Boric acid mash

Nature does not always provide a person with perfectly clean skin without blemishes and acne. You have to independently achieve the desired result using any available means and methods. And not only specialized cosmetics and salon procedures help with this.

In the fight to get rid of acne, a chat with chloramphenicol - a proven and affordable remedy - can be an excellent assistant.

Properties of chloramphenicol in the mash

Levomycetin is an antibiotic whose active ingredient is chloramphenicol. It is he who kills microorganisms that provoke acne and prevents their reproduction.

The drug with chloramphenicol will disinfect and cleanse the skin of keratinized scales, relieve inflammation in the hair follicles and glands, secreting sebum. This contributes to the disappearance of acne on the skin.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of such talkers include the following factors:

  1. the cost of the product (will be several times lower than for ready-made pharmaceutical preparations);
  2. ease of use;
  3. You only need to treat the skin once a day;
  4. quick effect.

Champagne with chloramphenicol will help you get rid of acne in a short time

There are also disadvantages:

  1. not sold ready-made, you either need to prepare it yourself or order it from a pharmacy;
  2. It is effective only in cases with minor rashes;
  3. During treatment, the skin may dry out and peel;
  4. during the treatment period, you cannot use decorative cosmetics, including foundation (it is better to replace it with baby nourishing cream);
  5. the remedy is powerless in the fight against internal acne.

How to use it correctly

The procedure for using the mash on problem areas of the skin is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to wash off your makeup.
  2. To prevent the skin from drying out so much after the procedure, you should wash your face using tar soap or any other product that contains milk protein.
  3. Then take a bottle of mash and shake it well so that the particles that have settled to the bottom rise up.
  4. Then you need to saturate the cotton pad and wipe the necessary areas well with rubbing movements. It is better to apply the solution pointwise, only to acne-affected areas, avoiding the area around the eyes.

The mash should be applied pointwise

After treatment, after 5 minutes, be sure to apply a nourishing face cream, you can use a baby cream.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure before bedtime, since after talking the skin becomes susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

How to enhance the effect

Talkers can be used as an independent remedy, but greater effect can be achieved if you approach the issue comprehensively. In addition to applying the mash, you need to reconsider your diet, eliminate fatty, salty and sweet foods, alcohol and tobacco.

It is important to choose an antibiotic that will be active against exactly the microorganisms that caused acne. To choose the appropriate option for facial care, you should first visit a cosmetologist. A skin scraping may be prescribed to determine pathogenic microflora.

How to cook at home

If you need to prepare a mash with chloramphenicol for acne at home, you need to know some features:

  1. First, the liquid components are combined separately, and then the dry ones. Only after this they connect everything together;
  2. It is best to use a mortar to crush tablets. If you don’t have it, you can take a thick sheet of paper, bend it in half and put a tablet between the halves. Then, using a rolling pin, you need to roll it over the sheet, pressing well;
  3. when preparing the product for the first time, it is better to slightly reduce the amount of drugs indicated in the recipe;
  4. The finished mash is poured into a bottle with dark glass. If this is not found, you can store it in a bottle that allows light to pass through, but tightly wrapped in paper. The mixture is kept in the refrigerator for no more than 1 month.

How to prepare an antibiotic solution

To get rid of purulent and phlegmonous pimples, you will need a broad-spectrum antibiotic, this can be Urotropin, Dimexide, Dioxidin, Trichopolum. They reliably cope with different types of fungus and bacteria, and provide quick help in relieving swelling and redness. They also suppress the work of the sebaceous glands and relieve pain.

Recipe 1:

  1. Levomycetin (5 g);
  2. Powdered urotropine (5 g);
  3. Zinc oxide (3 g);
  4. Boric acid 3% (100 ml);
  5. Ethyl alcohol 90% (50 ml).

Recipe 2:

  1. Dimexide (5 ml);
  2. Metronidazole (3 t.);
  3. Salicylic alcohol 2% (80 ml);
  4. Dioxidine solution 1% (10 ampoules);
  5. Chilled boiled water (20 ml).

With salicylic acid

This mash is popular among people suffering from skin problems as it effectively treats acne. Salicylic acid acts as an antiseptic, soothes inflamed skin and cleanses it of scales and crusts.


