How to get rid of acne due to hormonal imbalance

According to research, up to 20% of women aged 25-40 years suffer from acne, and 87% of them have a condition called hyperandrogenism - a high level of production or activity of male sex hormones. Everything that happens on the skin is a consequence of the synthesis of sex steroid hormones, which exert their influence through specific receptors. Hormonal acne in women most often begins to appear due to estrogen deficiency and excessive androgen production. Therefore, both the diagnosis and treatment of acne in women and men differ, as well as the reasons for their appearance.

Why do acne appear due to hormone imbalance?

The skin is a target organ for steroids, so acne and hormones are closely related. Androgens can influence the size of the sebaceous glands and lead to disruption of their functioning, more precisely to hypersecretion. An increase in sebum production causes a change in its composition and a significant reduction in the amount of linoleic acid. Because of this process, follicular hyperkeratosis appears, in which skin cells begin to rapidly divide. Dead scales of the epidermis clog the ducts of the sebaceous glands that exit into the hair follicles. In this area, an environment is created that meets all the requirements for the active growth and reproduction of conditionally pathogenic microflora, including acne bacteria. As a result of their vital activity, acne appears.

What hormones cause acne

The ovaries, adrenal cortex, and subcutaneous fatty tissue (to a lesser extent) are responsible for the production of androgens in a woman’s body. Androgens are necessary for full development during puberty, but their excess in adulthood leads to global changes that affect appearance, reproductive health, metabolic processes and menstrual background.

The list of hormones that influence acne is as follows:

  1. testosterone;
  2. progesterone;
  3. dihydrotestosterone;
  4. prolactin.

Increased testosterone is a background factor contributing to the occurrence of female acne, while progesterone is responsible for how severe hormonal acne will be. Dihydrotestosterone is a more active testosterone that increases the number of receptors in the skin and the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. It also stimulates the secretion of sebum and changes its properties. Prolactin is not a steroid hormone, however, it helps reduce estrogen production, which affects hormonal levels. Acne due to hormones has received various names: “postmenopausal”, “premenstrual”, “endocrine”, “late”, “hyperandrogenic”.

Hormonal acne on the face can appear due to dysfunction of the ovaries or adrenal cortex, and can be acquired or hereditary. The reasons that influence the appearance of acne can be both an increase in the level of androgens, and their normal amount, but capable of turning into more active forms or penetrating into target organs, one of which is the skin.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Excessive androgen production and hormonal acne are more often a consequence of the disease polycystic ovary syndrome. Healthy ovaries produce two main hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and small amounts of androgens. The latter are necessary during pregnancy for the formation of a male fetus. The syndrome develops for many reasons, in particular during complicated pregnancy, head injuries, and endocrine disorders. In 70% of women, the disease is closely related to the pancreatic hormone insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood sugar levels. When there is too much insulin in the blood, the ovaries begin to actively produce androgens. Male hormones disrupt the functioning of the ovaries, which results in the formation of cysts. One of the external signs of polycystic disease is acne on the face.

How does prolactin affect acne?

Hormonal acne in women can be a consequence of increased levels of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of mammary glands and milk production during breastfeeding. In addition, high levels of prolactin suppress the growth of follicle-stimulating hormone, without which estrogen cannot be produced. Prolactin is also a stimulator of androgen production. Insufficient concentration of estrogen and high growth of male hormones directly affect the appearance of acne.

Prolactin increases for the following reasons:

  1. frequent stress;
  2. strict diets;
  3. taking antidepressants and steroid drugs;
  4. kidney and liver disease;
  5. pathology of the pituitary gland, etc.

Even a slight imbalance between hormones associated with taking medications, steroids, or the menstrual cycle can cause the occurrence or recurrence of acne.

Signs of hormonal acne

Hormonal acne in women is localized mainly in the face and less often in the upper torso. They are comedones and inflammatory elements (papulopustular rash). Acne in women can be single, which is typical for a mild stage of the disease, or multiple in the form of red bumps and pustules.

The most severe form is conglobate acne in the form of nodules and cysts, after resolution of which deep scars remain.

Acne due to hormonal imbalance is often accompanied by other symptoms of hyperandrogenemia: seborrhea, menstrual irregularities, excess male-pattern hair growth on the face, abdomen, around the nipples and arms.


Before treating hormonal acne, a dermatologist, together with a gynecologist, examines the patient in order to identify the causes of the disease:

conducts a survey about the presence of gynecological diseases and the use of oral contraceptives; excludes diseases such as demodicosis, rosacea, perioral dermatitis; prescribes a biochemical blood test to identify the condition of the liver and kidneys; prescribes a laboratory study of the hormonal profile; reveals the nature of hyperandrogenemia (ovarian or adrenal).

