Oils against deep wrinkles around the eyes


Let’s say right away that it is impossible to completely get rid of wrinkles with the help of essential oils; only Botox injections and laser rejuvenation procedures will help. And then, provided that the creases are not yet deep. But if you need to smooth out small wrinkles, make deep ones less noticeable, and prevent the appearance of new ones, most cosmetic oils will cope with these tasks.

The best oils against facial wrinkles

Every woman faces age-related problems sooner or later. The first wrinkles may appear quite early. The reason for this is expressive facial expressions, or, oddly enough, a cheerful character. The sooner you start fighting wrinkles that appear on your face, the greater your chances of keeping your skin fresh and smooth longer.


Castor oil

One of the most affordable and effective oils is castor oil. Freely sold in any pharmacy, the oil has excellent properties. It consists of 90% ricinoleic acid, which fights expression lines and nourishes dry facial skin. The effect of regular use is noticeable within a month.

Application: You can add other oils to the oil or apply it pure. The mixture is heated and pressed into the wrinkles with your fingertips. The procedure is carried out daily for a month.


Jojoba oil

This product copes even with formed wrinkles and is especially suitable for mature or very dry facial skin. Due to the high content of the natural antioxidant vitamin E, jojoba oil protects skin cells from the harmful effects of free radicals, and amino acids are responsible for skin elasticity. The oil is instantly absorbed, while creating an invisible, breathable film.

Application: the oil is applied both as a mask and instead of a nourishing cream mixed in a ratio of 1:4.


Cacao butter

Cocoa butter contains fatty acids, tannins, methylxatin and vitamins. All these substances are responsible for cell renewal, provide protection from the harmful effects of the environment, and prevent dry skin and the formation of wrinkles.

Application: You can replace the nourishing cream with cocoa butter; to do this, you need to apply a small piece to your face, and when it starts to melt, move it over the skin. Ideal before bed.


Grape seed oil

All the beneficial properties of this berry are concentrated in grape seeds. Possessing powerful antioxidant properties, the oil perfectly nourishes the skin, has a lifting effect, cleanses pores, and prevents the formation of wrinkles. The main feature of grape seed oil is that it is suitable even for oily skin.

Application: for dry and very dry skin, other fatty oils are added to the mask: jojoba, coconut, shea butter, and for normal and oily skin, grape seed oil is used undiluted.


Coconut oil

Coconut oil nourishes the skin, provides reliable protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, and improves metabolic processes. When applied, an invisible film is formed on the face, which provides an optimal level of moisture, thereby preventing it from drying out and the formation of wrinkles.

Application: For facial care, only refined oil is suitable, which is melted and applied to the face before bed. The advantage of coconut oil is that it is very light and suitable even for the eyelid area..


Linseed oil

For aging skin, flax seed oil will be a real panacea, because in terms of biological value it occupies one of the first places. With constant use, you can smooth out small wrinkles, increase skin turgor and tighten the shape of your face.

Application: The mixture is applied to the face, excluding the eye area (it is quite heavy and can cause swelling), after 10 minutes it is washed off with water. Flaxseed oil is useful for both external and internal use. Taking a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach and at night, after some time the result will be obvious.

To prevent skin aging and the formation of wrinkles, you should pay attention to the skin of the neck and décolleté. It is these zones that are the first to “sag”, become flabby and reveal true age.

Oils for skin care around the eyes

The skin in the periorbital zone (eye area) is much thinner than on the face, and also lacks sebaceous glands, which is why wrinkles easily form on it. Crow's feet and dark circles give the face a tired look. Natural oils rich in vitamins, minerals and other active substances will help fight these signs of aging.


Olive oil

Olive oil contains various fatty acids. Despite this, it is ideal for caring for the eye area. It is better to use premium unrefined oils, which retain all the beneficial properties.

Application: To reduce the number of crow's feet, apply a compress of olive oil to the eyes every day (10 minutes is enough). Excess is removed with a cotton pad. You can also massage with the pads of your ring fingers. Using gentle patting movements, massage the oil into the skin, starting from the outer corners of the eyes to the inner ones..