  1. Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml);
  2. Erythromycin (4 g);
  3. Boric acid 2% (50 ml);
  4. Zinc oxide (4 g).

With boric acid

This solution can be used as a lotion. It is suitable for oily skin types. Fights teenage acne. Boric acid will disinfect and clean pores clogged with sebum. The effect of this talker lasts for a long time.

Recipe 1:

  1. Boric acid solution (25 ml);
  2. Levomycetin tablets (3 pcs.);
  3. Chilled boiled water (25 ml).

Recipe 2:

  1. Boric acid solution (50 ml);
  2. Ethyl alcohol 90% (50 ml);
  3. Salicylic acid 2% (5 g);
  4. Levomycetin tablets (2 pcs.).

With camphor alcohol

A powerful mash that will heal the skin even from purulent boils. This effect is achieved by camphor alcohol, which has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Promotes the resorption of stagnant spots after acne. The first results appear within 3-4 days.


  1. Camphor alcohol 2% (60 ml);
  2. Salicylic alcohol (60 ml);
  3. Boric alcohol (30 ml).

With calendula tincture

This product will have an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanse and disinfect the skin of the face. Thanks to the regenerating properties of calendula, cells are quickly renewed, which is why recovery occurs faster.

Recipe 1:

  1. Alcohol tincture of calendula (50 ml);
  2. Camphor alcohol 2% (5 ml);
  3. Ammonia 90% (5 ml).

Recipe 2:

  1. Alcohol tincture of calendula (50 ml);
  2. Aspirin tablets (5 pcs.);
  3. Levomycetin tablets (5 pcs.).

If you need to treat the skin of your face completely, rather than spot-on, then it is better to dilute the calendula infusion in half with chilled boiled water. In this case, it will be possible to avoid drying out the skin.

With streptocide

An anti-acne solution with chloramphenicol and streptocide produces a strong antimicrobial effect. Has drying properties. Used to treat acne and minor rashes.


  1. Streptocide tablets (10 t.);
  2. Levomycetin tablets (5 t.);
  3. Camphor alcohol 2% (80 ml);
  4. Salicylic alcohol (30 ml).

With sulfur

Sulfur prevents microbes from multiplying and helps get rid of extensive inflammatory processes. Using such a talker, demodicosis, pustular rashes, and red pimples are treated. Sulfur also activates the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic and firm.

This element participates in the body’s metabolic processes, strengthening the functioning of the nervous and digestive systems. Disorder of these mechanisms in the body often provokes the appearance of acne on the skin of the face.


  1. Salicylic acid 2% (50 ml);
  2. Sulfur (7 g);
  3. Streptocide tablets (7 g);
  4. Boric alcohol (50 ml).

With Metronidazole

This medicine is an antibiotic and has antimicrobial and antibacterial effects. Quickly relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of scars. Metronidozole most effectively fights acne caused by hormonal imbalances, problems with the gastrointestinal tract or caused by subcutaneous mites, as well as rosacea.

Recipe 1:

  1. Salicylic alcohol (50 ml);
  2. Levomycetin tablets (4 t.);
  3. Metronidazole tablets (4 t.).

Recipe 2:

  1. Ethyl alcohol 90% (100 ml);
  2. Metronidazole tablets (6 t.);
  3. Streptocide tablets (6 t.);
  4. Mumiyo tablets (6 t.).

With activated carbon

Using an acne mash with activated charcoal and chloramphenicol will help cope with inflamed areas of the skin and cure acne, as it is able to deeply cleanse the pores and prevent their subsequent clogging. Activated carbon normalizes sebum secretion, evens out unevenness and roughness on the skin and eliminates small wrinkles.


  1. Alcohol tincture of calendula (70 ml);
  2. Activated carbon tablets (5 pcs.);
  3. Levomycetin tablets (3 pcs.);
  4. Aspirin tablets (3 pcs.).

