Red halo around a mole

Usually moles and age spots that appear on the human body do not cause any emotion or suspicion as long as they are stable. But if something happens to them, you need to know whether it is dangerous in terms of malignant degeneration and whether it is worth going to the doctor. It should be taken into account that there may not be external, visual signs of degeneration of the pigment spot itself. A person may be bothered, for example, by itching in the area, as well as a change in color, not of the mole itself, but of the skin surrounding its area. In some cases, the skin may completely lose its melanin pigment. In this case, it looks like a pale spot, which can be 2 to 3 times larger in diameter than the formation.

One gets the impression that the mole seems to have “sucked in” all the pigment that was nearby. As a rule, a person notices this change if he is not bothered by any unpleasant sensations, if the formation is in an area accessible to inspection, and also if the surrounding skin is pigmented enough to attract attention. This most often occurs in late summer, when the tan covers the skin and any light spot catches the eye. What to do in this case?

When to go to the doctor?

It is known that a white halo appears around a mole only in two situations:

  1. The “power” of melanin has begun to subside, and its concentration in the skin decreases. Over time, the spot itself may disappear, giving way to a normal and unchanged area of ​​skin.
  2. The second reason is completely opposite. This indicates that processes have begun in the mole that may rearrange it in such a way that it becomes malignant. But this is unknown for now.

What to do? If you are one of the suspicious and anxious people who feel out of place, then immediately, without delay, go to a dermatologist, or better yet, to a dermatologist-oncologist. He will carefully examine the formation, including various types of radiation, and, if he deems it necessary, will offer surgery. It is during removal that a biopsy is taken, and the material is sent for histological examination. Based on the results of histological and cytological examination, a diagnosis is made, which is final. Moreover, until a cytological conclusion has been obtained about what cells the mole consists of, no one can say with certainty what fate awaits it.

Therefore, if your mole is not removed, then the material is not taken for histology. Therefore, it makes no difference whether you visit an expensive, “paid” doctor or go to a clinic with more “democratic prices”. But what if you are not going to immediately run to the doctor “in a panic”? Then there is one way out: take a photograph of the mole and name the file, indicating the date of shooting.

Now you will know exactly what this “mysterious” mole with a white areola looks like. Every few days, take a repeat photo, preferably with the same shooting parameters and under the same lighting, and also at the same scale. This will allow you to monitor all possible changes as accurately as possible. If any of these seem suspicious to you, you will go to the doctor.

What might be suspicious?

There are special criteria, which are designated by the abbreviation AKORD. This is very similar to a musical term, albeit with one letter “K”. Let's look at what these abbreviations mean:

  1. A (asymmetry). Moles are usually symmetrical. You can always draw an imaginary line so that the right and left halves are approximately equal in size and “coastline”. If in one of the photographs you see that one of the halves has become larger, go to the doctor.
  2. K (edge). If the mole is stable, then it has a clear edge. If the edge has “creeped” or it has become blurry and unclear, then this is a dangerous sign: the formation may begin to grow deeper into the skin. This is also a reason to see a specialist.
  3. O (color). Any change in color, as well as in individual parts of the mole, may indicate its degeneration. Whatever the color is - light, dark, even crimson - it should be uniform, and if you have known it all your life and it is spotted, then it should retain its color unchanged.
  4. R (size). It is absolutely clear that if a mole enlarges, you need to consult a doctor, and if its size decreases, you should continue to monitor it.
  5. D (dynamics). This includes all other signs that do not relate to those outlined above, for example, the appearance of weeping, crusts, bleeding and other alarming signs. Such an unstable, “dynamic” mole needs observation and consultation with a doctor.

Now you know what to do when you notice that something incomprehensible is happening to a mole. Take photographs of it and observe it taking into account the described scheme, or immediately go to the doctor.

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Redness around a mole can be an alarming signal that some negative changes are occurring in the body. Don't ignore it! But skin redness can also occur due to damage or other factors.

You should know that a healthy mole has smooth edges, uniform color and a dry surface. The skin should be free of redness, rashes, and should not itch or hurt. Also, the mole should not increase in size; ichor or other discharge indicates a serious threat to life and health. In general, an ordinary mole does not cause any discomfort.