Peach oil

Peach seed oil is often used in skin care around the eyes. It is rich in fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Compresses and masks based on it will help soften the skin, make it more elastic, and smooth out facial wrinkles.

Application: The oil is applied before bedtime, under the eyes, by gently tapping in with the pads of your fingers. In addition, peach oil can be applied to eyebrows and eyelashes, thereby improving their growth and preventing hair loss..


Almond oil

Almond oil will help moisturize the skin, reduce dark circles under the eyes, and smooth out expression lines. The active components included in the composition make it an indispensable product for caring for aging skin.

Application: Every evening, the oil is gently beaten into the wrinkles; after half an hour, the residue is removed with a cotton pad. There is no need to apply additional cream, otherwise swelling may appear in the morning..


Sea buckthorn oil

Mainly suitable for very dry and aging skin. Oil from sea buckthorn fruits can eliminate not only fine wrinkles, but also noticeably smooth out deep ones, as well as increase the turgor of flabby areas of the skin. Only cold-pressed varieties are suitable for facial care.

Application: Sea buckthorn oil is not used in its pure form. You can add one capsule of vitamin E or any other oil to it.

Despite the fact that the area around the eyes needs constant hydration, you should not overuse oils, otherwise milia and swelling may appear.

Stopping aging and making wrinkles almost invisible for many years is possible only with proper daily care. Masks based on cosmetic oils are only part of the available means in the fight for youth.

You can’t spoil the skin around your eyes with oil,” cosmetologists paraphrased the well-known saying. This is true: the delicate sensitive skin of the “mirror of the soul” is unusually responsive to the nutritional effects of any oil, be it butter or sunflower. But let's not go to extremes. We will tell you which oil for wrinkles around the eyes is considered the best, according to reviews from professionals and users. We will provide a description of the “top ten” home remedies, including exotic ones. Let's introduce you to recipes for masks based on effective oils for wrinkles around the eyes.

So that it’s not too late: at what age should you use oil?


The aging processes of the dermis and the appearance of the first wrinkles do not depend on age. For some, unpleasant changes appear at the age of 20, while others enter their fourth decade with radiant eyes and smooth skin. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend starting preventative care for the skin around the eyes with vegetable oil at the age of 20–25 years. At this age, the skin is able to independently produce collagen and elastane and does not need lipid (heavy) anti-aging creams.

The best remedy is a natural base of vegetable oils. At a young age, it is not recommended to smear “pure” oil; it is better to prepare the cream yourself. The easiest way is to dilute the “base” with water and apply it around the eyes.

Almost all known vegetable oils are used in cosmetology. Let's highlight those that are effective in combating wrinkles around the eyes. And you choose the one that is ideal for your skin, makes it fresh and elastic.

Ten of the most effective oils for the skin around the eyes


Cosmetologists divide oils into base and essential oils and give recommendations on how to mix them correctly. The basic ones are fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. The composition of different types of natural oils varies slightly.

  1. Jojoba oil stands out from the plant line with its uniqueness. Only it contains a set of rare acids: eicosenoic and behenic. They stimulate tissues for natural regeneration and restore elasticity lost over the years. Fatty acids protect against exposure to sunlight and remove crow's feet. Use jojoba oil for the face against wrinkles here.
  2. Castor oil promotes the growth of eyelashes, eyebrows, smoothes the skin around the eyes. Castor oil for wrinkles around the eyes does not create an oily film and is completely absorbed. Saturates the eyelids with moisture. How to use castor oil for eyelashes - details here.
  3. Almond oil – one of the best cosmetics for softening, nutrition, and whitening. Cosmetologists note its ability to reduce wrinkles and fight age-related changes. A distinctive feature is a soft, delicate texture, ideal for the skin around the eyes.
    It is used to produce cosmetic products for removing eyelash makeup. Almond oil for wrinkles solves the problem of acne and aging skin. Smoothes out shallow wrinkles. Cosmetologists recommend oil massage around the eyes twice a day: “crow’s feet” with this care become invisible and completely disappear over time.
  4. Wheat germ oil – a storehouse of minerals, vitamins, amino acids. Works on cell renewal. Has anti-inflammatory properties. Refreshes color, tightens oval shape, eliminates wrinkles in the corners of the eyes. The only drawback is the heavy consistency. Therefore, combine it with light products: peach, apricot oil.
  5. Linseed oil for the face against wrinkles around the eyes - a universal remedy that nourishes, moisturizes, and smoothes. The disadvantages include the thick consistency, heavy on the eyelids. It is recommended to apply diluted with water or essential compounds. By the way, many people use flax oil for weight loss.

