Painful pimple on forehead

I'm a unicorn :D:D
In general, a subcutaneous pimple periodically appears on the forehead. and lasts a week, or even more. Right clearly in the middle of the forehead.
And so he came out again. Yesterday. Now it's about the size of a pea. About 7 millimeters in diameter
It’s disgusting and you can’t cover it up on your forehead with anything)
I used to just wear a hat, but now somehow you don’t look like wearing a hat anymore)..
In short, what am I talking about?
How to get rid of that shit? Potatoes and aloe didn’t help me much last time (
I don't want to go with him for another week
Help me with advice on how to remove it better and faster.
Is it really possible to get rid of it before Monday? I have an important meeting, I wouldn’t want to be there looking like this (
And so scary, and then there’s a bump on the forehead experts

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Juran Marina Vladimirovna

Psychologist, Family child psychologist. Specialist from the site

Vera Vladimirovna Zolotykh

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Krasnoborova Varvara Sergeevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Grib Lyudmila Nikolaevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Spiridonova Nadezhda Viktorovna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Nevzorova Sofya Igorevna

Psychologist. Specialist from the site

Svetlana Mikhailovna Belova

Psychologist, Children's psychologist Occupational therapist. Specialist from the site

Ekaterina Alekseevna Vasyukhina

Psychologist, Crisis counseling. Specialist from the site

Apremova Eva Alexandrovna

Psychologist, Consultant. Specialist from the site

Muratova Elina

Psychologist, Help comes from within. Specialist from the site

You go to a cosmetologist, pay pennies. I think no more than 100 rubles and they will electrocute it for you. It will fall in size, all that remains is to cover up an even spot

You go to a cosmetologist, pay pennies. I think no more than 100 rubles and they will electrocute it for you. It will fall in size, all that remains is to cover up an even spot

There is no way to get rid of the subcutaneous. I can only advise that while you are sitting at home, apply syntomycin ointment, there is no need to stick it with a band-aid, just take the ointment and, without rubbing it thickly, put it on the pimple and walk like this for an hour or more. Then gently wipe it with a dry cotton pad, do not press or touch it constantly. Of course, nothing will disappear immediately, but it will be less noticeable and will pass faster.

Don't do anything now. When the pimple blows away, you just need to squeeze it out and burn it with something. That's why it gets inflamed from time to time, because there's a core there, and it needs a way out.

I had something similar (a subcutaneous tubercle that became inflamed, went away and appeared again in the same place), the surgeon said that it was atheroma and needed to be cut out. I was worried about the possibility of a scar and did not return to the doctor. I smeared it with “Green Elephant” and everything went away; it hasn’t popped up since winter.

Author, if this problem occurs to you regularly, I would get bangs if I were you.

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Author, if this problem occurs to you regularly, I would get bangs if I were you.

Don't do anything now. When the pimple blows away, you just need to squeeze it out and burn it with something. That's why it gets inflamed from time to time, because there's a core there, and it needs a way out.

The Guardian balm removes inflammation very well; it contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing natural ingredients. It is enough to apply the balm to the inflammation and let it absorb, and after a few hours the redness will noticeably go away. swelling, everything gradually resolves. You can apply it under a patch at night.

1. Bangs.
2 Remove the rod.
There are false bangs - you fasten them and there are no problems.
In the meantime, deal with the pimple. First you need to steam it properly, wait until it “ripens”, then carefully get rid of the rod. There will be a hole, since it is so big)) But then everything will pass. Something like this happened to me once on my chin. I was quickly able to heal with a mixture of streptocide plus aspirin plus antihistamine tablets. I just crushed the tablets, mixed them, applied a drop of water and the pulp directly onto the wound. Three times a day. There wasn't even a trace left!
But go to the meeting with bangs! It is unlikely that we will be able to get rid of the unicorn problem before Monday))

The Guardian balm removes inflammation very well; it contains antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and healing natural ingredients. It is enough to apply the balm to the inflammation and let it absorb, and after a few hours the redness will noticeably go away. swelling, everything gradually resolves. You can apply it under a patch at night.

5 years ago a pimple appeared on my forehead, I tried to squeeze it out, but I couldn’t, it began to grow, now it’s the size of a pea, hard, red, and the skin is cracking, what should I do? Isn't this cancer?

