Carrot anti-wrinkle mask

Vegetables and fruits contain nutrients that can be beneficial not only when consumed internally, but also when consumed externally. A carrot face mask is used to achieve various purposes: clearing acne, creating a self-tanning effect.

Masks for problem and oily skin

The main benefit of carrots for oily and combination skin is the large amount of tanning vitamins - carotene and vitamin A in its composition. These substances not only affect the functioning of melanin, but also promote the regeneration of epidermal cells. Also, the juice of this root vegetable contains a decent amount of ascorbic acid, known for its properties to relieve inflammation and disinfect the epidermis.

Even the simplest carrot mask for a problem face, which can be prepared at home, will help get rid of acne and pimples.

#1: Mask of carrot pulp and one egg yolk. You need to peel and grate the middle root vegetable, then combine it with the beaten yolk. Apply a thick layer to cleansed face and neck and leave for at least 20 minutes.

#2: If you have large red pimples, carrots with fermented milk products will help.. Lactic acid will help eliminate the inflammatory process, and carrots will help restore damaged pores. For one vegetable, take from 2 to 4 tablespoons of any dairy product (ryazhenka, kefir, sour cream). The mixture is thoroughly mixed. If desired, you can add a few drops of your favorite oil. Apply for 10 minutes.

Reviews claim that a carrot mask can not only nourish or regenerate facial skin, but also cleanse better than many scrubs. This is due to the strong mineral composition and ascorbine in the juice of the root vegetable.


Photo – Carrot mask

#3: Carrot peeling recipe:

  1. The carrots are grated on a fine grater. You can use both puree and vegetable juice;
  2. Next, add the yolk and heated tea tree essential oil to the selected ingredient (take no more than 2 drops;
  3. Then a tablespoon of oatmeal is added to the mixture. For enlarged pores, you can even use ordinary Hercules flakes;
  4. This mixture is infused for 20 minutes, after which you need to add 2 tablespoons of fat sour cream.

The mass is applied to any problem areas of the body and rubbed thoroughly with your fingers. You need to rub in a circle, preferably following the massage lines. After 5 minutes of manipulation, you need to leave the scrub mask for further effects. Rinse off after 10–15 minutes. We recommend considering recipes for oatmeal masks.

#4: Carrot mask recipe for oily skin with potato starch, which draws out all sorts of crap from the pores. It is recommended to steam your face first, otherwise the product will be less effective for acne and comedones. Root vegetable puree is mixed with 1 tablespoon of natural starch and the same amount of any fermented milk product. The mixture is applied to the epidermis with gentle rubbing movements and left for about 30 minutes. Afterwards you need to wash your face and wipe your face with a hard towel.

If homemade carrot masks do not inspire confidence, then you can buy the famous face product from Hendel Garden - Hendel’s Garden “Carrot mask” (average price 20 USD). The product is sold exclusively at dealerships or at the company's partner pharmacy. This remedy is used for pimples and blackheads. In addition to natural carrot extract, it also contains kaolin, panthenol, potassium, and vitamin B3. Helps improve appearance, tightens and smoothes the epidermis.

Masks for dry skin

Carrots are also actively used to eliminate dryness and the first signs of premature aging. In most cases, to treat roughness, it is applied in its pure form, after squeezing out the juice. Afterwards, it is recommended to rub the treated area with any available lightening product.


Grated carrots

#5: For dry, mature skin, a product with honey and carrots is perfect. The vegetable is grated and combined with two spoons of heated sweetness. Be sure to mix the puree thoroughly so that there are no lumps. Apply to all problem areas and leave for at least 7-10 minutes.

#6: Carrot mask with white clay for face. It has a lifting effect, cleanses of dead cells and normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The same amount of water is taken for one part of kaolin, then grated carrots are added to the mineral mixture. Apply to face and neck, keep until completely dry.

#7: Carrot puree with oils. For example, coconut and shea butter are suitable for dry and sensitive skin. They need to be melted in a water bath, then measure out 2 teaspoons. Mix with root vegetable puree and apply to dry and flaky areas.