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    Olive - Gently but quickly affects dry skin that has lost its elasticity. It is also simply a healthy product of Mediterranean cuisine, which Europeans consider anti-aging.
  7. Sea buckthorn oil for wrinkles under the eyes - in terms of the degree of effect on the skin it is not inferior to rose hips. The same composition of vitamins - A, C, E - slows down the aging process and is involved in the production of collagen. Fruit acids even out skin color by affecting age spots.
  8. Peach makes the skin soft and velvety, similar to the fruit itself. Oleic and linoleic acids regenerate the dermis under the eyes. Antioxidant vitamins improve metabolic processes in tissues.
  9. Coconut – moisturizer. It will help get rid of facial wrinkles, swelling under the eyes, and dark circles in the infraorbital area.
  10. Rose hip extract – a powerful antioxidant surrounded by a dozen types of fatty acids. Restores the protective functions of the epidermis, thanks to the high content of vitamin C. A slightly smaller amount of vitamin A protects cells from aging and accelerates metabolic processes in tissues. It is a means of beauty and renewal. Many cosmetologists consider it one of the best basic products for homemade creams and masks.

Best eye oil for wrinkles


There is no clear advice on the use of oil products against wrinkles around the eyes. Which oil is considered the best if they have a similar composition? Fans of natural anti-aging procedures often prefer olive oil, which is common in households and affordable. Others advocate castor oil, which is absorbed without forming an unpleasant film.

According to reviews from cosmetologists, you should choose a natural product that is light and delicate in consistency. If you like the effect of “heavy” anti-wrinkle products on your face, use them as a base for combination eye masks against wrinkles. This way you will prepare a delicate elastic mass that will not cause swelling and swelling. As a supplement, use essential oils - 2-3 drops per mask, fruits, berries are enough.

Simple recipes

Here are some recipes for basic oil-based eye masks:

  1. Exotic: combine crushed avocado pulp with the base in a 1 to 1 ratio, add a couple of drops of lavender extract, which will effectively “suppress” the fat content of the oil base.
    Apply with light massaging movements to problem areas around the eyes and eyelids. Exposure: 15-20 minutes. Blot with a damp cloth.
  2. Citrus: coconut oil and sugar-free orange juice in a ratio of 5 to 1. Moisten cotton pads and apply to eyelids for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Vegetable: Carrot, potato, and cucumber puree is suitable as a filler-diluent with a fatty consistency. Mix in equal proportions.
  4. Essential oil cocktails. You can use various essential extracts in combination with an oil base. Sandalwood extract perfectly removes even deep creases. Rose extract improves the elasticity of the dermis. Exotic neroli oil (extract from orange flowers) stimulates the formation of new cells. Expensive lime oil has a similar effect.
    The peculiarity of citrus oils is that they have a fresh aroma, in their pure form they act aggressively on fabrics, so no more than one drop is added to the oil base.

Another recipe for an effective mask against wrinkles under the eyes is offered in this video:

In cosmetology, oil cocktails have proven themselves to be effective in the fight against expression wrinkles. When choosing an oil for rejuvenating eyelid procedures, do not overdo it with a greasy base and essential extracts that have an aggressive effect on delicate skin. Monitor your skin's reaction.

You can find more information on this topic in the Anti-Wrinkle Oil section.

