What is boron plus ointment used for?

Multicomponent, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, reparative drug. Application: purulent wounds, acne, herpes. Price from 60 rub.

Analogs: Panthenol, Bepanten, Vitamin F911. You can find out more about analogues, their prices, and whether they are substitutes at the end of this article.

Today we’ll talk about Boro Plus antiseptic cream. What is this product and how does it affect the body? What are the indications and contraindications? How and in what doses is it used? What can be replaced?

What kind of cream

Boro Plus is a cream with an antiseptic effect based on natural ingredients. The product is prescribed to eliminate various skin defects.

Active ingredient and composition

Boro Plus antiseptic is a completely natural product that contains extracts from various medicinal plants.

Boro Plus contains antiseptic:

  1. basil;
  2. sandalwood;
  3. turmeric;
  4. kuchari;
  5. aloe;
  6. vetiver;
  7. him;
  8. margosa;
  9. ginger lily.

Additional ingredients - purified water, natural flavors, talc, paraffin, lanolin.

Pharmacological properties

Boro Plus is an antiseptic. Eliminates itching and inflammation, has an antifungal effect.

Thanks to its multi-component composition, the cream has a complex effect on the skin:

  1. moisturizes, soothes the skin, eliminates peeling and irritation;
  2. has a cooling and mild analgesic effect;
  3. accelerates the regeneration process;
  4. tones the skin.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Natural ingredients do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream; they act locally, exclusively at the cellular level.

The drug is excreted from the body unchanged.


Boro Plus antiseptic skin care cream is a universal cosmetic product suitable for any skin type. The main indications for the use of Boro Plus purple cream are inflammatory processes, fungal and bacterial dermatological pathologies in acute and chronic form.

Boro plus antiseptic - what helps:

  1. ulcers, boils, acne, pink pimples;
  2. enlarged pores, excessive sebum secretion;
  3. papillomas, warts;
  4. consequences of chapping, frostbite of the skin;
  5. abrasions, scratches, cuts, open and purulent wounds;
  6. superficial burns;
  7. eczema;
  8. herpes;
  9. cracked nipples during lactation;
  10. impetigo;
  11. skin irritation after shaving, insect bites;
  12. Diaper rash.

The cream is prescribed for the treatment of postoperative scars for speedy healing.

Contraindications for use

The cream should not be used only if you are individually intolerant to the components.

Directions for use and dosage

Apply the product to dry, clean skin in a thin layer. Carry out the procedure 2-4 times a day. Continue treatment until the problem is completely eliminated.

In childhood, during pregnancy and breastfeeding

The instructions for use for Boro Plus antiseptic cream indicate that the product is absolutely safe. It can be used by pregnant and lactating women, in the absence of contraindications.

The cream can be used to treat the skin of children from the first day of life.

Side effects

Negative reactions in the form of itching and irritation appear extremely rarely.

special instructions

Boro Plus cream is produced in tubes of 2 colors - green and purple.

Boro Plus purple cream has a dense consistency, which is why it is slowly absorbed, leaving a protective film after application. More suitable for caring for dry, combination skin.

When treating cracked nipples, the cream should be washed off with warm water before feeding.

The ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.


No cases of overdose have been recorded.

Drug interactions

Interaction with other drugs has not been established.


In terms of composition, Boro Plus antiseptic cream has no exact analogues.

The following have similar therapeutic effects:

Why is Boro Plus ointment needed? Instructions and indications for this external remedy will be presented in this article. We will also tell you about what substances this drug contains, whether it has contraindications and side effects.

Composition of the drug

Why is Boro Plus so popular? The instructions state that this product contains only natural ingredients of plant origin, namely:

  1. Turmeric is an excellent treatment for skin diseases, including dermatitis.
  2. Tulsi – has an antiseptic effect.
  3. Glabra – has wound healing properties.
  4. Aloe is a natural antiseptic that disinfects, moisturizes and cools the skin.
  5. Estimahdu is a substance intended for the rapid healing of wounds on the skin caused by mechanical action.
  6. Sandalwood - treats various diseases and allergic reactions, including prickly heat. This substance eliminates unpleasant odors, has cooling properties, gives the skin a healthy and beautiful appearance and relieves burning.
  7. Vetiver - shows a cooling effect, relieves burning, regulates sweating.
  8. Kapur Kachari is a substance that is often used in Indian folk medicine to treat various skin diseases.
  9. Neem is a substance that works well against a large number of skin ailments. It quickly relieves itching and burning, tones the skin.
  10. Talc is an auxiliary component used as a deodorant, eliminates unpleasant odors and absorbs liquid.

General information about the medicine

What is the drug "Boro Plus"? The instructions say that this is a universal cosmetic product that is intended to care for both healthy and problem skin.

The medicine consists only of natural plant components that have antibacterial activity. Due to its pronounced antiseptic properties, the cream in question promotes accelerated healing of ulcers, as well as the elimination of acne. It also eliminates the causes of inflammation, deeply cleanses and restores the skin.

The drug "Boro Plus", the instructions for which are presented below, improves metabolism in the skin, eliminates blackheads, acne and ulcers, and also regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The cream in question is well suited for both daily use and as a preventive measure.

Boro Plus ointment is effective in relieving irritations on the facial skin (after shaving). It protects lips from chapping and prevents cracks from appearing on them.

It should also be noted that the cream can be prescribed to children who have a lint rash or skin irritation.

Operating principle

How does Boro Plus work? The instructions for use state that this drug has pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It quickly relieves any purulent and inflammatory processes in the lower and upper layers of the epidermis, and also eliminates burning, itching and irritation that occur after insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, etc.).