It is possible that before treating acne due to hormonal imbalance, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and an MRI of the adrenal glands will be necessary. In most cases, if hormonal acne is suspected, treatment will require consultation with a gynecologist and endocrinologist and appropriate examinations.

Acne therapy

When hormonal acne is diagnosed in women, treatment requires an individual approach. Both systemic and local medications are prescribed. Compliance with acne-toilet is a must, as this allows you to reduce treatment time, drug dosage and improve skin condition.

The general principle of how to deal with acne is aimed at reducing the level of male hormones, or stimulating estrogen and treating the disease that provoked hormonal imbalance.

Drugs are used that slow down the production of androgens in the adrenal glands and ovaries, block steroid receptors in the dermis, and suppress the process of converting testosterone into the more active form of dihydrotestosterone. For this purpose, combined oral contraceptives are prescribed.

Use of oral contraceptives

From a large list of drugs that are considered effective for treating hormonal acne in women, contraceptives based on ethinyl estradiol (estrogen), which reduces the level of androgen concentration in the blood, are isolated. As a result of taking medications, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced and thus it is possible to cure hormonal acne.

However, in case of hormonal imbalance, therapy is mainly carried out with drugs based on drospirenone, dienogest, cyproterone acetate, desogestrel, the properties of which are similar to the female hormone progesterone. These are female gestagen hormones, which are produced in the body by the ovaries and slightly by the adrenal glands. They reduce the activity of androgens, prevent testosterone from being converted into active dihydrotestosterone, and reduce the sensitivity of androgen receptors in the skin.


The 4th generation of combined contraceptives include drugs containing both ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone: Jess, Yarina, Midiana, Dimia. They not only eliminate acne, but also promote weight loss, so they are most suitable for women suffering from acne and prone to excess weight.

Midiana and Yarina are drugs with a low dosage of ethinyl estradiol. They are used according to the established scheme, 1 tablet for 21 days. The next course is after a week's break. The total duration of therapy is 6 months. During the treatment process, not only a significant reduction in acne is noted, but also that the skin becomes smoother, matte, its structure improves and the secretion of the sebaceous glands decreases.

Preparations Jess and Dimia microdosed with ethinyl estradiol are used for 24 days, then a 4-day break.

Cyproterone acetate

Until now, the most effective drug used to combat hormonal acne, especially severe acne, is Diane-35, which combines ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate. Analogues of Diana-35 are contraceptives Chloe and Belluna 35. All drugs belong to the 3rd generation of oral contraceptives. Cyproterone acetate is a substance with the most powerful antiandrogenic effect, but its use is limited and cannot last more than 6 months due to the high risk of side effects. After starting treatment, seborrhea and oily hair are noticeably reduced, and acne can be cured in 3-6 months. The drugs are used 1 tablet per day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The effectiveness of treatment can be judged after the first 3 months of use with mandatory monitoring based on test results.

Dienogest and desogestrel

Birth control pills based on dienogest (Janine, Siluet, Qlaira) are officially indicated for the treatment of acne. Siluet and Janine also contain ethinyl estradiol and are taken according to the standard regimen. Qlaira is several types of multi-colored tablets with different hormone contents, so the use of this contraceptive is multiphasic.

Using desogestrel-based contraceptives is another way to get rid of hormonal acne. These are drugs such as Regulon and Novinet. The reception scheme is classic.


Combined contraceptives only lead to a decrease in sebum production, so it is recommended to combine them with external agents based on azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and antibiotics. These are drugs such as Baziron AS, Skinoren, Differin. Don't fight acne on your own. Only by comprehensively influencing all parts of the process of acne vulgaris can acne be treated effectively. Therefore, treatment is carried out by two doctors - a gynecologist and a dermatologist. The gynecologist prescribes drugs to normalize the ratio of hormone levels, the dermatologist prescribes local agents that affect hyperkeratosis and destroy bacteria. Only combination therapy allows for long-term remission and such good results in the treatment of acne that are difficult to achieve using any one method or remedy.

Hormonal acne is a consequence of excess or insufficient production of male and female steroid hormones. According to statistics, more than 20% of women under the age of 45 suffer from acne. In 88% of cases, the cause is excessive activity of androgens, that is, male hormones. Red nodular or white pimples on the face are the result of hormonal imbalance. The skin condition is aggravated by estrogen deficiency. The principles of treatment of dermatological disease are determined by the causes of the formation of the rash.

What does hormonal acne look like?

