Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman’s life when new life develops in her body. Determining pregnancy in the early stages can be difficult because the woman may not have obvious symptoms or signs of the disease. However, there are some signs that may indicate pregnancy.

Signs of pregnancy can be divided into doubtful, probable and reliable. Questionable signs include the following:

  1. Changes in appetite: A woman may experience a perversion of appetite. She may have an aversion to certain foods that she previously loved, or she may develop a craving for new foods or unusual flavor combinations. Women also often experience morning sickness.

  2. Sensitivity to odors: Women may develop an aversion to certain odors that were not previously objectionable. They may become especially sensitive to food, perfume, tobacco smoke, and other odors.

  3. Emotional changes: Pregnancy can cause emotional fluctuations in a woman. She may be inappropriately cheerful or irritable, change her mood frequently, and feel tired or sleepy.

  4. Pigment changes: A woman may develop pigment spots on her face, as well as darkening of the nipples and areola. A line may also appear on the abdomen from the navel to the groin.

Possible signs of pregnancy include:

  1. Missed period: If a woman does not get her period at the expected time, it may be a sign of pregnancy. However, a missed period can also be caused by other factors, so additional tests must be performed to accurately determine pregnancy.

  2. More sensitive breasts: A woman may experience soreness and an increase in breast size. When the nipples are squeezed, colostrum, a sticky, thick liquid, can be released.

  3. Changes in internal organs: When examined by a gynecologist, you can detect changes in the vagina and cervix, which become cyanotic. The uterus itself can also change its size, shape and consistency.

  4. Positive pregnancy test results: There are various pregnancy tests that can be purchased at the pharmacy. A positive test result may indicate pregnancy.

Reliable signs of pregnancy include:

  1. It is important to note that signs of pregnancy may vary between women, and may be more pronounced for some than others. If you suspect you are pregnant, it is recommended that you consult a doctor or take a pregnancy test for a more accurate diagnosis.