[1], [2], [3]

ICD-10 code

Causes of redness around a mole

The causes of redness around a mole can be divided into three groups:

  1. Mechanical damage. Redness of the skin around the mole is caused by the fact that it was simply pinched with nails, jewelry or other objects. Very often, moles are located in areas where there is a high risk of injury. For example, those located in the neck area can be pinched with fingers, jewelry; a very hard collar or even a tag on clothing can damage the delicate surface of the mole.
  2. Chemicals. A mole is one of the sensitive and most vulnerable areas on the human body. Therefore, she may react negatively to cosmetics or medications with aggressive components. You must immediately stop using the product or carefully ensure that it does not come into contact with moles and the skin around them.
  3. Degeneration of a mole into a malignant tumor. There are many types of melanomas, from inactive to fast-growing. In half of the cases, the skin around the mole turns red. This means that some inflammatory processes are occurring inside it, but are not yet completely noticeable from the outside.

A mole can react to any of the listed factors, regardless of its size, location on the body or how long ago it was formed. Some people mistakenly believe that only larger moles have a risk of degeneration. This can be explained by the fact that on large moles the changes are more noticeable.

[4], [5], [6]

Symptoms of redness around a mole

What diseases are preceded by redness of the skin around a mole? These can be symptoms not only of diseases, but also of adverse effects on the skin. Redness may occur because:

  1. You have been exposed to the sun's rays for too long. The sun may cause slight inflammation of the skin around the mole. Basically, this can happen if you ignore doctors' warnings and are in the open sun from 11 am to 6 pm. At this time, the rays are most harmful and carry a lot of solar radiation. Since moles are very sensitive, they can react immediately. In some cases, the mole itself may change color because ultraviolet radiation affects the color of the pigment.
  2. A benign tumor passes into the malignant stage. This can happen again due to excessive sun exposure. Heredity is of great importance. If a mole is degenerating and is in an intermediate stage, it is easy to determine it yourself. The skin around it will turn red, and the mole itself will increase in size. Flat moles become more convex. Also, the outlines of the mole become not even and clear, but blurred with “ragged” edges.

In any case, you should not put off visiting a doctor or self-medicate without an accurate diagnosis. With the wrong approach, you can only harm the tumor, accelerating the course of the disease.

Redness around the mole and swelling

Redness and swelling around the mole can occur in several cases. If you hit a mole with a sharp object or otherwise injure it, it will certainly react this way. Swelling appears because the body immediately reacts to damage and local hyperemia occurs in that area. Redness is a natural skin reaction. The skin may turn red even with slight friction.

The second reason for redness and swelling is changes that occur under the skin at the location of the mole. Most often these are changes of a negative nature. You need to observe the mole for some time. If you notice the slightest change in color or size, contact your oncologist immediately.

Gradually, after redness and swelling, pain, itching and a constant feeling of discomfort may be added. The sooner you contact specialists, the easier and more painless it will be to perform the operation (if necessary).

Several simple and harmless ways to relieve redness and swelling: sprinkle with Streptocide, wipe with alcohol or calendula tincture, anoint with antibacterial ointment with zinc or salicylic acid. If the redness does not go away, and the feeling of discomfort has become even stronger, the mole cannot be treated on its own.

Complications and consequences

The consequences of redness around a mole can be very different. If she is red from too much sun exposure, this will lead to excess melanin accumulation. A benign mole can develop into a malignant one. Also, a rash sometimes appears on the reddened area around the mole or inflammation spreads to neighboring areas.

If doctors have diagnosed the first stage of melanoma, then the consequences are surgical and non-operative treatment. If the formation is detected at the first stage, it can be treated with ultrasound waves, chemotherapy and radiation. If the patient consults an oncologist, then in most cases the treatment consists of a whole range of procedures, including surgery. You will definitely need to cut tissue near the mole.

The consequences of redness around a mole can also include the following changes in lifestyle: minimal sun exposure, a ban on visiting solariums, etc., which can trigger the re-formation of inflammation or a malignant tumor.