Acne and hormones are closely interrelated, since the activity of the sebaceous glands and the condition of the hair follicles depend on the functional state of the endocrine system. Hormonal acne or pimples are localized in the upper back and face. They look like small inflammatory elements of several types:

  1. red nodular;
  2. light beige purulent;
  3. multiple ulcers.

With severe hormonal imbalances, conglobate acne occurs - grouped acne in the form of large cysts or nodules. After opening them, pigment spots or scars remain on the skin.

What hormones cause acne to appear?

Hormonal acne is the result of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands. The skin pores contain sebaceous glands that secrete oil. They contain androgen-sensitive receptors. Excessive concentration of male hormones in the body provokes increased secretion of fatty secretions. It provides a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. Therefore, overactive sebaceous glands increase the risk of inflammation of the hair follicles and the formation of acne.

Testosterone and DHEA-S

Testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEA-S) affect receptors found in the sebaceous glands. They literally “force” them to produce more sebum. Increased testosterone in 98% of cases leads to dermatological problems. Its active form (dihydrotestosterone) begins to be produced by the adrenal glands even before puberty. Therefore, acne very often appears in teenagers.

If a woman has hormonal acne, she is prescribed hormone tests. If there is an increased concentration of androgens in the blood, a drug treatment regimen is drawn up. In addition, they follow a therapeutic diet, since the formation of dihydrotestosterone is influenced by diet and diet.

Excessive levels of testosterone in a woman’s body negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. Hormonal imbalance is accompanied by the formation of tumors on the ovaries, menstrual irregularities, seborrheic dermatitis, and hirsutism (male pattern hair growth).


The skin contains progesterone receptors that are sensitive to the steroid hormone. Progesterone is one of the main links in the synthesis of other steroid hormones and corticosteroids. Its deficiency leads to dysfunction of the sebaceous glands, thinning of the skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Despite the fact that progesterone is considered a pregnancy hormone, it can have a very direct effect on the condition of the skin, and that is why on certain days of the month acne, increased levels of epidermal oiliness and other unpleasant problems may appear on women’s faces.

Acne from hormonal imbalance occurs due to a chronic lack of progesterone. Its deficiency is fraught with serious disorders - polycystic ovary syndrome, neurological disorders. Typical signs of a lack of progesterone in the blood include:

  1. dull hair;
  2. the appearance of acne;
  3. menstrual irregularities;
  4. breast reduction;
  5. formation of dark spots in the groin;
  6. increased growth of facial hair.

If symptoms appear, you should consult a doctor - endocrinologist, gynecologist. Hormonal imbalances are fraught not only with acne, but also with more serious problems.


The sex hormones estrogen and progesterone are produced in women by the sex glands, that is, the ovaries. Acne on the face occurs when their functions are impaired and the level of steroid hormones in the blood decreases. Hormone-associated acne also occurs in women with hypothyroidism. A decrease in the activity of the thymus gland leads to a decrease in the amount of estrogen in the body.

Typical manifestations of hormonal imbalances include:

  1. ovarian pathologies;
  2. disruption of the menstrual cycle in women;
  3. dysmenorrhea;
  4. premature skin aging.

After ovulation, the concentration of estrogen in the blood decreases, which increases the influence of testosterone on the functioning of the exocrine glands. For this reason, 84% of women develop acne on the nose, chin, upper back, and chest a week before menstruation.


The condition of the skin is directly affected by the content of other female and male hormones. Their level depends on the content of other bioactive substances that affect the activity of the adrenal glands, gonads, pituitary gland, thymus and pancreas. In 7% of cases, acne is the result of hyperandrogenism - an excess of androgens in the body.

In addition to natural causes, hormonal imbalance in the body can also be affected by various diseases of the endocrine system.

In 72% of patients, acne due to hormonal imbalance is caused by overactive pancreas. Excessive insulin production leads to fluctuations in blood sugar, which affects the functioning of the gonads. With a strong decrease in the amount of glucose in the body, the ovaries begin to synthesize more androgens.

Additional triggers for hormonal acne

The causes of acne formation lie in the negative impact of such factors:

  1. unbalanced diet;
  2. humid climate;
  3. low-quality cosmetics;
  4. emotional stress;
  5. taking medications;
  6. endocrine pathologies;
  7. dysfunction of reproductive organs;
  8. menopause period;
  9. consequences of abortion;
  10. excessive cleanliness.

Acne from hormonal pills appears when you abuse contraceptives. They disrupt the functions of the endocrine system and exocrine glands. The risk of skin diseases increases during puberty and menopause.

What tests should you take for acne?