Properties of additional components

Ethanol Tightens pores, dries out acne, cleanses skin, kills harmful bacteria
Zinc oxide Normalizes sebum production, has regenerating and antibacterial properties. Makes skin more elastic
Erythromycin Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance
Salicylic alcohol Antiseptic. Disinfects the skin, relieves inflammation, dries
Boric alcohol An antiseptic with antibacterial and disinfectant effects. Reduces sebum production
Aspirin Reduces inflammation, cleanses the skin. Fights acne, tightens pores
Mumiyo Relieves inflammation, dries, has an antiseptic and wound-healing effect


Acne talkers with chloramphenicol and other components have contraindications:

  1. allergic reaction to elements of the drug;
  2. pregnancy, especially the first trimester;
  3. lactation;
  4. the presence of problems with the liver and hematopoiesis;
  5. skin problems that are not associated with acne;
  6. age up to 12 years.

Treatment should be interrupted if the following symptoms are observed:

Before using an acne talker with chloramphenicol, you should consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist. They will help you decide on a specific prescription and course of treatment. It is important to remember that uncontrolled use of antibiotics can be harmful to health.

Video about acne mash with levomecithin

How to prepare mash with chloramphenicol, streptocide, salicylic and boric acid:

Chatter with chloramphenicol and camphor alcohol, preparation details:

I've been using a talker for a long time. I prepare it as follows: I pour a sachet of streptocyte into a bottle of an alcohol solution of chloramphenicol 1% (this is 2 grams, sold in ready-made small bags at the pharmacy), and top it up almost to the brim with calendula tincture. All the pimples on my face have disappeared and no new ones are appearing.

Creams, ointments, lotions, various types of soaps, oils - when in the struggle for perfect skin we have tried everything that the beauty industry offers, time-tested recipes come to the rescue. An effective acne remedy should be inexpensive but effective. Teenage acne, traces of hormonal imbalance, allergies, blackheads - the acne talker will cope with any problem with a bang. This suspension for external use must be thoroughly shaken before use to mix the components. This is an invaluable product at a fraction of the cost!

Does chatter help with acne?

Drugs claiming to be effective treatments for acne appear on the market almost every day. The demand for such products is consistently high: the skin responds with pimples or acne to an extra piece of cake or spicy chicken, stress, or a hormonal surge. This problem concerns not only women, but also men. The best acne treatments cost a lot of money, do not work immediately, and sometimes do not help at all. That’s when chatterbox comes to mind - a solution that our mothers and grandmothers used with constant success.

There are compelling arguments why acne talkers really work:

  1. These products are essentially medicines; they contain only pharmaceutical drugs, and often these are very cheap and accessible components.
  2. Unlike universal remedies, acne talkers come in different types, differ from each other in composition, and are prescribed by specialists for specific indications.

Advanced acne is unlikely to be cured by a dab alone: ​​it requires an integrated approach. You will have to go on a strict diet and correct problems with the health of your internal organs. In other, less severe situations, a homemade medicine can easily cope with the problem. Indications for its use are wide: acne, allergies, teenage acne. It can even cure shingles! As an effective remedy for acne and single pimples, chatterbox has proven itself to be excellent.

What is included in the mash

The basis of acne mash in its various recipes is boric or salicylic acid, medicinal or camphor alcohol. These liquids dissolve tiny doses of medications, all of which have proven effective treatments for acne. All substances that make up chatterboxes are divided into three large groups: antibiotics, antiseptics and antibacterial agents.

An antibiotic alcohol solution is perhaps the most popular home remedy for acne. The active ingredients are erythromycin, chloramphenicol, streptocide, baneocin - tablets or powder. These substances suppress or stop the growth of bacteria, destroy them, and cope with skin infections. The only thing that experts warn about is that bacteria quickly get used to antibiotics and adapt to them. For this reason, mash bottles containing these drugs are best used on special occasions.

Antiseptics are designed to prevent tissue decomposition, cope with putrefactive processes on the surface and in the inner layers of the skin, and dry wounds. An anti-acne solution of this type may include one or more drugs; it may also contain antibacterial substances. Zinc, sulfur, boric and salicylic acids, zindole - these are the main active components of talkers of this type.

