Bone Fractures

Bone fractures: what to do and how to help

Bone fractures are a serious injury that can occur in any situation. An accident, a crash, a fall, a sports injury - any of these events can lead to a broken bone. It is very important to know how to provide first aid for such an injury in order to prevent complications and speed up the healing process.

First of all, you need to understand that in order to apply the correct bandage to a broken bone, you must consult a doctor. If the patient needs to be taken to the hospital for this, then such measures should be taken. If an arm or leg is broken, they must be put in splints. If there is no splint in the house, then you can do the following: lubricate the skin over the fracture with iodine, cover it with a clean rag, put more cotton wool on top and bandage it carefully. Then take several thin wooden strips like splinters and distribute them over the bandage - on top, sides, bottom, and then bandage the arm (or leg) again.

When the bones of the skull are broken, there is no need to disturb the patient, but you need to call a doctor to his home (or call an ambulance, where one is available). Before the doctor arrives, the patient must be placed in a sitting position, covering his head with cold compresses.

When carrying a patient with broken legs, he must be carried up the stairs or up the mountain feet first, and from the stairs or down the mountain - head first, so that the legs are always higher than the head. When carrying a patient with a wounded head, chest or stomach, you must always keep your head higher, that is, carry you uphill head first, and downhill with your feet first.

If the skin over the broken bone is torn, then the danger is greater, since blood poisoning can easily occur, in which case a doctor is definitely needed.

In order for the bones to heal faster, the patient needs to eat as much boiled onions as possible, which has been practiced since ancient times by Indian doctors.

If you suspect that a rib is cracked, you need to stick a permanent plaster on it. You can also give a boy up to 7 years of age a cup of urine every day, which promotes fusion of the ribs.

It is important to remember that in case of bone fractures, you must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance. Bone fractures can have serious health consequences, and proper first aid can make the healing process much easier.