#8: Boiled carrots are good for tired and grayish skin. It can perfectly moisturize without staining your face. You need to boil the vegetable, peel it and mash thoroughly with a fork. If desired, mix with any other moisturizer (coconut, milk). Apply to face and neck, leave for 15 minutes.

Video: recipes for homemade marking face masks

Carrots for tanning

Carotene directly affects skin color, as it is able to activate melanin production. Therefore, dermatologists recommend consuming raw carrots before sunbathing: it will increase the amount of pigment and allow you to get a richer and longer-lasting tan.


Carrot puree

For sunless tanning, you can also use carrot puree. But you need to remember a few rules:

  1. Always apply homemade carrot masks only to cleansed and scrubbed skin. Otherwise, the tan will be spotty;
  2. You need to apply carrot puree in a thick, even layer on your face, neck and décolleté;
  3. The recipes are suitable only for fair-skinned girls. A folk self-tanner has a less expressive effect than a purchased one, so it simply will not give the desired shade on a dark-skinned epidermis.

To make a carrot mask for tanning your face, you need to choose the root vegetable of the brightest color. The brighter the vegetable, the more pigments it contains. Afterwards, the carrots are grated on a fine grater. The pulp should be lightly pressed through cheesecloth to remove excess juice. If this is not done, then after washing off the mask, “smudges” may remain on the epidermis.

You need to keep this self-tanner on for at least 10 minutes, but no more than 15. Otherwise, you can get an unnatural orange tint to your skin. Rinse off the mixture with plain water without soap. If the result does not triple, then you can always eliminate the effect of the carrot pigment using an alcohol-containing tonic or vodka.

This self-tanning is completely safe - carrots are hypoallergenic. But it is recommended to use it no more than once a week. You can do the same before going to the beach. Then there will be a natural protective layer on the epidermis that will help you tan beautifully, but will protect you from burning.


As such, there are no categorical contraindications for a carrot face mask, but you need to be quite careful with it. Considering that carotene tends to change skin tone, it may not be suitable for girls who want to lighten the epidermis.

Also, you should not experiment with carrots if you experience hyperpigmentation. Carotene can provoke increased pigmentation, which will worsen the situation. Of course, at any time you can erase its traces with alcohol, but this way you risk drying out the epidermis.

Many people have long known about the benefits of ordinary carrots for the body. This vegetable is a very popular ingredient in home cosmetology. Carrot juice is an indispensable component in face masks because it has miraculous properties. This is how lovers of home treatments most often speak about it.

So, what are the benefits of this vegetable? What masks can be made with it at home? We'll talk about this later.


About the benefits of carrots for facial skin

For the face, a carrot mask is useful primarily because of the large amount of keratin contained in this vegetable. It perfectly moisturizes the skin, making it smoother and silkier. A positive result can be noticeable after the first applications.

Representatives of the fair sex who regularly use this product at home very often notice the lifting effect that appears due to the frequent use of carrots in masks. Skin epithelial cells are filled with moisture and become more elastic, which visually refreshes the skin.

In addition, a carrot face mask done correctly in the evening can eliminate signs of fatigue. This effect is achieved with the help of vitamin PP, which is also found in large quantities in the vegetable.

Cosmetologists recommend applying fresh carrots to your face or wiping your skin with the juice of this vegetable in the summer, especially on sunny days. The beneficial components it contains actively protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Acne mask

Often, girls and women make carrot masks for acne because they believe that they help very well. As fans of this mixture note, after just a few regular procedures, you can notice positive changes: the skin of the face becomes light and ruddy, the pores are cleaned very well, and of course, the number of inflammations and rashes decreases. It can also help you get rid of acne in just a few days.

This mask is very easy to prepare. To do this, you need to take a tablespoon of finely grated carrots, a teaspoon of ordinary wheat flour, and also egg white. All ingredients should be mixed very well until a homogeneous mass is formed, and then applied to previously cleansed facial skin. This mixture should be kept for about 30 minutes, then rinsed with warm water.


Anti-wrinkle mask

A carrot face mask perfectly helps fight age-related changes, such as wrinkles. This is due to the large amount of keratin contained in the vegetable. It has a beneficial effect on the skin, nourishes it, making it more elastic and fresh. Cosmetologists also advise applying a face mask with starch and carrot juice to the area around the eyes, which is known to require more careful treatment.