Boils, acne are nonspecific symptoms that accompany perioral dermatitis, demodicosis, rosacea, etc. To identify the hormonal factor in the formation of acne, they undergo the necessary examination:

  1. Ultrasound of the ovaries and pelvis;
  2. MRI of the adrenal glands;
  3. Analysis of urine;
  4. blood chemistry;
  5. analysis of hormones (thymus gland, ovaries).

For multiple pimples on the face, the level of insulin in the blood plasma is determined, and the functional state of the liver is also assessed. Patients undergo consultation with a gynecologist, gastroenterologist, and endocrinologist.

How to get rid of hormonal acne

The goal of hormonal acne therapy is to eliminate the factors that cause the dermatological problems. Elimination of disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine glands leads to the normalization of the functions of the sebaceous glands and the disappearance of rashes. Therefore, before treating hormonal acne, you should accurately determine the cause of its formation.

Complex acne therapy is aimed at:

  1. restoration of the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  2. removal of existing acne;
  3. elimination of inflammation in hair follicles;
  4. reduction of age spots and acne scars.

In the treatment of hormonal rashes, external and oral medications, diet therapy, and physiotherapeutic procedures are used. Particular attention is paid to hygiene procedures and skin care.

Drug therapy

Treatment of hormonal acne in women involves taking medications that eliminate the underlying pathologies - polycystic ovary syndrome, hirsutism, hyperandrogenism, etc.

Problems with acne caused by hormonal imbalance require consultation with several doctors: a dermatologist, an endocrinologist, and for women, a gynecologist.

To reduce the severity of symptoms of hormonal disorders, the following drugs are used:

  1. Retinoids. The preparations contain substances that are similar in structure to retinol (vitamin A). Used to eliminate mild hormonal acne. Normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing the production of natural fat. Adapalene, Retasol, Trethionine, Differin are used to treat acne.
  2. Antimicrobial ointments. External agents are prescribed when retinoids are ineffective. To eliminate inflammation in the skin, preparations with zinc, erythromycin and other antiseptic components are used - Klenzit S, Erythromycin-gel, Zinerit.
  3. Antiandrogens. Medicines reduce the synthesis of male hormones, thereby restoring hormonal levels. The acne treatment regimen includes Gestrinone, Finasteride, Nilutamide, Cyproterone.
  4. Contraceptives with estrogen. Taking birth control pills leads to a decrease in androgen activity. They are used when local systemic antimicrobial agents are ineffective. The most effective drugs are Diane 35, Logest, Regulon, Yarina, etc.

In severe cases of hormonal acne, they resort to complex therapy, which combines local and systemic drugs. The treatment regimen includes antibiotics, Benzoyl peroxide and Metmorphine, which increases the sensitivity of insulin receptors.


Hormonal acne in women is treated with compresses, lotions, masks and baths with medicinal herbs. To eliminate inflammatory lesions on the skin, use aloe, sage, peppermint, chamomile, birch buds, etc. They have antiseptic, antiexudative (decongestant) and anti-inflammatory properties.

Effective acne remedies:

  1. Facial lotion. 3-5 aloe leaves are grated. Using gauze, squeeze out the juice, to which add 1-2 drops of thyme essential oil. Wipe acne with lotion 3-4 times a day.
  2. Acne mask. Mix grated cucumber, pumpkin and potatoes in equal proportions. Add 2 tbsp. l. milk and apply to clean skin. After 20 minutes, wash off any remaining makeup with cool water. Perform the procedure once a day for at least 2 weeks.
  3. Decoction of birch buds. 3 tbsp. l. raw materials are poured into 1 liter of water and boiled for at least 10 minutes. The strained broth is used to wipe acne up to 5 times a day.
  4. Tincture with thyme. Pour 10 g of thyme into 1 glass of water and boil for 4 minutes. Mix the liquid with vodka in a 2:1 ratio. Treat acne three times a day.
  5. Compress. 10 g of wormwood is poured with boiling water and left for 3 hours. Soak gauze in the infusion and apply to the face for 40 minutes. The procedure is performed once a day.

Women during menopause are recommended to make applications with gelatin to increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin. To dry out ulcers, masks with cosmetic white and blue clay are also used.

Helper Methods

When treating acne on the face, it is strictly not recommended to use hot compresses, baths and warming massages. Local heating of tissues with ulcers is fraught with the spread of inflammation and deterioration of the skin condition.

To eliminate hormonal rashes, use:

  1. phototherapy – treatment of acne with pulsed flashes of light that destroy microbial flora in inflammatory areas;
  2. mesotherapy - the introduction of absorbable drugs under the skin that eliminate scar formation after acne;
  3. ozone therapy – exposure of soft tissues to nitrogen in order to enrich them with oxygen and accelerate skin regeneration.