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Complications of redness of the skin around a mole include all atypical changes:

  1. An increase in the size of the mole, a burning sensation or itching.
  2. Painful sensations. They only get worse if you try to treat the mole yourself.
  3. The mole becomes darker in color.
  4. The edges lose their correct outlines, the boundaries become unclear.
  5. The appearance of redness of the skin around the mole and not only around it, but also in neighboring areas of the skin. Such redness spreads quickly and is very visible.
  6. The mole may ooze blood, ichor, or a clear yellow liquid mixed with blood.
  7. Hair around the mole may disappear or, on the contrary, appear if it was not there before.

One particularly dangerous complication is a kind of mole abscess. It increases in size and fluid accumulates under the skin. The slightest touch to the abscess may cause the skin to burst and the liquid to splash onto the skin. This can lead to infection of large areas of skin and mucous tissue (if the dangerous mole is located near the nose, eye or mouth).

[12], [13]

Diagnosis of redness around a mole

Diagnosis of redness around a mole consists of a general examination and instrumental diagnosis. A general examination is carried out by an oncologist. He will be able to immediately determine whether the mole is dangerous. You can also conduct an examination at home; you need to check it according to the points in the “Complications” section.

Instrumental diagnosis consists of procedures such as biopsy, histological examination and dermatoscope. With the help of such modern methods, it is possible to accurately diagnose whether a mole is malignant.

A biopsy is a procedure performed to identify cancer cells in the tissue underneath a mole. A small section of tissue is made. This procedure is safe, since if the mole is not dangerous, it can be treated without surgery.

A dermatoscope is a medical microscope that can make the surface of a mole transparent. The doctor will be able to see what is happening inside the mole, what processes are developing there and how the disease progresses. Thanks to this, you can more accurately prescribe treatment or surgery.

Histological examination - a part of the inflamed mole is taken for analysis. If there are cancer cells there, it becomes immediately visible. This method was one of the first that oncologists began to trust.

An indispensable part of the diagnosis is also a blood and urine test. The body reacts to a malignant mole by increasing the level of white blood cells, decreasing hemoglobin and other obvious changes.

[14], [15], [16], [17], [18], [19]

What needs to be examined?

How to examine?

Who to contact?

Treatment of redness around a mole

Redness around a mole can be removed with medications that are sold in pharmacies or folk remedies. It is better to choose a method that does not have side effects or negative reviews. When choosing an ointment or any other medicine in a pharmacy, it is advisable to look at the instructions and composition. Choose herbal preparations or those with ingredients to which you are definitely not allergic. Traditional recipes use harmless herbs and ingredients. The only downside can be a weak effect and a longer course of treatment.

Treatment must be carried out as indicated in the prescription or instructions. A stronger dose can only cause complications. It is best to consult a doctor who can help you choose the right dosage.

If a mole degenerates into a malignant tumor, treatment can be carried out using radiation and chemotherapy, electric current, and biopsy. In more complex cases, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. When choosing a treatment method, start with one that is safer and harmless to the body. Otherwise, you risk treating the inflammation of the mole and getting another complication.

Why does redness occur around a mole after removal?

If you have removed a mole surgically, there will certainly be a small mark and redness left in this place. This is a natural reaction of the body to interference in its coordinated work. Redness at the site of mole removal may last 2-3 weeks. Also, in most cases, a mole leaves a small wound with a crust over it.

After removal of a mole, redness indicates that an active process of healing and formation of young skin is occurring. When the crust falls off, a small light spot will remain in its place, which will gradually become the same color as the skin. Depending on the restoration ability, the size of the mole and the type of removal, a scar remains. In some cases it is very noticeable and requires additional processing.

Also, redness after removal of a mole may indicate that an infection has occurred or the operation was performed poorly. When removing a mole, you must completely remove the root itself, otherwise it may grow back. Redness that does not go away for a long time may indicate this.

What to do if redness appears around a mole?

The main thing is not to start self-medicating without establishing the exact cause of the redness. Redness indicates that the mole has been damaged mechanically, chemically or by ultraviolet radiation. Now processes of restoration or rebirth are taking place in it.