Cosmetologists advise starting professional eyelid care from the age of 21-23. The skin around the eyes is a real indicator of health, age and the presence of bad habits. Any deviations from the daily routine and proper nutrition are reflected on the face. Swelling and bruising appear under the eyes, skin color changes, and wrinkles form. In such cases, essential oils will come to the rescue. They are able to tone, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Not all essential oils are suitable for caring for the eye area. Some of them can cause swelling of the eyelids. But more often the cause of this is an allergy to the ingredients or incorrect exposure time of the mask. For the first time, the substance is applied for no more than 5 minutes. If there is no discomfort, itching, or redness, the procedure can be increased by 5 minutes each time. The maximum holding time is half an hour.

Essential oils for wrinkles around the eyes have the following effects:

  1. Frankincense - effective in the fight against wrinkles, tightens the skin, removes crow's feet and folds under the eyes, prevents the appearance of new wrinkles, moisturizes;
  2. jasmine - relieves redness and dryness;
  3. ylang-ylang - ideal for dry skin, evens out color, moisturizes, prevents wrinkles;
  4. myrrh - restores tone, accelerates regeneration;
  5. patchouli - hydrates, tones, restores;
  6. sandalwood - heals injured and inflamed skin, increases elasticity.


Natural oils are essential and fatty. The latter are used as a base for breeding the former. Essential oils are liquid, evaporate quickly, and have a pronounced odor. Basic ones are fatty, thick, practically odorless. Essential oil applied without a base will quickly evaporate, will not have any healing effect and may even burn.

Base oil, unlike essential oil, does not burn. It has the ability to be absorbed into the skin. Penetrating into the dermis, the base oil delivers essential components to the cells of the dermis. The base substance itself is capable of influencing physiological processes in the skin, so its choice is very important.


Olive oil is a storehouse of vitamin E, a substance that is rightly called the vitamin of youth and beauty. The product is available and can be found in almost every home.


A plant wax sourced from tropical jojoba nuts. In the refrigerator, the substance has a waxy consistency; when warm, it becomes liquid. The proteins of this oil resemble collagen in structure, so it is the best means of transporting any elements deep into the dermis. Jojoba is quickly absorbed, easily breaking the epidermal barrier, and brings with it the components of the oil. The product does not clog pores, does not cause allergies, and does not cause comedones.

Flaxseed oil is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Has a powerful rejuvenating effect. By regularly lubricating your face with it, you can forget about the phenomenon of skin dehydration.

A substance with a strong anti-edematous effect, ideal for the care of dry eyelid skin. Works great on deep wrinkles. This is an inexpensive universal remedy with nourishing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, castor oil slightly lightens the skin and helps get rid of age spots.

A popular skin care product as soon as wrinkles begin to form on it. Eliminates age-related pigmentation.

Cooling product, very effective in suntan lotions (helps reflect the sun's rays). Moisturizes, helps with skin infections and inflammation. It is odorless unless synthetic fragrances are added to it. Coconut oil contains powerful antiseptic components, destroys bacteria that cause inflammation, softens dry and rough areas, and retains moisture in cells. Excellent for caring for the delicate skin of the eyelids - smoothes out wrinkles, promotes the growth and thickness of eyelashes.

Essential oils nourish, cleanse and tone, improve blood circulation and support all skin functions. They act not only on the outer layers, but also penetrate into the deeper layers of tissue, can be absorbed into the capillaries and enter the bloodstream.

Only a few oils can be applied to the face without dilution, and only because the surface of the skin is already covered with a thin layer of natural fat. When rubbed, the composition mixes with the natural fat coating and becomes less scalding.

The general rule is that essential oils need to be diluted before applying to the skin.

There are just a few oils you can apply directly to your skin:

People with sensitive skin should dilute any essential oil to avoid burns.

