Treatments against first wrinkles

Did you know that the first wrinkles can appear even in childhood? This is due to a variety of reasons - from an unbalanced diet to diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, it is important to know when the first wrinkles appear and how to get rid of them correctly. There are many modern and folk remedies for this.

When do the first wrinkles appear?

The formation of wrinkles is inevitable for every person, but not everyone develops them at the same age. First of all, it depends on skin type and hereditary factors. For example, with thin skin, the first wrinkles may appear by the age of 20, and with thick skin - much later.

When do the first wrinkles appear:

  1. It also happens that they form at the age of 10, but this does not pose a danger, since wrinkles that appear before the age of 20 are considered facial wrinkles. That is, their etiology is associated with contraction of the facial muscles (most often from frequent intense laughter, grimacing, thoughtfulness, etc.). These wrinkles are even divided into 2 subgroups: wrinkles from worries (horizontal) and concentration (vertical). Their location is considered to be the forehead area. There is also a 3rd subgroup called laughter lines (outer corners of the eyes).
  2. Before the age of 30, longitudinal grooves usually form on the top of the eyelids. The reason is myopia, which forces a person to squint hard.
  3. After 25 years, folds form on the cheeks, in the nasolabial and eyebrow area, and the so-called rictus (sorrow wrinkles) becomes noticeable.

Causes of wrinkles

  1. age-related changes;
  2. excessive dryness and thinness of the skin;
  3. frequent visits to the solarium, exposure to the wind and scorching rays of the sun;
  4. smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, and the sooner a person becomes addicted to bad habits, the faster the first wrinkles appear;
  5. infection and lack of sleep;
  6. increased air humidity and, on the contrary, staying in a dry room (when using electric heating devices);
  7. the habit of making faces, grimacing, etc.;
  8. frequent stress and overwork;
  9. adverse environmental impacts;
  10. nutritional imbalance, consumption of unhealthy foods, vitamin deficiency and lack of nutrients in the body;
  11. use of low-quality cosmetics and expired hygiene products;
  12. sedentary lifestyle;
  13. small amount of fluid consumed per day;
  14. failure to comply with hygiene requirements;
  15. some diseases.

You can see what the first wrinkles look like in the photo.


How to get rid of the first wrinkles (creams, masks, folk remedies)?

If wrinkles appear at an early age, getting rid of them is quite simple. And you can do this in a short time by following some recommendations:

  1. drink at least one and a half liters of water a day;
  2. know how to remain calm in stressful situations;
  3. give your body proper rest and sleep;
  4. when going outside in summer, use creams with UV-protective properties; in winter or in windy weather, use appropriate products (we recommend reading more about proper facial skin care in summer and winter);
  5. moisturize and nourish the skin more often, use creams, tonics, masks made from natural ingredients;
  6. use only high-quality cosmetics;
  7. Every evening, do a facial massage (for example, Japanese massage), and do not forget about the décolleté and neck;
  8. eat right and avoid fatty, smoked, salty and fast foods;
  9. be sure to take vitamins that are good for your facial skin, eat more fresh fruits, berries and vegetables all year round;
  10. play sports, take walks in the fresh air;
  11. do not sit for a long time in front of a computer monitor, this negatively affects the structure of the skin;
  12. do a contrast shower for your face;
  13. Before going to bed, be sure to wash off your makeup;
  14. use scrubs to cleanse the skin;
  15. apply masks from any vegetables and fruits, make ice cubes and wipe your face with them.

Effective cream against first wrinkles

In order to get rid of the first and subsequent wrinkles, you can use a universal remedy - cream. It slows down the aging process, regenerates cells and tissues, restores the epidermis, etc. Only the cream needs to be chosen correctly, in accordance with the age and type of skin. A good cream should contain the following active substances:

  1. hydrolyzed collagen;
  2. vitamin A derivatives (retinol) – retinoids;
  3. lactic and glycolic acid;
  4. tartaric acid and alpha hydroxy acids of apple and lemon;
  5. peptides;
  6. extracts of herbs and plants, as well as other natural substances;
  7. ceramides;
  8. argirelines.

List of the most effective creams for first wrinkles

  1. "Vichy Liftactive Supreme" sold in any pharmacy. Created with natural ingredients. Additionally eliminates swelling and nourishes the skin. Lightens, increases turgor. Ideal for wrinkles in the initial stages of formation. It has a high cost.
  2. "Garnier Skin Naturals 25+" has a lower price, but high efficiency. Works great on shallow wrinkles, moisturizes, and evens out color. Based on natural ingredients. Minus - the structure of the cream leads to pilling on the skin, which is why it cannot be used as a base.
  3. L’Oreal “Trio Active Freshness” consists of a vitamin and mineral premix, used at any time of the day. Disadvantage: skin tightening.
  4. Selective cream "Lancome Hydra Zen Anti-stress". Additionally, it relieves the effects of skin stress and moisturizes throughout the day. The downside is that the price is too high and there is no UV protection.
  5. "Avene Hydrance Optimale UV-Legere SPF 20". In addition to eliminating early wrinkles, it quickly moisturizes and nourishes, protects from exposure to sunlight, and normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands. The disadvantage is the high cost.