What dermatologists-oncologists recommend doing if redness appears around a mole:

  1. Conduct self-diagnosis. Basically, you need to determine whether the mole has changed in appearance or not.
  2. Observe the condition of the mole for 1-2 days.
  3. Be sure to consult a doctor.
  4. If redness does not go away after 3-4 days, get tested at a medical facility.

If redness appears, but the mole does not hurt and has not changed in appearance, you can try treating it with celandine, calendula, or an anti-inflammatory cream without chemical additives. With simple irritation from mechanical and chemical effects, the redness will quickly go away. If these measures do not help, do not try other methods - seek help from specialists. A mole can develop into melanoma, which is considered one of the most aggressive types of cancer.


To self-treat redness around a mole at home, you can only use a couple of medications. They are guaranteed not to cause harm.

  1. Streptocide. The simplest, most affordable and effective tablets. They can be bought at any pharmacy and are very inexpensive. Take a few Streptocide tablets, grind them into powder, and then sprinkle on the inflammation. Hold it like this for a while. You should not wrap or cover a mole. It is also not recommended to sprinkle Streptocide on top of another drug or ointment if you have previously treated inflammation with it.
  2. Medical alcohol. If the pharmacy does not have it, you can buy an alternative remedy - Septil. Treat the redness with alcohol, do not bandage or cover with adhesive tape. Wipe several times a day until the redness goes away completely.
  3. Tincture of calendula. It will relieve inflammation or irritation, if any. It should be used in the same way as medical alcohol.
  4. Triple antibiotic ointment. Bartel drugs (Polymyxin B sulfate + neomycin sulfate + bacitracin). An analogue may be Levomekol. The drug is absolutely harmless, but after several applications to the redness, the result will be noticeable. Zinc and salicylic acid quickly relieve inflammation and redness, as well as swelling.

If you injure a mole and bleeding begins, you can only use hydrogen peroxide for treatment.

Redness around a mole - treatment with folk remedies

  1. Lubricate the mole with potassium permanganate. You can do this 2 times a day until the redness goes away.
  2. Cucumber compress. It is done very simply - grate a cucumber, put the resulting pulp in a gauze bag and apply it to the redness. Hold it like this for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Fresh or sauerkraut is applied to the inflammation. Leave for 20 minutes. It is necessary to make at least 2 compresses, they should bring visible results. Otherwise, this method should be replaced with another.
  4. Pomegranate and honey. Take a sour pomegranate, squeeze the juice out of it and cook over low heat for half an hour. Then cool a little and mix with honey 1:1. Store in a cool place, lubricate the redness several times a day until complete recovery.
  5. Potato. You can use raw or boiled potatoes. Grate it and apply to the redness for 20 minutes or until the potatoes are dry (in the case of raw materials).

Any redness on the skin must be moisturized and completely removed. All ingredients that contain a lot of moisture are suitable for this. Aloe is also considered an excellent option. Cut a leaf of the plant lengthwise and apply it to the redness with the cut inward. You can attach the aloe with an adhesive plaster or bandage. You can even leave it overnight.

Herbal treatment

  1. Celandine. Celandine has always been considered one of the best remedies for any kind of irritation and inflammation of the skin. To relieve redness around a mole, you can use it in its pure form, as a tincture or as a decoction. Take a stem of celandine and apply the cut side to the redness. Make a decoction and wipe the mole. You can also prepare a simple tincture. Apply cotton wool with infusion for 10 minutes.
  2. Chamomile. Chamomile will relieve irritation and disinfect the mole. You can make a decoction and apply a cotton swab with it to the mole. You can also make a bath and keep the inflamed mole there.
  3. Yarrow. This herb has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Prepare an ointment from it for redness, inflammation and swelling. Collect fresh leaves of the plant, squeeze the juice out of them, but without pieces of the plant. Mix juice with Vaseline in a ratio of 1:4. The result is a medicinal ointment that can be used for any kind of inflammation on the skin.
  4. Parsley. This is the simplest and most effective remedy for redness and irritation. Make a decoction of parsley leaves. Strain and let cool. Make a cotton swab and soak it in the broth, apply to the redness for 20 minutes. Do this a couple of times a day. After the compress, the skin does not need to be washed with water.