I’m sharing my bitter experience of subcutaneous acne on the forehead.

I’m sharing my bitter experience of subcutaneous acne on the forehead. I had acne since I was 12 years old, it seemed like teenage acne, it would soon go away. no, no miracle happened. there were improvements, because I smeared all sorts of garbage like zenerite, etc. later, when they started bothering me at the age of 20-23, I began to look for the reason not externally, but internally. It turned out that the body needs cleansing and this whole horror that is on the forehead is the answer to a non-functioning stomach, dirty blood, liver. I started cleaning my body. I tried a lot of things. but the most banal thing helped me! Sorry for the big backstory. KEFIR. I myself feel that my intestines are not in order. but she didn’t give any importance to it. I smeared everything, smeared myself on the outside. no effect. just tears and eternal depression. I dreamed of finding all the deliverance. and by the way, I drank herbs and went to homeopaths. I also drank the “cleansing” jelly, I think it also had an effect. In general, the main advice is: cleanse your body, acne will go away immediately. EAT RIGHT. I've been doing this for a long time. no ALCOHOL. even a drop into the body and it’s all acne again! no preservatives, additives, crap in general. and then just a week and the terrible ACHES will go away! I always dreamed of getting rid of acne and writing on forums and helping those who have the same problem. I hope this helps you! and also! sports, at least basic running and exercise are also necessary! (I drink bio balance 1% kefir, it has the least nasty taste of all) Phew, that seems to be it! Be healthy.

Hello everyone. I periodically get subcutaneous pimples. Always on the forehead. But sometimes on the chin. To be honest, I’m just tired of it. I took tests for hormones, found small problems, but I’m regulating them now. But these pimples still pop up. It happens there is a lull for several months, but then it starts again. And you can’t squeeze them out. I’ll share my experience. Which helped me the fastest. If you have a subcutaneous pimple, here's what to do:
1.dilute MANganese and apply a tampon moistened with it on the pimple for about five minutes.
2.immediately after this, apply cosmetic CLAY. Walk like this for about 15 minutes
3.after that I apply BAZIRON.
4. and after 20 minutes, use SAVIOR ointment.
then after two hours I follow the same pattern. and so on at least 4 TIMES A DAY. This is mandatory.
At night, be sure to apply RESCUER ointment in a thick layer. I applied Vishnevsky several times, but in the morning there was no result. so it’s better to be a lifeguard. He always helps me.
and if suddenly you tried to squeeze it out and it swelled even more, or if the pimple itself formed swelling around itself, then at night you make a weak mesh of IODINE. let it dry for about 5 minutes, and the pimple itself is again a RESCUER. and go to bed. It should be much better in the morning.
and in general it’s better not to squeeze it. I’ve already studied the nature of these pimples. And I realized that there’s no point in squeezing them, especially at the beginning.

Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol
You apply it at night, apply a disc or compress, and in the morning it should go away or come out. if it doesn’t help, the second, third, etc.

Hello everyone, a pimple popped up on my forehead, at the beginning it was small, over time it began to grow and harden for about 3 weeks, I’ve had it for about 3 weeks, I apply aloe vera and Vishnevsky ointment in the morning the swelling subsides a little, but then it returns to how it was before, there is no lesion to squeeze out as tell me to get rid of it

I’m sharing my bitter experience of subcutaneous acne on the forehead.

Hello! I’ve been struggling with this problem for quite a long time, but I’m a guy and such pimples don’t bring me many problems, once I tried to squeeze out a small pimple on my forehead, I couldn’t do it, but it swelled up to size in just a couple of minutes. It’s even difficult to compare, for those who know what a “manta ray” looks like, when you wet it it will be clear...) in general, it swollen on half of my forehead, it was in the evening, and by morning the swelling had certainly gone away, but a large red, watery pimple remained, which you can squeeze it was impossible because he was sitting deeper than usual, I’m not a doctor, but it wasn’t difficult to conclude that I had contracted some kind of infection... I decided to give up on it and wait for it to go away on its own. So three weeks passed, and it didn’t even decrease in size, on the contrary, it even got bigger, then I took a needle from a syringe and pierced it. pus began to flow out after the needle went through several layers of skin, really very deep, there was a lot of pus, but nothing remained from the pimple except redness and slight swelling, then I pressed on the pimple with a little force and a little more came out, I even felt inside, it was as if small bubbles burst with this nasty thing that came out, saving a couple of days from the pimple there was not a trace left. Such pimples occur to me quite often, but after waiting until they stop hurting and mature well, I simply pierce them with a needle, sometimes I have to prick them again every other day, but they go away much faster, in general it’s probably worth seeing a doctor, since puncturing such pimples is dangerous, and a scar may still remain if you suddenly puncture it carelessly or break the puncture when squeezing it out. So it’s better to run to the doctor, since there’s no ointments won’t help you here, much less aloe or potatoes)