The presented video talks about the appearance of the first wrinkles, their types, as well as the Karel Hadek cosmetic product, which effectively fights wrinkles.

How to choose the right cream?

In many ways, the choice of cream depends on a person’s financial capabilities. But this is not what you need to rely on:

  1. If your facial skin is healthy, then it will be enough to purchase a cream that will maintain the level of moisture and protect from an aggressive environment.
  2. For rashes and blemishes, it is better to buy a cream from the selective segment.
  3. Be sure to consult a cosmetologist, as he or she understands skin types and epidermal problems better than you.

Masks for first wrinkles

Today, masks sold on the shelves of pharmacies and cosmetic stores are very popular. Placental masks based on components of natural origin are excellent for eliminating wrinkles. They contain hyaluronic acid, collagens, animal placenta, vegetable juices and extracts of medicinal plants. Such masks have a duration of therapy and corresponding instructions for use, which must be strictly followed.

When fighting wrinkles, you can also use masks prepared at home:

  1. Combine the yolk with camphor or castor oil.
  2. Sour cream + yeast diluted in water.
  3. Egg, glycerin and honey.
  4. Egg white + lemon juice.

Cosmetic procedures for the first wrinkles

Modern cosmetology and medicine offers humanity cutting-edge techniques for getting rid of first and deep wrinkles. You can choose one of the procedures:

  1. Botulinum toxin injections, simply put, Botox, Dysport, Neuronox (this is what is used in our country). An injection with an appropriate substance is injected into the woman’s skin, which temporarily blocks the neuromuscular impulse. This relaxes the facial muscles, causing the skin to become smoother and wrinkles to disappear. The effect is noticeable on the third day and lasts for at least 5 months. The procedure is quite expensive, there are practically no complications.
  2. Contour plastic surgery is based on filling wrinkles with hyaluronic acid in the form of stabilizers and other substances beneficial to the epidermis (fillers are used). The doctor administers the drugs by injection. The wrinkle smoothing effect lasts up to 8 months. The cost is 2 times higher than the previous procedure.
  3. Biorevitalization involves the introduction of unstabilized hyaluronic acid into the skin, making the procedure much cheaper than filler.
  4. Usage pulse current – microcurrent procedure improves cell activity, forcing them to work in the desired mode. This allows you to eliminate early wrinkles and prevent the development of new ones. About 10 sessions are needed. The cost is relatively inexpensive.
  5. Impact on collagen fibers of the epidermis through radio frequency radiation, which leads to their tightening.
  6. Fractional photothermolysis, that is, laser correction. It is considered a universal method, thanks to which you can get rid of wrinkles for a long time.
  7. Peeling with chemical agents causes renewal of the upper layer of the epidermis. The most commonly used are salicylic, tartaric, glycolic and other acids.

Pharmacy products

Now in the pharmacy you can buy effective and not very expensive products to eliminate the first wrinkles:

  1. Retinoic ointment Designed to neutralize acne and other rashes. However, it contains a sufficient amount of vitamin A, which helps eliminate fine wrinkles.
  2. Ordinary balm “Star” also fights the first wrinkles. This effect is achieved thanks to essential oils.
  3. Heparin ointment intended for the treatment of pathologies of the circulatory system. Heparin activates metabolic processes in the skin, which leads to the smoothing of shallow folds.
  4. Zinc ointment used for protection against ultraviolet exposure. If you apply ointment to your face before going to the beach, you can safely expose it to the sun’s rays - wrinkles will not appear.
  5. "Solcoseryl" produces natural collagen.
  6. "Relief" based on shark oil, which leads to strengthening of dermal tissue.
  7. Ointment "Radevit" rich in vitamins necessary to strengthen turgor.
  8. Gel "Pectilift" promotes the production of collagen and elastin. Additionally eliminates age spots.
  9. Gel "Curiosin" consists of hyaluronic acid.
  10. "Blepharogel" It is also made from hyaluronic acid, which smooths out wrinkles.

The appearance of wrinkles indicates that biological age is making itself felt and it is time to take urgent measures, that is, to do certain procedures for wrinkles on the face, so as not to grow old ahead of time.

A woman who discovers the first wrinkles on her face feels especially tragic, but this is how the human body works, and the time comes for realizing and accepting the fact of fading. A person is not destined to use the elixir of youth, so you should think about how you can get rid of hated wrinkles.