To prevent redness of the skin around a mole, you must follow simple rules:

  1. You can sunbathe under the open sun only in the morning and evening hours, while it is not so strong. At lunchtime it is better to be in the shade. This is especially true for those people who have many moles or have very fair skin.
  2. Use protective sun creams.
  1. Do not visit solariums. Artificial sun is very dangerous for the skin. It is this that provokes many melanoma formations. Frequent visits to the solarium and excessive stay there have a detrimental effect on moles; they can become inflamed and gradually degenerate into melanomas.
  2. Periodically examine moles on your body.
  3. Do not ignore any discomfort or discomfort in the area of ​​the mole, especially if you have previously had melanoma or suspected melanoma.

The best way to prevent skin redness is good protection from direct sunlight. To do this, avoid harmful ultraviolet radiation, wear long sleeves, hats with large brims, sunglasses with dark lenses, and apply sunscreen with a high solar filter to your skin.

[20], [21], [22]


The prognosis for redness around a mole is favorable in most cases. It is recommended to remove a mole that is located in an inconvenient place. That is, where it can constantly be touched by nails or items of clothing. In order not to injure the mole, to avoid the risk of bleeding and infection, most often the mole is removed using one of the modern methods.

When a mole degenerates into melanoma, the prognosis is not so favorable. Melanoma is considered one of the most dangerous types of malignant tumors. Therefore, those who were able to recognize the threat in time and consult a doctor have a greater chance of a full and rapid recovery.

For patients of both of these groups, further time spent in the sun during the warm season should be limited. Constant monitoring and examination by an oncologist is also recommended in order to detect a new formation in time and remove it.

The prognosis for redness of the skin around a mole can be favorable only when the patient does not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication, but consults a doctor with any alarming symptom.

If you notice redness around a mole, there is no need to despair. Watch her for a few days. The redness may go away on its own. Self-medicating without an accurate diagnosis is very dangerous. If a mole degenerates into a cancerous growth, you can only harm yourself and the body as a whole.


Various changes may appear around the mole, which may be a consequence of the mole degenerating into a malignant form, an exacerbation of a benign skin disease, or a combination with other dermatological diseases. Strictly speaking, the term “mole” is not medical and does not refer to any specific skin tumor. Before judging the changes around a mole, it would be nice to know what the “mole” itself is actually called. If a white or brown spot, redness of the skin, a halo or a rim appears around a mole, the most appropriate thing to do would be to consult an oncologist, dermatologist, or at least a surgeon. However, it doesn’t hurt to have an independent understanding of possible diseases so as not to fall victim to the doctor’s incompetence. There are a great many different options, however, the most common cases are presented in this article.


White spot around the mole.

There should be no spots, halo, rim or pain in the skin around the mole. If a white spot is detected, it may be the result of a disease that cannot be ignored. There are a number of serious conditions accompanied by this type of skin change. To have an idea of ​​the possible reasons for the unexpected appearance of a white spot on the skin around a mole, it is necessary to consider the signs of some pathologies in which such a phenomenon is possible.

A white spot around a mole like Setton's nevus.

The most common reason why a white spot appears around a mole is the occurrence of Setton's nevus. In medicine, pigmented nevi are moles that arise due to the proliferation of skin pigment cells - melanocytes. There are several varieties of pigmented nevi themselves. However, almost each of these varieties can turn into Setton's nevus with a white spot around the mole. It affects the skin of people of any age and gender. But most often it manifests itself in childhood and adolescence. This is a benign formation that can lead to the complete disappearance of a mole with a white spot around it. It is similar in appearance to vitiligo, but is not vitiligo.
As for the reasons for the appearance of Setton's nevus, it is based on a pathological reaction of the immune system to pigment cells in the mole. The body attacks its own tissues due to a faulty immune response. The appearance of a white spot around a mole such as Setton's nevus is promoted by exposure to solar radiation (sea holidays and solariums). Also, it is important if the patient or his relatives have autoimmune diseases, of which there are quite a lot (hereditary tendency).
It is important to correctly distinguish (carry out differential diagnosis) the white spot around the mole in Setton's nevus from the white rim around melanoma, since it has an external resemblance to a nevus. For this purpose, a part of the tissue is taken for histological examination, dermatoscopy and other types of diagnostics are performed. No special treatment is required if the diagnosis of Setton's nevus is confirmed.