To prepare such a mask you need to take 1 tbsp. l. sour cream, the same amount of potato starch, five tbsp. l. freshly squeezed carrot juice. You will also need 500 ml of purified warm water, which must first be boiled.

It will take some time to prepare such a mask. To do this, you need to dilute the starch in water and leave for 15 minutes. After this, all ingredients are mixed and brought to a homogeneous state. Apply the mask only to a cleansed face and keep it on for 20-30 minutes. You can repeat this procedure quite often - the result will not be long in coming, because, according to its regular users, a face mask made from carrot juice, starch and sour cream works simply amazing!


Mask for oily skin

Carrot mask is also great for oily skin. It helps fight all the problems that owners of this skin type may have. To prepare this miraculous mixture, you need to first boil the carrots and then puree them. Two tablespoons of the resulting gruel must be mixed with egg white, and then a teaspoon of ordinary wheat flour should be added to the total mass. All ingredients should be mixed thoroughly to make the mixture homogeneous. Then you can apply it to all problem areas. This carrot face mask should be kept on the skin for about 20 minutes until it dries out.


Mask for dry skin

Surprisingly, carrots are such a versatile ingredient for making masks that homemade cosmetics using them are suitable for any skin, including dry skin. As mentioned above, the components contained in its composition perfectly fill the epithelium with moisture, which dry skin so lacks. The price of a carrot face mask prepared according to this recipe will be low. As people who have already tried this mask note in their comments, it moisturizes the skin quite effectively. As a rule, its cost is about 30-50 rubles.

In order to make this miracle cure, you need to take a couple of teaspoons of olive oil (it is best to use a virgin product), add one yolk to it, as well as a couple of tablespoons of puree made from pre-cooked carrots. All components must be thoroughly ground so that the mass becomes as homogeneous as possible. The resulting mask should be applied to the entire face area and kept on for half an hour. It is during this time that all the necessary components will have time to be absorbed into the pores and fill them with the necessary amount of moisture. After several regular uses, you may notice an improvement in appearance. And your face will look fresher and more alert.


Carrot-cranberry mask

Reviews of carrot face masks made at home often say that an original and effective option can be a mask prepared with an additional and very beneficial ingredient for the skin - cranberry juice. To make it yourself, you need to finely grate one medium-sized carrot, add a teaspoon of potato starch, an egg yolk, and a few drops of cranberry juice to the resulting pulp. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed so that the vegetable gives the required amount of juice.

After preparing the mask, apply it to your face and leave for a while. You need to keep it until the mixture begins to dry out. At the same time, some cosmetologists recommend combining the waiting process with a facial massage, during which the very healthy carrot juice will be better absorbed into the pores, which will have a positive effect on the overall result.


Carrot-honey mask

Many people also know about the beneficial properties of honey. However, not everyone knows that this component perfectly helps get rid of blackheads and other problems that appear due to overly oily skin. Thus, reviews of a carrot face mask for acne often say that it can be varied by adding honey. With its help, you can significantly improve the potency of your homemade cosmetic product.

In order to prepare a carrot-honey mask, you should take a couple of tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice, one spoon of honey (it is best to use flower honey) and the same amount of wheat flour. Having combined all the ingredients in one bowl, mix them thoroughly and then apply to the skin for about 20 minutes.


Carrot-sour cream mask

Another mask, according to many women, has miraculous properties. It is prepared from two healthy ingredients - sour cream and carrots. To create it, it is best to choose a dairy product with the highest fat content. Some cosmetologists even recommend using homemade sour cream. Any carrot will do. The main thing is that it is fresh.

As for the proportions, the mass should be prepared from sour cream and fresh finely grated carrots, in proportions of 1:2, respectively. The ingredients must be mixed very well and applied to the face for at least 30 minutes, then rinsed with water.

Carrot juice and dairy mask

To prepare such a mask, you should use only products with a high fat content. It is advisable to take homemade cottage cheese, which contains the largest number of useful components.