The substances included in such drugs prevent the growth of microorganisms. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid), Trichopolum, and Metrogyl are often found in recipes for chatterboxes. Such drugs, as the abstract says, successfully cope with bacteria and suppress pathogenic flora. Most of them, unlike antibiotics, do their job perfectly without causing an addictive effect.

How to cook at home

Anti-acne powder is often ordered from the production departments of pharmacies - there is less hassle. But first, get a prescription from a dermatologist. The second way is to cook it yourself. The answer to the question of how to make a pimple for acne is not so complicated. By making the drug yourself, you can save a little: the total cost of drugs purchased separately will be lower than the price of a pharmacy drug. All components of chatterboxes are available and can be found in every second pharmacy. How to prepare such a product with certain components, see below.

  1. Mix 125 g of zinc oxide powder (zindol), 12.5 g of talc and 12.5 g of starch.
  2. Pour the dry ingredients of the mash into a bottle, pour in 20 g of glycerin, 20 g of medical alcohol with a strength of 70% and 100 g of distilled water.
  3. Shake the bottle well to mix the contents.
  4. Zinc oxide is insoluble in water, so be prepared for the powder to form a thin layer on the skin. This will not affect the medicinal properties of the chatterbox in any way.

  1. Thoroughly grind 4 tablets of trichopolum (if you can buy the powder, keep in mind that you will need 1000 mg of it), pour it into the bottle.
  2. Pour 250 ml of ethyl alcohol on top and mix the ingredients.
  3. This mash should first be infused for 3 days in a dry, dark place. Only after this will it be ready for use.

With boric acid

  1. This mash contains 4 components. Mix 4 g of erythromycin and zinc oxide, pour 50 ml of boric and salicylic acids each with a strength of 2% into the same container.
  2. Shake the contents of the bottle carefully and quickly.
  3. After a few hours, the product will be ready.
  4. Boric acid is distinguished by its ability to bring internal inflammation to the surface of the skin, so in the first days of using the mash, be prepared for an exacerbation of acne. Be patient: after a short time the situation will improve.

With calendula tincture

  1. Only three components - chloramphenicol, aspirin and calendula tincture - are part of this mash.
  2. You will need 3 tablets of aspirin and chloramphenicol. Pour the preparations, ground to a powder, into 40 ml of calendula tincture, shake the contents of the bottle.
  3. The peculiarity of this talker is that it is recommended to apply it pointwise, only to areas of inflammation. Other, less aggressive agents can be used as a tonic.

With sulfur and streptocide

  1. For this recipe you will need boric and salicylic acids with a strength of 2%, 50 ml each, and sulfur and streptocide - 7 g each.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients, then pour them with acid solutions.
  3. This mash is effective, but it must be used with great caution: applied to clean, acne-free skin, it is quite capable of causing a chemical burn.

With chloramphenicol and salicylic acid

  1. For 5 g of chloramphenicol crushed into powder, you will need 50 ml of boric and salicylic acids with a strength of 2% and the same amount of medical alcohol.
  2. All components of the mash must be thoroughly mixed. The product is ready immediately after the complete dissolution of chloramphenicol.
  3. This powder is a potent antibiotic, so doctors do not recommend using this powder all the time.

How to use it correctly

The method of using almost all talkers, regardless of their composition, is the same. Experts recommend using the product once a day, in the evening before bed. The duration of the course is no more than 2 months: then the skin will get used to the active ingredients of the mash, and the effect of its use will be reduced to zero. After a few weeks, resume using the chatterbox. The procedure itself is simple and only takes a few minutes:

  1. Gently wash your face, clearing it of any dust, dirt, makeup residue, and sebum that has accumulated during the day. It is better to prefer ordinary tar soap to expensive gels and foams for washing - it will dry out inflammation without depriving the skin itself of moisture. It is not recommended to use aggressive scrubs and peels during periods of acne exacerbation and the appearance of purulent pimples.
  2. Shake the bottle with chatter vigorously several times, soak a cotton swab generously in the liquid and apply it to problem areas of the skin. If acne has affected all areas, wipe the entire face. Make sure that the cotton wool is not just wet, but literally soaked in mash. On the most affected areas, do not limit yourself to wiping, but use your fingertips to drive the drug into the skin.
  3. Acids and alcohol have a degreasing property; the dermis can respond to them by producing excess sebum. To avoid drying out your face, apply a light moisturizer 30–40 minutes after the procedure.

