Cat woman drawing easy

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Drawing Halle Berry as Catwoman

  1. Step 1

Using a hard pencil, draw the outline of Catwoman. The head is slightly tilted, so the left eye is lower than the right. The mouth and jawline are parallel to the line of the eyes.


Step 2

Use a black pen or marker to darken the portrait, as shown in the picture.


Step 3

The light comes from the left, so the right side of the portrait must be darkened with a soft pencil.


Step 4

Using light strokes we darken the portrait, drawing a less dense shadow than in the previous step. Note that the area around the left eye needs to be darkened, even though the light is coming from the left. The shadow is formed thanks to the mask.


Step 5

Shade the portrait with a piece of paper, and then darken it again.


How to draw Anne Hathaway as Catwoman step by step

  1. Step 1

Using a hard pencil, draw the outline of Ann’s portrait, as shown in the figure. Pay attention to the angle: the body is turned to the left and the head is slightly tilted, so the left eye is lower and smaller than the right; the lips are parallel to the line on which the eyes are located, and the nose is perpendicular.


Step 2

Use a black pen to darken the drawing. When drawing hair, try to make long strokes. Darken the hair near the forehead and draw a dense shadow for the ears.


Step 3

Use a soft pencil to darken the drawing. At this stage we draw the densest shadow.


Step 4

Using light pressure on the pencil, lightly darken the face on the left and draw shadows on the neck. Keep in mind that the light is coming from the right, so the right side of the portrait remains light.


Step 5

How to draw and color an anime cat girl step by step

  1. Step 1

We outline the frame of the girl’s figure with a simple pencil. Draw a circle for the head, which will divide the face and determine the angle. Then we outline the lower part of the face.


Step 2

We draw the body with basic geometric shapes. We show the depth of the waist with ellipses; in the future this will help to draw the belt. The girl’s hands go behind her back, there won’t be any special problems with them. Let's prepare the basis for drawing the face. Also don’t forget to draw ears and a tail.


Step 3

At this stage, it is necessary to clean up the drawing a little from the production lines so that it will be more convenient to work with it in the future.


Step 4

We outline the tyanka's hair in a general mass, and also draw facial features.


Step 5

Now, based on the sketch of the hair, you can draw it. Draw individual strands of hair.


Step 6

Outlining the neko's clothes.


Step 7

Let's detail the drawing. If necessary, we check the proportions with the original. This is what the drawing looks like in detail.


Step 8

The outline has a different color scheme, with dark areas and lighter areas. So with a pen we outline only the darkest parts of the outline. Like this. Also at this stage you can outline the pullover shirt and the zipper on the jacket.


Step 9

We outline the skin, ears and tail with well-sharpened pencils of the following colors: brown, dark brown, chestnut. They must be sharpened.


Step 10

Now we outline the girl’s clothes, specifically the shorts - in blue, the stockings - in purple, as well as the hairpins on a lock of hair. Now I noticed that I didn’t completely contour the skin and ears of Chan, so I’m doing it now.


Step 11

Let's start painting. We don't put any pressure on the pencils, now we just need to lay a solid color foundation. We dye our hair brown with the addition of red, the ears and tail with the same, the jacket with black, the jeans with grayish blue, the shirt and zipper with gray, the skin with beige, the eyes with dark brown and orange. We paint the hairpins yellow and blue.


Step 12

Now go over the whole picture with light brown, but only lightly.


Step 13

Add gray throughout the entire drawing.


Step 14

Working with dark brown and black, we gain tone. Repeat Step 11 pressing harder on the pencils. Now, working only with black, add depth to the drawing. Strengthen the shadows. To top it off, use white gouache to highlight the eyes. That's all, the drawing is ready.


How to draw an anime cat girl in a hood



  1. Step 1

First we draw a circle. This is the basis for drawing a neko's head.


Step 2

We outline auxiliary lines for further correct construction of the character’s face.


Step 3

I begin to sketch out the body. I roughly draw the shoulders, neck, and chest. On the markings (auxiliary lines) I highlight the area for future eyes.


Step 4

I determine the waist and the approximate position of the arms relative to it.


Step 5

We finish drawing the body - sketch out the hips and legs. Don't forget to outline the ears on the hood and the tail of the tail.


Step 6

Relying on auxiliary lines. draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and eyebrows of the character.