A subcutaneous pimple on the forehead is a very unpleasant and painful neoplasm that is formed due to clogging of pores with subcutaneous fat. It may look like a small bump filled with purulent contents, or a large lump bordered by a red halo.

No matter how such a rash looks, it needs to be gotten rid of, since pus or other pathological contents of the pimple can spread further to healthy areas of the face and body. But before you begin treatment, you must accurately determine all the reasons for the formation of subcutaneous acne on the forehead. That is why they need to be considered first.

Subcutaneous rash in the forehead: causes and factors

The causes of subcutaneous acne on the forehead are often:

  1. hormonal imbalances;
  2. changes in immune status;
  3. dermatological diseases;
  4. dysfunction of the sebaceous glands associated with mechanical stress;
  5. stomach diseases;
  6. liver dysfunction;
  7. improper skin care, or its complete absence;
  8. use of low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  9. abuse of junk food;
  10. frequent skin contact with synthetic materials;
  11. excessive intensity of sweat glands;
  12. naturally oily epidermis;
  13. genetic factor;
  14. demodicosis

Internal acne on the forehead can vary in size. If the inflammation has just begun, the tubercle will be red. If it is already “ripe,” then a core with purulent contents may form inside it.

A subcutaneous pimple on the forehead like a lump is a mature acne that under no circumstances should be squeezed out. By doing this you will only harm yourself, and it is quite possible that you will have to deal with more serious problems.

Treatment methods for internal acne in the forehead area

Having learned the cause of the anomaly, you need to immediately think about how to get rid of subcutaneous acne on the forehead. To choose the right and effective course of treatment, you must first consult a dermatologist. If the situation is not very advanced, then acne on the forehead can be removed using certain cosmetic procedures from the list below.

  1. Applying special masks to problem areas. In this case, painful pimples on the forehead will disappear in about 2-3 weeks.
  2. Facial skin peeling.
  3. Cleaning the epidermis of the forehead.
  4. Laser coagulation. Using a laser beam, you can quickly remove an internal pimple on the forehead without harming healthy areas of the skin.
  5. Surgical opening of the abscess and its further cleaning of pathological contents.
  6. Carrying out mesotherapy. During this procedure, special medications are introduced into the skin to stop the inflammatory process and stimulate cell regeneration.

You can get rid of subcutaneous acne on the forehead using such methods only in a beauty salon. Unfortunately, it is impossible to perform such manipulations at home (except for professional masks, which can be bought at a pharmacy or cosmetics store).

Drug treatment

Inflammation on the forehead can also be cured with the help of medications. The following medications are often used.

  1. Metronidazole. Helps remove subcutaneous pimple on the forehead by providing a bactericidal effect.
  2. Various vitamin complexes.
  3. Antibacterial drugs that are used if small subcutaneous pimples on the forehead do not go away over a long period of time and have already affected a large area of ​​the skin.
  4. In very severe cases of the disease, systemic retinoids (Roaccutane) are prescribed.
  5. Young women of reproductive age are treated with estrogen therapy.

A huge pimple on the forehead like a lump is usually removed using instrumental methods, as well as special physiotherapeutic procedures. Most often used for this purpose:

  1. Treatment with ultraviolet rays. With their help, you can remove a large subcutaneous pimple on the forehead by effectively combating pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. The use of phototherapy helps stimulate tissue regeneration in affected areas of the skin.
  3. The use of magnetic therapy, during which painful acne on the forehead resolves under the influence of special magnetic waves.
  4. Ozone therapy treatment. During the procedure, the patient is injected with special substances that relieve inflammation, swelling and redness. Thus, hard pimples on the forehead can be completely cured in just 1 session. However, this is a rather expensive procedure, so not every patient can afford it.