What cosmetic procedures are there for the face against wrinkles?

In modern cosmetology, there are many ways to rejuvenate your face, and if not remove, then at least smooth out the wrinkles that appear in various facial parts. Among the most popular, the following methods can be distinguished:

  1. Cosmetic procedures offered in beauty salons;
  2. Surgical and plastic surgeries;
  3. Use of various drugs;
  4. Using folk remedies at home.

Let's take a closer look at each of the points and find out what is meant by each of them. Which method is the most effective, affordable and what are the pros and cons of each method.

Cosmetic procedures

These include a number of procedures that have quite a striking effect. They eliminate wrinkles of varying depths in the most effective way. These include:

  1. Elimination by pricks and injections;
  2. Chemical peeling;
  3. Laser resurfacing or microdermabrasion;
  4. Plasmaplasticity;
  5. Thermage method;
  6. Therapeutic method of microcurrent exposure.

It’s impossible to say for sure which ones are more suitable for you and which ones are not.. This is a question of the professional competence of the cosmetologist, the individual characteristics of each person and the condition of the skin.

Injection method

To smooth out wrinkles, various substances are injected under the skin using injections and pricks, the first and most popular is Botox. It is a substance consisting of botulism toxin, has a relaxing effect and thereby smoothes the muscles, thereby eliminating wrinkles on the face. In addition, Botox prevents muscle contraction, which allows its effect to be delayed for a long time.

Among the advantages, there is one important thing - it combines well with blood, therefore it is used for patients of any age. This temporary injection lasts six to twelve months. During this period, the drug is able to completely dissolve in the blood. To hold the face, you have to repeat the procedure again.

Injections that help replenish the deficiency of elastin, collagen or hyaluronic acid in the skin are made with biodegradable substances.

The most effective and long-lasting injection is made using synthetic drugs such as acrylamide or methacrylamide. This procedure is complex and should be performed only by the hands of a good specialist and an experienced surgeon, since erroneous actions can provoke the formation of subcutaneous seals.


This method is carried out under the chemical influence of a special composition, due to which the top layer of the epidermis is removed.

The experience of the doctor also plays an important role here. There are cases when, due to ignorance and inability, patients received serious burns after chemical peeling. Among the disadvantages of this method is a long recovery, at least two weeks, until the skin and natural complexion are restored.

Laser resurfacing

This method is less painful and the recovery period is much shorter. In simple terms, we can say that this is polishing the skin, removing dead epithelial cells. Here, spots, wounds and small scars are also eliminated, pores are narrowed and the skin becomes smooth and even.

Plasmaplasty method

This is the treatment of the skin with a neodymium laser and the introduction of a person’s personal plasma into problem areas. The result is visible within the next day, wrinkles disappear.


By influencing the skin of the face with radio wave radiation, their self-healing is activated inside the cells. This method has a long-term effect, without a recovery period, is painless and therefore extremely popular, especially among the fair sex after the age of 30.

Microcurrent method

Prevention is more likely to happen here, since if folds have appeared and they are quite deep, this method is useless. It is rather recommended for young women in order to prevent the formation of such an unpleasant phenomenon as wrinkles.

Plastic surgery

This is a complex surgical method that is used in specialized clinics, under local or general anesthesia, depending on the task. This is a radical method that can not only remove signs of aging, but also change the shape of the face and other parts. After plastic surgery, small facial wrinkles and folds on the forehead are removed, the skin around the mouth and temporal areas is tightened. During the operation, incisions are made in the part behind the ear or under the hair, then the skin is peeled off and unevenness is eliminated using a tightening method. The sutures are removed a week after the manipulation. The face remains in this form for approximately 15 years.

Of course, this is the most effective way to not only remove wrinkles, but also greatly rejuvenate your appearance. There are several negative aspects of this method, and they are worth paying special attention to.

Operations of this kind are expensive and not everyone can afford them. Therefore, it is worth finding an experienced surgeon so that your money is not wasted and your health is not damaged.

Medical supplies

In order to successfully fight the signs of age on the face, the skin needs to have the necessary substances that it gradually wastes. These include collagen, hyaluronic acid, coenzyme Q10, kinetin, peptides, antioxidants. Thanks to these components, regenerative processes in our skin do not stop, cell restoration accelerates and aging slows down.

However, no creams can replace those methods of modern cosmetology that are offered in beauty salons and rejuvenation centers. Of course, you can rely on well-known brands and try to retain youth using their creams, but the effect still leaves much to be desired.