Find out which acne treatment is most effective.

Contraindications for use

The wonderful effect of using talkers is not available to everyone. There are few contraindications, but it is important to know them. Chatterboxes are absolutely prohibited during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and for children under 12 years of age - some components cause an allergic reaction. Lovers of bright makeup will have to temporarily push their cosmetic bag into the back drawer, and those who cannot imagine life without an even tan all year round will have to go to the tenth expensive solarium. Sudden changes in temperature are dangerous for acne-affected skin - wrap your face with a scarf in winter, and spend less time in the open sun in summer.

How much does a pharmacy acne talker cost?

Even if you give up the idea of ​​​​making mash with your own hands and buy a ready-made pharmaceutical drug, treating acne at home with this product will cost several times less than expensive, newfangled medicinal cosmetics. You can order the product of any composition in pharmacies with a functioning prescription department. There are more than 80 of them in Moscow. The cost of the finished drug depends on the price of each of the components and the required volume, so it is better to clarify it on the spot. The table below will serve as a guide.

Anti-pimple and acne powder is an effective and inexpensive remedy for rashes and acne, which fights skin imperfections with the help of active chemicals:

  1. sulfur;
  2. alcohol;
  3. zinc;
  4. salicylic acid;
  5. menthol;

The mash is used as a tonic and dries out pimples and comedones. The active substances in the mash disinfect the areas affected by acne, preventing them from spreading throughout the skin, and also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of sebum.

Most often, chatterboxes include:

  1. Medical alcohol (ethanol) – has an antiseptic effect. Kills germs on infected skin areas and creates a protective film.
  2. Boric acid (boric alcohol) – deeply cleanses the skin, disinfecting pores and “burning out” their contents: pus, dirt and fatty lumps.
  3. Menthol – a component that is easily soluble in alcohols. Soothes the skin after aggressive exposure to acids, promotes blood flow, due to which wounds heal faster. Relieves inflammation and disinfects areas of redness.
  4. Salicylic acid – dries out pimples and promotes the healing of spots that remain when they are squeezed out. Blocks the spread of bacteria inside the pores and disinfects them. The main advantage of this component is the dissolution and discoloration of blackheads, which are very difficult to remove.
  5. Zinc – stimulates regeneration processes and evens out skin tone. Regulates the production of sebum, preventing the further appearance of acne and comedones.
  6. Sulfuric acid softens the skin and dissolves the contents of comedones. Removes dead cells and promotes skin regeneration.
  7. Levomycetin – dries, removes stains and disinfects the skin.

Recipes from dermatologists

  1. Shredder with salicylic acid. Mix all ingredients and pour into a bottle for storage. Ingredients:
  2. salicylic acid 2 percent (1 bottle);
  3. boric acid (1 bottle);
  4. streptocide – 7 grams;
  5. precipitated sulfur – 7 grams;
  6. Another recipe for salicylic mash.
  7. Salicylic acid – 30 ml.
  8. Camphor alcohol – 80 ml.
  9. Streptocide – 10 tablets.
  10. Levomycetin – 4 tablets. The tablets must be crushed into powder using a small mortar, dadd liquid ingredients and stir thoroughly:
  11. A mash with chloramphenicol and aspirin, dries out pimples and reduces inflammation:
  12. chloramphenicol – 2 tablets;
  13. sulfur – 2.5 g;
  14. 50 ml each of boric acid and ethyl alcohol;
  15. A shake with erythromycin and zinc helps get rid of pimples that occur due to hormonal changes and stress:
  16. 4 g zinc oxide;
  17. 4 g erythromycin;
  18. 50 ml each of boric acid and salicylic alcohol;
  19. Calendula mash:
  20. Levomycytin – 8 tablets.
  21. Aspirin – 8 tablets.
  22. One bottle of calendula tincture. Crush the tablets into a fine powder, pour it into a bottle with alcohol tincture of calendula. Shake. Calendula effectively fights pimples and dries out infected areas.
  23. Chatter with trichopolum, dries out pimples and relieves inflammation:
  24. 1 bottle of salicylic alcohol;
  25. 2 tablets of chloramphenicol;
  26. 2 tablets of trichopolum;
  27. A shake with clindamycin prevents the proliferation of bacteria in the sebaceous glands, reduces inflammation and dries out acne wounds:
  28. aspirin – 4 tablets;
  29. clindamycin – 4 tablets;
  30. boric alcohol and ethyl alcohol - 50 ml each;

In what cases is it used?

