will say just a few words about the most common heart diseases, their symptoms and give some home remedies to relieve them.

1. Heart defect

Most often it is a congenital defect and is due to improper development of the heart, especially with very rapid growth in the period from 10 to 20 years. It can also develop after some serious illness.

Signs: heart pain, chest tightness, shortness of breath, palpitations, swelling in the legs. The disease is incurable, but you can maintain life with the right lifestyle, not doing hard physical work, and not worrying. You need to eat well, mainly protein foods - meat, eggs, and dairy products.

Alcohol, coffee and chocolate are not allowed. Smoking is also harmful. If possible, you should live in a damp climate, near the sea, but not in the mountains. If you experience severe heart palpitations, lie down and place an ice pack or cold compress on your heart.

2. Fatty heart

This is a deposit of fatty tissue on the heart. The main reason is heredity. Then obese people and women easily become ill with heart disease after the cessation of menstruation.

You need to eat less, especially flour, fatty and sweet foods, not sleep after lunch, and most importantly, be sure to walk for at least 2 hours every day.

3. Heart expansion

With this disease, the heart sometimes takes up almost half of the chest: shortness of breath, tightness in the chest, drop in cardiac activity, dropsy. The reasons are syphilis, drunkenness, long life in a very hot and humid climate.

It is necessary to consume liquids as little as possible and quench thirst not with water, but with valerian tea, as well as sour milk in all its forms. You should never swim in hot or even warm water in hot springs. You should always bathe or wash yourself only with cold water.

4. Thrombosis

This is the deposition of blood clots in the arteries leading to the heart, causing the heart to suffer from a lack of blood and can easily suffer a stroke. Such patients usually have very low blood pressure.

You need to eat less flour, no black meat, but consume more vegetables and fruit juices. After thrombosis, a person recovers very slowly and for the first three months is completely unable to engage in physical labor. And then, although he gets better, he will still be able to work only mentally, and physically - with difficulty, he quickly gets tired and weakens.

In case of a weak heart - interruptions, fading, etc., a powerful remedy for strengthening it is peppermint or spearmint; brew a teaspoon of dry leaves or powder of this herb with a glass of boiling water (in a glass or enamel container), cover with a lid and let sit for 20 minutes. Then strain and drink on an empty stomach. After half an hour you can have breakfast. So day after day, without missing a beat, for months.

With a decline in cardiac activity, this medicine from the famous actor Kalinichenko helps well - a tincture of the following drugs: valerian - 27.0, lily of the valley - 20.0, strophanthus - 10.0 strychnine - 5.0. Twice a day, 10-15 drops with water.