Step 7

We erase the clear dark contour of the base of the body and draw the girl’s body on top of it - this way in the future we will draw the blouse correctly. We make hands without hands - they will not be visible due to the long sleeves of the jacket.


Step 8

We use barely noticeable lines to determine the girl’s hair growth.


Step 9

We draw the hair of the girl as a whole, relying on the hair growth line. Please note that in anime the hairline is located above the headline.


Step 10

Now, based on the hair sketches, you can draw them. We outline individual strands.


Step 11

Now we erase the contour of the body and draw a jacket on top of it (the suit has its own thickness, so you need to step back a little from the original lines.) This will be easy if in the previous stages you corrected the mistakes that you managed to notice.


Step 12

At this stage, draw the neko's hood, focusing on the height of the ears. The line of the hood is located above the line of the head, since, as I said, the suit has its own thickness.


Step 13

And this is what the finished drawing looks like, outlined with a pen/marker/liner. I used a pen.


Step 14

Let's start painting. Shown here are simple colors (beige, yellow, blue, pink, sea green, gray, brown) with which I painted over the entire drawing. This is the basis, so to speak, build on it.


Step 15

Here black and brown are used, use them to paint the darkest places, and transitions from light to dark. Deepening the tones: repeat Step 14. I shade the background with sea green color. The drawing is ready. Good luck!


How to draw a full-length cat girl with a pencil step by step

  1. Step 1

Face. This girl has an ordinary face shape. You can draw a face the same as in the manga. Start with the eyes, add the nose and end with the hair. Choose the structure, length and shape of your hair to your liking.


Step 2

Draw the body. Main elements. Build your body wisely. Remember that the length of your arms should be below your hips. Your cat girl must be flexible and slender in order to perform smooth movements. Also take into account the width of your shoulders; athletes have elongated and wide shoulders.


Step 3

Add cat ears to your girl. Don't make them too short, remember that cats have pointed ones. Also draw a cat's tail. You can keep it simple or in motion.


Step 4

Dress up your character. Since she is a comic book girl, her clothes should be appropriate. Color your drawing using paints or markers. Ready!


How to draw a sitting anime cat girl step by step


Draw the base. Draw lines for the eyes.

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Step 2

Draw eyes on the marked lines.


Step 3

Shade the eyes. Start with a light stroke.


Step 4


Step 5


Step 6

We begin to hatch the cat. We make small strokes along its contour.


Step 7

Then we shade the kote).


Step 8

We shade the ears. Note that there are also strokes inside the ear)


Step 9

Shading the hair. We make a couple of lines along the hair. We shade near the cap. And with an eraser we slightly erase the strip on the hair.


Step 10

We shade the folds on the cap.


Step 11


Step 12

The drawing is ready. The lesson was prepared by moonflower.


Draw and color a cat girl in anime style



  1. Step 1

Draw the head and neck of the cat girl.


Step 2

Draw the right shoulder next to the sleeve of the dress. Now the chest and neckline. Don’t forget to draw auxiliary lines for further drawing of the face


Step 3

Draw a face along auxiliary lines: eyes, eyebrows, nose, mouth


Step 4

We draw the girl’s bangs and hair on the sides of her head. Now the collar and continue to draw the dress and the left shoulder


Step 5

We draw the sleeves. The dress is finished, now you need to draw the hands (gloves on the hands)


Step 6

We draw the top of the head and finish the hair. Don't forget to draw the girl's ears and the headband on her head


Step 7

Now we outline the entire drawing with a black gel pen or whatever is more convenient for you.


Step 8

We also paint the drawing. That's it, the anime cat girl is ready!


How to draw a cat girl step by step

  1. Step 1

First I outline the curve of the girl’s figure, then I draw circles indicating the areas of the hips and chest


Step 2

Next, I outline in more detail the head, body and the place where the legs grow from. Later I draw the limbs


Step 3

Editing the size of the head, drawing the arms


Step 4

I draw feet with shoes on


Step 5

I draw the legs to the end, and then outline the lines of clothing


Step 6

I changed the position of the left (on our side) leg, so I’m working on the girl’s shoes again


Step 7

Drawing the folds of clothes


Step 8

Then I outline the drawing with a liner and erase the sketch


Step 9

Next is the color. I use markers to apply basic colors to clothing and shadows (generally), and then outline the shadows in more detail using colored pencils


Step 10