In addition to all the above treatment methods, home remedies for combating rashes on the forehead and entire face also show excellent results. However, it is important to note that often the maximum effect from their use can be achieved only if the rash appeared not very long ago and is not associated with any serious dysfunction of the internal organs.

Treatment of internal rash on the forehead with traditional methods

If you have bumps on your forehead, as in this photo, then cosmetologists recommend in this case daily washing with infusions of chamomile, sage, as well as decoctions of birch buds and linden blossom. Such procedures should be performed 3-5 times a day. In this case, it is necessary to remember one nuance: the more rash there is on the face, the more concentrated the decoction or infusion should be.

Steam baths are also great for removing a large pimple on the forehead. Boil water, lean slightly over the saucepan and expose the rash-affected areas of your forehead to the steam. Be extremely careful not to burn your face! Wait a quarter of an hour, then apply a scrub to the treated areas, and then a greasy mask.

Small subcutaneous pimples on the forehead can be cured using the following homemade cosmetic recipes.

  1. An excellent cure for all types of skin and subcutaneous rashes is the following lotion. Mix rose water and lemon juice in equal proportions. Apply the product to the epidermis of the forehead with a cotton pad and leave for 10-15 minutes. After this, wash your face with cool water.
  2. Mix 15 ml of melted fresh honey with 6-8 g of crushed rolled oats. Apply to problem areas of the forehead and leave for 20-23 minutes. Rinse off the remaining mask with heated water. Before using this product, make sure that it will not cause a negative reaction in the body, since honey is very allergic.
  3. Prepare an infusion of celandine by pouring 3 g of raw material into 250-300 ml of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 45-50 minutes, then squeeze out the cake and filter the liquid further through thick cloth or gauze. Use the product for lotions, rubbing or applications. The infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

An infusion of wormwood and St. John's wort is prepared and used in a similar way. All of the homemade remedies described above cope well with the problem of subcutaneous rash, especially if it formed no more than 7 days ago. If no procedures help eliminate the problem, then it is better not to experiment with your health, but to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. You may need more serious treatment, after which the acne will disappear on its own.

At any age, a person has problems with the functioning of the sebaceous glands, as a result of which a large pimple appears on the forehead like a lump.

Most often, rashes on the face occur in adolescence, when there is a hormonal imbalance in the body. But no one is immune from this, so it’s worth knowing what to do if a subcutaneous pimple appears on your face.

What is this

Subcutaneous pimples are pus-filled nodules that form under the skin. Simply applying pressure will not get rid of them, but can only make the situation worse.

If the pimple is not treated, it can cause pus to move into the deeper layers of the skin, resulting in an inflammatory process.

Since the rash on the face is especially noticeable and immediately catches the eye of others, you should not delay treatment.


The appearance of acne and rashes on the face tells a person about the improper functioning of internal organs or the immune system in general. First, you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination, since there are many reasons for the appearance of acne.

Main causes of rash:

  1. gastrointestinal problems;
  2. weakened immunity;
  3. dermatological diseases;
  4. damage to the skin on the face, resulting in dysfunction of the sebaceous glands;
  5. hormonal imbalances in the body;
  6. improper skin care;
  7. bad habits;
  8. junk food.

Regardless of the cause of a pimple, they look the same. At the beginning of inflammation, they acquire a red color; when fully ripe, a small purulent core can be seen.

A large subcutaneous pimple on the forehead hurts, what to do?

Many people experience pain when rashes appear on their face. They last the entire process of pimple maturation. The pain is aching and intensifies when touched.

To get rid of the bumps that have appeared, cosmetologists recommend washing your face every day in the morning with infusions of chamomile, sage or decoctions of birch buds.

In this case, the concentration of the solution should be brewed in such a way that the more points on the face, the stronger the concentration should be.

Another good and effective method for treating rashes on the face is steam baths. They help to maximize the pores, after which you need to apply a facial scrub or oily mask.


Large pimples on the forehead usually take a long time to heal. Be it drug treatment or traditional medicine.

Nevertheless, many people try to get rid of acne initially, and after it gets worse, they turn to specialists.

Folk remedies at home

Many who are faced with this problem are interested in the question of how to get rid of acne at home and in the shortest possible time.