What can be recommended for those who do not have the opportunity to rejuvenate in specialized centers? Among the wide variety of products available in pharmacies, we can highlight a special number of those that really help fight wrinkles:

  1. Heparin ointment;
  2. Solcoseryl;
  3. Curiosin;
  4. Ointment Radevit;
  5. Retinol ointment;
  6. Lyoton;
  7. Relief.

These preparations contain those substances that will help the cellular regeneration of the epidermis and activate the renewal of the structure as a whole.

Traditional methods of fighting wrinkles

If you think that at home you cannot pause time or turn it back, you are mistaken. You can and should look younger than your age, for this you need:

  1. Eat properly;
  2. Exercise;
  3. Spend more time in the fresh air;
  4. Use facial care products made from natural materials;
  5. Do gymnastics for the facial muscles and massage them regularly;
  6. Always be in a good mood and enjoy life.

To correct your face at home, you can use self-made creams and ointments. Offers several recipes:

  1. Aloe juice – 40;
  2. Honey - 2 tsp;
  3. Cottage cheese – 1 tbsp. l.

Mix all ingredients and apply to face. Keep for 25 minutes.

Apply the mask to your face for 15 minutes.

All the methods presented in the article are good in their own way. All you have to do is choose how you will give the decisive battle to your wrinkles.

If you want to remove wrinkles with the help of effective cosmetic procedures, look at what clinics and beauty salons offer us.


Peeling is the simplest procedure to combat wrinkles. And although peeling is not directly aimed at eliminating wrinkles, its modern versions contain various acids that literally “dissolve” the old epidermal layer. As a result, skin cells begin to actively renew themselves, the skin looks smoother, firmer and tighter, that is, its quality improves. Of course, this is not enough if the wrinkles are deep, but it copes well with facial wrinkles. You can also try using home peeling from natural ingredients.


Today, this procedure has become very popular among women who want to smooth out wrinkles. Botulinum toxin, which is injected into the skin in minimal safe doses for health, paralyzes the muscles. They stop actively contracting, which in itself eliminates wrinkles caused by facial activity. Namely, between the eyebrows, forehead and “crow’s feet” around the eyes. In addition, thanks to Botox, you can solve other age-related changes - drooping corners of the lips, eyes and eyebrows. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes, depending on the area of ​​application. The effect lasts up to 7-8 months, after which a repeat procedure is necessary. For those interested, all the details of the use of this drug can be found in the material what is botox and how to use it correctly.

Wrinkle fillers - fillers

This procedure is carried out using so-called fillers, or more simply - fillers. It follows that its task is to fill the wrinkle from the inside. The famous hyaluronic acid, polylactic acid, collagen, calcium hydroxyapatite. These substances have the properties of “swelling,” as if pushing out a wrinkle and smoothing the skin. They can remain in the skin for up to a year, then they dissolve on their own and are eliminated from the body without harm. With the help of fillers, you can get rid of nasolabial folds, crow's feet, drooping facial contours, wrinkles around the mouth, nose and eyes. We described all the nuances of their work in the article. natural fillers, we recommend for review.

Biorevitalization for wrinkles

This procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid into the skin. And therefore, it is very similar to filler, but it also has a fundamental difference - for biorevitalization, unstabilized acid is used, which resolves after 2-3 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the skin. The main task of unstabilized hyaluronic acid is to attract the maximum number of water molecules that are in the skin. As a result, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and deep ones become less noticeable. At the same time, the skin starts the process of producing its own collagen and elastin, as a result the skin becomes more elastic, its quality significantly improves. The procedure is recommended for those who do not want to introduce long-acting medications into their skin. The disadvantage of this procedure is that it must be repeated frequently once a year in a course; the usual course is 3-4 sessions with an interval of 2-3 weeks.

Microcurrent therapy

This is another procedure that will help smooth out wrinkles. The microcurrent procedure works by stimulating the skin with currents of ultra-low amplitude and frequency. They are identical to the currents that the body itself produces. Thus, penetrating the cells, they trigger the rejuvenation process. Metabolic processes in the skin are sharply activated, it is better saturated with oxygen and better nourished, that is, it begins to work as young and active. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, new ones are prevented, skin color improves, and the skin looks radiant and elastic. The same procedure can be performed to prevent the formation of wrinkles. To achieve results, you will have to carry out from 8 to 12 such procedures - all the details are in the article microcurrent facial therapy, pros and cons of the technique.

Anti-wrinkle laser

This procedure is perfect for age-related changes in the skin, as well as early aging. Laser rejuvenation stimulates the work of fibroblasts, which are responsible for the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is the source of elastic and youthful skin, and with age its quantity decreases, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles. Laser beams that penetrate 1 mm into the skin literally force fibroblasts to produce their own skin collagen. As a result, the skin becomes denser, more elastic, wrinkles are smoothed out and pores are reduced. The course will be recommended by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of your skin and the depth of wrinkles.