The chatterbox is used to combat pimples and comedones, as well as to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The mash should only be used on oily and combination skin - dry or normal skin will suffer greatly from the drying effect of the mash. This is fraught with the appearance of pimples, peeling of the skin and severe irritation.

Indications for use of lotion:

  1. Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands.
  2. Clogging of pores with dirt and subcutaneous fat.
  3. Black spots on the nose, chin and cheeks,
  4. Pimples.
  5. Purulent comedones.
  6. Oily skin on the face or T zone.
  7. The presence of wounds and dark spots from squeezing out pimples and blackheads.

The talkers are effective and work for minor skin problems.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other medicinal drug, talkers have a number of advantages and disadvantages.

Let's consider the most significant of them.


  1. Efficiency and high results from use.
  2. Possibility of cooking lotion at home.
  3. Availability of all components and their low price - you can buy everything you need at your nearest pharmacy.
  4. Nice price – preparing mash will cost only 100 rubles.
  5. No dyes, preservatives and other harmful substances.
  6. Ease of use.
  7. Chatterboxes - This is a proven method for eliminating acne and comedones over the years.

Disadvantages of acne talker:

  1. High risk dry out the skin and cause other unpleasant defects: burning, itching, peeling and irritation.
  2. Low shelf life.
  3. Aggressive impact on the skin;.
  4. The talker cannot be usedoften and constantly.
  5. Addictive, therefore not suitable for long-term use.
  6. Antibiotics, which are part of the talkers, with prolonged use destroy the protective functions of the skin and impair the functioning of the body's immune system.
  7. The chatterbox may have a persistent unpleasant odor and cause bitterness in the mouth and lips.

Preparation and storage rules

  1. The main condition for high-quality preparation of mash – maintaining the proportions of active substances in the composition. This will ensure the effectiveness and safety of the drug. In this case, the rule “the more the better” does not work, but only harms.
  2. It is also very important to grind all the dry ingredients into a fine powder. This will help the components dissolve quickly and ensure a uniform texture of the liquid: large particles of tablets can damage and scratch the skin.
  3. Before cooking, containers, tools and your hands must be absolutely clean. To avoid drying out your hand skin, wear rubber gloves.
  4. It is best to store mash in a transparent glass bottle., tightly closed with a cap. Under no circumstances should the container be kept in direct sunlight. It is best to choose a dark, cool place - a closet or refrigerator.
  5. Before using the chatterbox, the bottle should be shaken thoroughly to lift the sediment from the bottom.

Secrets of proper use

  1. Use chatterbox should be no more than once a day: morning or evening. The optimal time for this is before bed.
  2. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed from dirt and excess fat. Gels, foams for washing or tar soap are suitable for this.
  3. Apply mash stand with light massage movements, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  4. After that, you need to apply a moisturizer that suits your skin type.

Here is a list of basic rules and little secrets of using acne talkers that will help you achieve amazing results without harming your skin:

  1. Use chatterbox You need to be careful not to dry out the pores.
  2. If you have dry or normal skin, the drug should be applied directly to the pimple using a cotton swab.
  3. Never rub or stretch the skin – for the penetration of the components, light movements with a cotton pad moistened with talkative are sufficient.
  4. Avoid contact with the product to the mucous membrane.
  5. Try not to spill the product on your hands – It is very difficult to remove bitterness from the surface of the skin.
  6. During treatment You should minimize the amount of decorative cosmetics on your face so as not to clog your pores.

The effect of the chatterbox must be supported by comprehensive facial skin care:

  1. Eat properly.
  2. Drink up to 2 liters of water in a day.
  3. Take vitamin complexes.
  4. Clean thoroughly and moisturize your skin morning and evening.