Good results in the war against pimples can be achieved with ethnic weapons. The recipes are easy to make and easily available at a cost. And most importantly, they are effective.

Several folk recipes that are very popular:

  1. Mix freshly squeezed lemon juice and potassium permanganate solution in equal parts. The resulting solution must be applied to the most problematic areas of the skin and held for 20-30 minutes. After which, rinse everything off well with cold water. For more than one generation, lemon juice has been considered one of the best remedies in the fight against acne, as it has healing properties.

It is also worth considering that lemon juice can be mixed with other medicinal infusions and freshly squeezed juices.

For example, if you mix lemon juice with water, you can wash your face with this solution every day, and it will not harm your facial skin, but will only saturate it with vitamins and help get rid of annoying rashes.

The results, of course, are not visible immediately, but after a while it will become noticeable that the skin of the face becomes more vibrant, the shade is natural, and the inflammation begins to subside and bother less.

  1. Grind oatmeal in a coffee grinder, approximately 2 tablespoons. Add a small amount of honey and apply to problem areas of the skin. Leave for about fifteen minutes and rinse with hot water.

Oatmeal reduces inflammation and nourishes the skin, and honey has anti-inflammatory properties. This mask can be applied no more than 2 times a week.

  1. The aloe leaf should be cut off and cleaned. Next, wrap it in a bag or paper and put it in the refrigerator. About a week later we take out the preparation and squeeze out the juice. They need to wipe their face in the morning and in the evening.

Aloe juice has bactericidal and disinfecting properties and is very suitable for preparing compresses and solutions for treating problem skin.

How to use acetylsalicylic acid for acne? More details here.

How to get rid of acne overnight

In addition, there are many popular recipes that get rid of pimples literally overnight:

  1. Apply regular toothpaste to problem areas with rashes and leave it for 1 night. The main thing is to choose a paste so that irritation does not occur. It is recommended to wash off the toothpaste in the morning.
  2. Salicylic acid and iodine have a drying and anti-inflammatory effect;
  3. if a person’s epidermis is of normal size or thick, apply lemon or parsley juice at night;
  4. those with dry skin need to apply honey or tea tree oil to moisturize and cleanse it;
  5. Aloe juice and plantain leaves have a disinfecting and relaxing effect. Apply the resulting mixture to problem areas of the skin and leave overnight;
  6. In many countries, turmeric paste has long been used to get rid of acne. To obtain the required mass, you need to dilute dry turmeric powder with water;
  7. An unusual way to get rid of acne is boiled chicken or quail egg white. This protein is left overnight;
  8. There are also ways to combat acne, some of which are clay diluted with a small amount of hot water. Clay prepared in this way must be applied to problem areas of the skin. And in the morning, rinse with water and wipe with an ice cube;
  9. Mix a pinch of sea salt with water and use an applicator to apply to the inflamed area of ​​skin before bed. No need to rinse off.

Anyone will be able to choose a more suitable medicine for acne, thanks to a wide variety of methods, both traditional and traditional medicine.

It is necessary to remember that each person’s body is individual, and what helps one person will not protect others from acne. To avoid the appearance of acne, it is recommended to carry out rash prevention every day.

Video: 10 simple ways to get rid of rashes in 1 day


Knowing a clear root cause makes it much easier to fight it. At the pharmacy and without prior consultation, you can buy various medications that will help cope with the problem of skin rashes.

These include:

These are the resources most often used, advised and prescribed by doctors. They can help if you need to quickly and painlessly undergo a course of drug treatment, but they should only be used strictly following all the doctor’s instructions.

More easily accessible, commercially available and effective means when used together are: salicylic carbonic acid, calendula tincture and tea tree oil. They can be used for spot treatment of pimples and inflammations.

But it is necessary to remember that medicinal substances always have contraindications and before use you need to familiarize yourself with the indications and contraindications.

Often large parenteral pimples appear on the forehead in the form of a bump, which are distinguished by their own soreness.

The following ointments have proven to work well in the treatment and pain relief of acne:

How to use such ointments? It is best to make bandages and compresses from ointments: squeeze a small amount of ointment into a bandage and apply it to the site of inflammation overnight.

Ointments have a unique property. In a short period of time, they are able to relieve pain and suck out pus from the resulting lump.

If after the first time the procedure does not produce results, then it is worth repeating it again.