Bone Central

The central bone is the largest and largest bone in an animal's skull. The spine of a livestock contains these two basic elements. The gap between them is called flat and has the same name. The first element, which is located between both main elements and belongs to the large components. The shape of the spine itself changes because it begins to bend in one direction or the other. The seventh vertebra between the two main bones is especially strongly curved, while shifting and becoming fixed in the two shoulder sections, which are located near the body.

It is located inside the spine of some fish representatives and consists of seven vertebrae, which are located very tightly to each other. Inside the skeleton itself, the central rod passes completely unnoticed. At the very last, very first, in the shoulder area, you can find deep holes. Therefore, it is important to know and understand what the central part is. After all, it is important for the normal functioning of the entire body, as it is the basis for muscle attachment.