A white spot around a mole after injury.

Considering that there are quite a lot of moles on the skin, a combination of injuries and infections leading to changes in the skin around the mole is not uncommon. If a person touches a mole with nails or some other object, there is a high probability of additional infection, which serves as an additional factor in the appearance of a white spot around the mole after the wound has healed. In rare cases, an abscess (abscess) that is white or yellowish in color forms in the skin in the area of ​​the mole.
In damaged tissues, in addition to the white halo, there may be other changes (in the form of bubbles, etc.). Moles that have degenerated into cancer are very easily injured, which is why it is impossible to diagnose yourself in this case. An in-person examination by a dermatologist or oncologist will be required.

A white spot around a mole due to infections.

Often the cause of the appearance of a white spot around a mole is the presence of diseases such as pityriasis versicolor or eczema. After the disease is cured, in this case, the skin color is restored, but this does not always happen.
Pityriasis versicolor appears as a result of the introduction of a fungus into the body, which has a negative effect on the skin. It appears on the skin in the form of white or colored spots. If the disease is not treated, the spots will spread and increase in size. Pityriasis versicolor often itches and flakes. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, you need to take a scraping to identify the pathogen. If, despite the established diagnosis, the doctor is particularly suspicious of the white spot around the mole, a skin biopsy will be required. To treat pityriasis versicolor caused by a fungal infection, antifungal agents are used.
In the case of eczema, the lesions on the skin are multiple, affecting large areas, and the true diagnosis is quickly established. Treatment depends on the type of eczema.

A white spot around a malignant mole (melanoma).

Melanoma is a mole that has turned into a malignant neoplasm. It looks extremely diverse, masquerading as various benign and malignant skin tumors. This is the reason why patients do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, incorrect diagnosis and an increase in deaths. Many people believe that melanoma should be dark or even black in color. However, there are varieties of it that look like a mole with a white spot around it. What is associated with the loss of pigment synthesis by the tumor or an immune reaction similar to that in Setton’s nevus.
You should know that such a tumor is prone to rapid growth and coverage of increasingly larger areas of the skin. It spreads both in width and depth, metastasizing and affecting more and more tissues. People sometimes don't notice they have a tumor and don't experience any symptoms (no pain). Only after their development it becomes quite difficult to help the patient, since the disease has spread to the internal organs. Sometimes at the initial stage, melanoma itches, turns red, and blood is released from it. In order to help yourself in time, you need to examine the skin and pay attention to changes in moles and the skin around them.

A halo around a mole.

In some cases, people notice a halo on the skin around the mole, which comes in different colors. Even if it does not bother a person in any way, it cannot be ignored, as it can be a serious disease that is difficult to treat and poses a threat to life.

Halo of brown color.

Seborrheic keratosis of the skin.

Seborrheic keratoses are benign skin tumors that are similar to nevi in ​​appearance and are also called moles. There are many types of seborrheic keratosis, which can be combined with each other on one area of ​​​​the skin, which is why moles with a brown halo appear. Most often, seborrheic keratosis has a hereditary predisposition that becomes apparent with age, the rapid manifestation of which is facilitated by solar radiation (tanning). Characteristic symptoms: itching, inflammation and peeling of the skin.

Melanoma with brown halo.

As mentioned above, skin melanoma is deadly and looks extremely varied. There are options with a mole in the center and a brown halo around the periphery. This occurs due to the transformation of a pre-existing mole into melanoma. Or, when forming a nodal form from a pre-existing surface one. A distinctive feature when examining the skin is the unevenness of its edges, uneven coloring of the mole itself or the skin around it. There may be bleeding ulcers, which almost always indicates a malignant process. It is characterized by changes in color and shape. Melanoma spreads very quickly, increasing the area of ​​affected tissue. Skin melanoma should not be scratched, burned, or attempted to be treated on its own. This is fatal. The primary treatment is surgical, with an oncologist.