When there is severe hormonal imbalance, large cystic cavities often form. Surgical removal of tumors leads to the appearance of scars. To prevent cosmetic defects, large pimples are removed with a laser.

Hormonal rashes are treated comprehensively using medications and hardware techniques. To restore the functioning of the sebaceous glands, doctors advise using vitamin and mineral complexes with Omega-3, zinc, calcium, retinol, tocopherol - Zincteral, Askovit, Vetoron, VitAE, Adaptovit.

Practical methods and tips

Sorrows can overtake us from where we did not expect. For example, you get up in the morning, get ready, have breakfast - you’re in a great mood. You go up to the mirror and oh horror! On your face, in the most visible place, several blackheads have appeared, not at all decorating your pretty face.

The mood instantly drops, and thoughts immediately pop into my head: where to run and how to treat? Let's figure out why acne appears due to hormonal imbalance, how to treat such cosmetic defects.

Root causes of acne

At least 80 percent of the world's population faces the problem of acne in their lives. Let's look at the causes of this unpleasant and sometimes dangerous disease.

The first, and probably one of the most common reasons, is gastrointestinal disease. As microbiologists assure us, this disease can arise as a result of the fact that pathogenic bacteria begin to actively develop in the stomach and intestines, the waste products of which are toxins that have a detrimental effect on the sebaceous glands located under the surface of the skin.

Subcutaneous sebum thickens and, having lost its former mobility, clogs the pores of the skin. This is how acne forms.

The second, but no less common reason is disruption of the glands. Acne, as a consequence of hormonal imbalance, is an equally terrible harbinger of serious disorders in your body.

Unlike gastrointestinal disease, hormonal imbalances are not caused by external sources such as harmful bacteria, but by external factors.

Among such factors you can safely include stress at home and at work, an unfavorable atmosphere, and a host of other factors. Experts prove with a high degree of probability that the development of hormonal diseases can be affected by diseases of organs that seem to be in no way responsible for this.

These organs include the brain, ovaries, adrenal glands, hypothalamus and endocrine glands.

All together and each individually, these organs affect the secretion of internal glands, which in turn leads to the so-called compaction of the sebaceous glands and, accordingly, blockage of the skin pores.

The only time you shouldn't worry about your hormones is during adolescence. After all, only in adolescence, when the whole body is rebuilt, the voice becomes rougher, and the dimensions of the body change, this is a completely natural phenomenon.

We wrote earlier about acne diseases due to dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, so let's look at ways to treat acne due to hormonal imbalance.

Treatment methods

Having consulted with a specialist and learned that the cause of your acne is hormones, the question immediately arises - how to treat acne due to hormonal imbalance.

There is no need to panic or become depressed. Hormonal imbalance is a fairly common phenomenon, one might say widespread in our time. In our time of advanced technology, there are many ways to recover from this disease.

If acne occurs as a result of hormonal imbalance, it is not enough to limit yourself to a strictly balanced diet; in this case, it will not help much. In this case, you should undergo a comprehensive examination by an endocrinologist and, if you are a woman, by a gynecologist.

You should also get tested to identify the hormone that caused you such a dirty trick in the form of acne. After receiving all the test results, you must begin taking medications as prescribed by your doctor.

You cannot expect immediate results; treatment will take some time, since it will take some time to normalize the hormonal environment. If the cause of hormonal imbalance is the adrenal glands or ovaries, then you will have long-term treatment and surgical intervention by specialists is not excluded.

Medicines as a way to combat imperfections

Hormonal skin diseases are treated both with medications and folk remedies. Medicinal methods mainly include treating the disease with ointments and chemical drugs. Antibiotics:

  1. Doxycycline, once a day for ten to fifteen days;
  2. Rondomycin, twice a day for a week;
  3. Sumamed, one ampoule for a week.

Medicines containing zinc. Such as zinc oxide or sulfate, every time after meals. There is also a wide range of ointments, which, after consultation with a specialist, you can purchase at any pharmacy.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of treating hormonal imbalance and, as a consequence, acne include mainly herbal infusions. Basically, infusions of wormwood and sage for women, and ginseng, carrot juice, and celery juice for men are very helpful in treating this disease. I can talk about traditional methods of treatment for a long time, since there are a great many of them.

And finally I would like to say. Do not neglect such an inconspicuous symptom as acne, because they may be harbingers of a more serious disease and, as it were, signal that not everything is as good with the body as it seems.

If you have the slightest suspicion, you should contact a specialist for diagnosis and further treatment. It is quite possible that by receiving such a signal in a timely manner, you will preserve your health for many years.

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