To prepare a miraculous mask that helps fight various skin problems and simply nourishes it well, you need to combine a teaspoon of homemade cottage cheese and the same amount of yogurt in one bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed carrot juice to the resulting mixture. All ingredients should be thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin using massage movements, as the mask will have a slightly liquid consistency.

After 20-30 minutes, the dried mixture can be washed off. After the first use, women notice amazing results.


Reviews of carrot masks

Many users share their impressions of the results obtained after using the carrot mask. As a rule, they leave only positive comments about its effect on absolutely any type of facial skin. For example, girls who suffer from excessive dry skin say that after several procedures they forgot about their problem forever. Women who wanted to make wrinkles less noticeable noted that they achieved the desired result even after 3-4 regular procedures. Owners of oily and problem skin in their recommendations say that the carrot mask has a noticeable effect on inflammation, reducing its number. In addition, they appear less and less over time, and sometimes disappear altogether.

In addition, fans of this homemade cosmetic product recommend it because of the low price of the components included in its composition. It won’t be difficult to find them, because carrots, sour cream, starch and other ingredients can be bought at any grocery store.

Many recipes for miraculous masks can be found on the Internet. Beautiful ladies try to maintain youthful skin in different ways: some buy expensive industrial cosmetics, some use home remedies, some simply periodically massage their faces. The most desperate ones turn to beauty salons for help in the form of “beauty injections” or even go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Of course, the last 2 methods are the most effective. But women do not get tired of experimenting, since not everyone has sufficient means to use the servants of doctors, and this is not always harmless to health. And now interesting news has appeared on the Internet: the Botox effect can be achieved by a simple homemade mask based on starch and carrots! Is this true and if so, what properties of the ingredients provide such amazing results?

Beneficial properties of starch and carrots

Benefits of a face mask made from starch and carrots

It’s easy to make a mask of starch, grated carrots or carrot juice and other ingredients yourself. Its undoubted “advantage” is its low cost and availability: there is hardly a family that cannot afford to purchase a little starch. And there are probably carrots in any home, and summer residents also have carrots grown with their own hands, which are environmentally friendly!

Starch is often included in face masks when the need arises:

  1. regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  2. cope with enlarged pores;
  3. remove pigmentation (in particular, age-related).
  4. Among the beneficial substances and microelements of starch it is worth noting:
  5. potassium (removes excess fluid);
  6. calcium (relieves allergy symptoms);
  7. phosphorus (accelerates metabolism);
  8. niacin (improves the process of tissue regeneration);
  9. choline (fights excess oily skin).

It is starch that plays the role of Botox, the effect of which is compared with the results of using a carrot-starch mask. Starch perfectly nourishes the skin and helps moisturize it, which is especially important for dry and sensitive skin, as well as for those that have already undergone age-related changes.

The starch and carrot juice mask includes another important component - carrot juice. The sweet orange vegetable is rich in beta-carotene, which, when ingested and interacting with fats, turns into vitamin A. Vitamin A prevents skin aging, protects it from UV rays, and accelerates regenerative processes. In addition, carrot juice contains vitamin E (“responsible” for regeneration), vitamin C (promotes the production of collagen), and B vitamins (without them normal metabolism is impossible).

Women who claim that a mask of starch and carrot juice is a complete substitute for Botox are, of course, being a little disingenuous. Real Botox is a potent poison taken in microscopic doses. When a doctor gives a “beauty injection,” he blocks the work of neuromuscular fibers (partially), which makes it possible to eliminate facial wrinkles and restore the elasticity of the skin in individual areas. In these cases, the skin simply cannot fold into folds - so the wrinkles disappear.

Starch is only slightly similar in its effect to Botox - it dries and tightens the skin. This action is superficial and does not affect neuromuscular connections in any way. But you can notice a slight lifting effect, especially if you use a mask of starch, carrot juice and sour cream regularly, in courses. The skin will become radiant and smooth, the face will look well-groomed. And at the same time, no interference in the complex, well-functioning functioning of the body!

Face mask: starch, sour cream, carrot juice

The most common recipe for a rejuvenating mask with a lifting effect looks like this. You should prepare:

  1. spoon of starch (tablespoon);
  2. hot water (glass);
  3. fat sour cream (tablespoon);
  4. 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of carrot juice, preferably freshly squeezed.

