Bone Cuboid Second

The second cuboid bone is a paired bone of the calcaneus, which consists of a body and four processes. It is part of the anterior surface of the calcaneus, its medial surface is adjacent to the medial part of the cuboid bone. The medial epicondylar process is located in the middle of the arch of the foot. The lateral surface of the paired bone is adjacent to the lateral condyle of the head of the fibula or to the tarsal bones. The second cuboid bone is formed as a result of ectopic ossification of the wall of the fascia lata.

The upper border of the bone runs along the lower part of the inner surface of the calcaneal tubercle. And the lower surface of the bone is located under the plane of the tarsal joint with the calcaneus. Adjacent to the posterior edge of the bony surface is the calcaneus and the bimalleolar ligament. This bone is located under the talocemeral joint. The muscular aponeurosis between the medial and lateral supracondylar processes of the bone is free, and between the remaining processes is tightly connected.

There is only one bony plate of this bone, and it is divided into two processes. They diverge laterally from the branching site, but converge steeply towards the anteromedial end to form the caudal junction. The lateral supracondylar process of the bone is only partially visible and ends at an apex called the “apex of the process.” It is called the lateral condyle or wall of the tarsal tongue. The medial condylar processes of the bone are located around the medial condyle