Bonnet Symptom

Bonnet's sign (a. Bonnet, 1802-1858 - French surgeon) is a sign that is used to determine the presence or absence of a pulse in the peripheral arteries.

This symptom was named after a French surgeon who worked in the 19th century, and was described by him as one of the methods for determining the pulse.

To determine the presence of a pulse in the peripheral artery, you need to place your finger on the skin in the wrist or neck and press on it. If a pulse is present, you can feel the blood pulsating on your finger.

The absence of a pulse in the peripheral artery can be a sign of various diseases, such as atherosclerosis, thrombosis, aneurysm, etc. Therefore, if you notice that you have no pulse in the wrist or neck, consult a doctor for additional examinations and diagnostics.