Dissolve the starch in hot water, then bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, then cool and add carrot juice and sour cream. Mix everything well. You can apply the mask for half an hour, and you can safely apply the mixture to the sensitive area around the eyes. This will help reduce the number of “crow’s feet” - small wrinkles that appear in many people by the age of 30.

This face mask can be used for both the neck and décolleté. After the first use, the skin will become noticeably softer and more pleasant to the touch, the color will even out, and the grayish tint will disappear, which, unfortunately, often spoils the pretty faces of city dwellers deprived of fresh air.

Most likely, after preparing the mask, you will find that there is a lot of unused mixture left. No problem: put it in the refrigerator. You can use it in the next 3 days.

Varieties of masks with starch and carrot juice

Varieties of masks with starch and carrot juice

In the lifting face mask, starch and carrot juice are the main components. Otherwise, you can afford to experiment a little. So, it is not forbidden to replace sour cream with vegetable or olive oil. The main thing is that the rule be followed: carrot juice should be used together with fats. Fats are involved in the complex process of converting beta-carotene; without them, the beneficial substances from carrots will be much less absorbed.

To prepare a mask without sour cream, take:

  1. starch (teaspoon);
  2. warm water (teaspoon);
  3. carrot juice (teaspoon);
  4. half a teaspoon of oil that is on hand.

First, the starch should be dissolved in warm water, and then add the remaining ingredients to the mixture and mix everything. The result will be a jelly-like mass - distribute it evenly over the face and neck, leave it on for half an hour and wash it off. Then apply moisturizer.

If you notice obvious problems in the area around the eyes (the eyelids have become flabby, many small wrinkles have appeared), prepare the following mask:

  1. half a teaspoon of starch;
  2. a teaspoon of full-fat milk;
  3. half a teaspoon of carrot juice.

Pre-dissolve the starch in warm water. You can also add a teaspoon of honey (provided you are not allergic to it). The mask can be used once every 2 days or every other day until noticeable results are achieved.

Full-fat kefir will perfectly replace sour cream if you find it in your refrigerator, and you won’t have time to go to the store for sour cream. When you prepare a mask with kefir, you should first dissolve the starch in cold water, then pour it into boiling water and keep it on the fire for a while. Otherwise, the cooking principle is no different from the previous ones.

A scrub mask based on starch, carrot juice, sour cream and sea salt gives a good effect. It should be applied to the face with light massaging movements. 5-7 minutes of massage - and the mask should be washed off with warm water. This way you will provide yourself with a “2 in 1” effect: cleanse the skin of dead cells and nourish it.

How to enhance the beneficial effect

How to enhance the beneficial effect of a mask

To ensure that the mask brings the greatest benefit, you can use the tips below.

The mask should be applied to a slightly steamed face - when the pores are open, the nutrients penetrate deeper.

Some people prefer fashionable Japanese, others like classic ones. In this case, this is not so important: you just need to improve the blood supply, then the results of using the mask will be better.

Stand in front of the mirror, apply a light moisturizer to your face and walk along the massage lines with smooth, soft movements, using your fingertips as a working tool. You can use a “finger shower,” that is, gentle tapping. Do not forget, when massaging your face, go down to the neck and collarbone area: this way you will include in the work those muscles that are directly related to the facial muscles. We finish the massage with stroking, wash off the cream and apply a mask.

Young girls can also use starch and carrots as caring cosmetics to prevent facial wrinkles and combat skin rashes. A couple of times a month is enough for them.

Then you need to take a break for a month. You can do it 3 times in a row, then stop for a week, and do it again for 3 days. And so - 10-14 times.

Are there any contraindications?

You should avoid using a mask with starch and carrot juice if there are large areas of inflammation on your face. It is also undesirable to use it during an exacerbation of herpes. No other contraindications have been identified - except perhaps an individual allergic reaction.

A mask made from starch and carrot juice cannot, of course, be called a full-fledged alternative to Botox. But with regular use, it will definitely give a good effect: the skin will tighten, look healthy and radiant. Convince yourself of this from your own experience - start a course of procedures, and soon the reflection in the mirror will begin to make you smile with sincere pleasure!