By creating a kind of protective layer on the skin, the cream protects it from environmental influences. The drug promotes accelerated healing of minor burns, wounds, abrasions and cuts, and also accelerates cell restoration processes. It is also used for impetigo and diaper rash.

The presence of valuable plant components in the cream helps saturate the skin with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. The medication effectively moisturizes and also nourishes dry skin, restoring it to a healthy state and beautiful appearance.

Possessing tonic properties, the ointment easily eliminates any unpleasant odors (including sweat), giving a feeling of lightness, cleanliness and freshness.

The complex effect of the components that make up the cream improves and evens out skin color, and also eliminates all existing defects that remain after acne or pimples are cured.

The ointment is especially valuable due to its ability to restore the beauty, youth and elasticity of the skin.

Indications for use of the drug in green packaging

For what purposes is the green tube of Boro Plus used? The instructions for use of this drug contain the following indications:

  1. dry eczema and irritation;
  2. chronic skin diseases;
  3. postoperative scars;
  4. boils, acne and acne;
  5. diaper rash, inflammation and irritation in young children (for example, after using diapers);
  6. scratches, frostbite, abrasions and insect bites.

Indications for use of the drug in purple packaging

In what cases can Boro Plus cream (purple) be used? The instructions state that this drug is prescribed for:

  1. frostbite of some areas of the skin;
  2. chronic forms of skin diseases;
  3. thermal injuries;
  4. furunculosis and rash;
  5. irritation resulting from insect bites;
  6. microcracks and traumatic skin injuries.

Contraindications to the use of drugs

For what conditions should Boro Plus cream (green) not be used? The instructions indicate that this drug is contraindicated for use if you are prone to allergic reactions, as well as intolerance to the components. The same goes for purple ointment.

Ointment "Boro Plus": instructions for use

This drug should be used externally only. It is evenly applied to the affected area of ​​the skin at least twice a day (for chronic diseases - three times a day).

How long do you use Boro Plus ointment? The instructions state that the above procedures should be carried out until the damaged skin is completely restored.

To prevent and treat microcracks during lactation, mothers should definitely wash their breasts before feeding their baby.

Price and reviews of the drug

The main advantage of the product in question is not only that it contains natural herbal ingredients that are safe for health, but also that such a cream has a comparatively low cost. One 50 g tube of this drug (purple) can be purchased for only 75 rubles. As for the green product, it is a little more expensive - 90 rubles.

Now you know what Boro Plus cream is. Instructions for using this product were also described above.

According to consumer reviews, this medication effectively copes with its tasks. Patients note that this ointment accelerates the healing of abrasions and wounds, helps relieve itching and irritation, and also moisturizes the skin.

Adverse reactions with this drug are reported very rarely. Sometimes patients complain of a local allergic reaction.

A popular ointment for skin care is Boro Plus. According to its pharmacological properties, it is a local antiseptic, which has not only a cosmetic, but also a therapeutic effect. Natural ointment Boro Plus has a wide range of action and is used in dermatology. Before using this drug, it is recommended to consult a dermatologist and study the instructions for use.

Boro Plus - what is it used for?

The antiseptic properties of Boro Plus ointment and cream are well known, which is often used for severe symptoms of acne, profuse acne, and pink pimples. This drug can be bought at every pharmacy, found in green packaging, and a referral from a specialist is not required. Restoration of the dermis occurs in the shortest possible time; moreover, it is possible to normalize the production of sebum and even out the complexion. This green tube should be in every family medicine cabinet and used strictly for medical reasons.


Doctors prescribe the drug Boro Plus for acne, and the therapeutic effect is achieved due to the increased activity of the active ingredients of the drug. The active components are of plant origin; with complex interaction, they effectively eliminate many skin diseases. These valuable ingredients and their beneficial properties are detailed below:

  1. Tulsi is an effective antiseptic, antibacterial and analgesic that additionally nourishes and moisturizes dermal cells and successfully combats increased dryness.
  2. Neem is considered a reliable antipruritic component that relieves discomfort in the dermis, signs of inflammation, and excessive pain with visible swelling.
  3. Sandalwood extract soothes, cools and moisturizes the skin, relieves visible signs of inflammation, and successfully fights redness, severe itching and swelling.
  4. Aloe extract has antiseptic, moisturizing, tonic properties, effectively relieves skin inflammation, provides a lasting cosmetic effect, and improves the health of the dermis.
  5. Kachuri and turmeric are well-known exotic plants that have an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antiseptic effect on the inflamed upper layer of the epidermis.
  6. Vetiver is an Indian medicinal herb that effectively relieves itching, burning sensation, redness, increased swelling and signs of hyperemia of the epidermis. There is a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Margosa relieves burning, signs of diagnosed acne, noticeably reduces extensive foci of pathology, however, the natural composition of the purple tube contains this important ingredient for treatment.
  8. Ginger lily is a natural antibiotic, therefore it productively eliminates not only the symptoms of skin diseases, but also the causes of inflammation - pathogenic bacterial flora, regulates the sebaceous glands (their functionality).
  9. Azadiracht indica extract is a natural herb that demonstrates anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and antifungal effects and effectively relieves skin itching, hemorrhagic rashes, and urticaria.

Additional components are talc, paraffin, water, lanolin, and natural flavors, which give the medicine a subtle, pleasant odor. There is not a greasy consistency, but a creamy mass that spreads evenly on the inflamed areas of the skin. This universal drug has a hypoallergenic effect.