Other important rules for using essential oils:

  1. 1. Before the first session, you need to do a test for individual sensitivity - you should like the smell, not cause coughing, shortness of breath, or discomfort.
  2. 2. For a new composition, be sure to conduct a test - apply one drop of the product to the area behind the ear. If the area is not red after 12 hours, the mixture can be used to care for the skin around the eyes.
  3. 3. When applying citrus oils, you should not go out into the sun for the next two hours, as they are phototoxic - they increase the skin’s reaction to the sun’s rays, which can cause burns and hyperpigmentation.
  4. 4. To prevent the skin from getting used to it, the mixture can be used for no more than a month, then take a week break.

When mixing, you must follow the rules of compatibility.


Successful combinations are indicated in blue

Ways to use essential oils:



Pour 5-10 drops into a liter of water, dip a flannel napkin into the liquid for a few minutes, wring it out and apply it to the eyelids.

Place an ice pack or crushed ice in a plastic glass on top to prevent the compress from heating up.

A cotton wool or piece of gauze is moistened with vegetable fat with added products and secured with adhesive tape.

Vibrating, patting, stroking, beating in the mixture with your fingertips.

All movements are carried out from the inner edge of the eye to the outer, along massage lines

Enrichment of cosmetics, creams, lotions, tonics, masks

One or two drops of the product are added to a portion of the cosmetic product immediately before application.


Direction of movements when applying products to the face

Removing makeup with a mixture of essential and carrier oils allows you to simultaneously cleanse, moisturize and nourish the skin. A person receives complete care from just a few simple steps:

  1. wash with warm water without detergents;
  2. Apply a mixture of base and essential oils to a moistened cotton pad and wipe your face with it;
  3. Remove excess with another damp cotton pad.

Eight popular recipes:



For tired eyes

Pour into the aroma lamp:

  1. 3 drops each of lemon and orange oils;
  2. 8 drops rosemary;
  3. 6 drops of bergamot.

Light an aroma lamp with this mixture for 40-60 minutes in the evenings

For skin care around the eyes

Mix a teaspoon of avocado or olive oil and 2 drops each of mint, fennel and orange.

Apply to the skin under the eyes before bed

Mix a teaspoon of jojoba oil and one drop each of geranium, verbena and rosemary.

Apply one hour before bedtime

To combat crow's feet

Mix 2 drops:

As a base, take a teaspoon of coconut oil.

Gently apply the mixture around the eyes shortly before bedtime.

For sagging skin around the eyes

Mix a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and one drop each of neroli and sandalwood.

Apply twice daily

To rejuvenate the skin around the eyes

Dilute one drop each of rose, lime and sandalwood in a teaspoon of peach oil.

Apply twice a day, course - 2 weeks

Mix 10 ml of rosehip oil and 1 drop each of neroli and rose oil.

Apply to the skin under the eyes twice a day, leave for 60 minutes

Compresses for nutrition, hydration and cell restoration

Add 10 drops of rose oil to 50 ml of thermal water.

Soak cotton pads in the liquid and apply to closed eyes.

Keep for 10 minutes

Universal aroma mixture for skin care around the eyes
  1. 20 ml grape seed oil;
  2. one drop of pink;
  3. one drop of neroli;
  4. one drop of parsley oil.

In the evening, cleanse the skin, apply the aroma mixture around the eyes, after 5 minutes remove the residue with a cotton pad.

Aroma mixture for rejuvenating the skin around the eyes
  1. 1 tablespoon each of avocado, almond and olive oils;
  2. 4 drops each of mint, fennel and lavender oils.

Apply the aroma mixture to cleansed skin around the eyes in the evenings, after 5 minutes removing the residue with a cotton pad.

The last two mixtures are the author’s developments of Olga Seymour, a famous specialist in cosmetology. Her recipes are deservedly popular. With the help of aromatherapy, the cosmetologist suggests fighting dry skin in the eye area at home, getting rid of wrinkles and swelling.

When preparing and using formulations, she recommends adhering to the following rules:

  1. 1. Mix the substances, pour into a glass container, close tightly with a lid, and leave for at least an hour.
  2. 2. Cleanse skin with water and detergent.
  3. 3. Apply the aroma mixture with the pad of your ring finger - pointwise, along the massage lines.
  4. 4. After a light five-minute massage, remove the residue with a cotton swab.