Working on Your Hips

Working Your Hips: An Effective Exercise to Get Your Inner Thighs in Great Shape

Each of us exercises daily in our daily lives, but we often forget about muscle groups that we don't use as often. One of these groups is the adductor muscles of the legs, which may be the first to begin to “let us down,” revealing age and poor physical fitness. Therefore, they deserve our special attention, especially if we want to have beautiful and slender legs.

One of the most effective exercises for getting your inner thighs in great shape is the side-lying leg raise. To perform this exercise, you need to lie on the floor, on your side, stretched out in one line. The head rests on the lower arm extended upward; the upper arm can be lightly pressed into the floor to maintain balance. Bend your top leg and place it on the floor. The lower leg remains straight (slight bending at the knee is allowed), the toe is pointed towards you, the foot is turned parallel to the floor. Lift your lower leg off the floor and keep it suspended throughout the exercise. Raise your lower leg along the bent upper leg for two counts, and lower it down for two counts. Never touch the floor when lowering your leg. It's best to do at least 8-12 lifts until you're tired, and then switch legs. In the following approaches, you can change the count: three counts up - one down and vice versa, one up - three down. We recommend doing 2-4 approaches in total. It is best to complete the exercise with a small “press”: a series of lifts (8-16 times) in the upper position with a small amplitude.

In order to increase the load, you can add a special weight to the lower leg as a weight. But we assure you that even working with your own weight is unlikely to seem very easy to you. You can always brighten up some of the monotony of the exercise by turning on some good, upbeat music.

Besides this exercise, there are many other exercises to get your inner thighs in shape. For example, you can perform a more complex exercise, which involves lifting your leg through a certain height, using a special simulator. You can also perform exercises using elastic bands or dumbbells, which will help increase the load on the adductor muscles of the legs.

It is important to remember that to achieve the desired results, you must regularly engage in physical exercise, including the adductor muscles of the legs. It is recommended to train at least two to three times a week, with a gradual increase in intensity and volume of loads.

In addition, do not forget about stretching after training, which will help avoid muscle injuries and pain. To stretch the adductor muscles of the legs, you can use various exercises, for example, placing your legs in a “lotus” or bending your torso forward while keeping your legs together.

In conclusion, getting your inner thighs in great shape can be achieved through regular exercise and the use of effective exercises such as side lying leg raises. Don't forget also about stretching and proper preparation for training. Become the master of your adductor leg muscles and enjoy beautiful and slender legs!