How to draw a vampire for Halloween with a pencil step by step

We know that there are no vampires, these are just movie images, actors in makeup. Therefore, you need to draw an ordinary person, and then add easily recognizable attributes. So, two faces.

We turn them into vampires with the help of cinematic attributes - teeth, smeared mouths and bite marks.

How popular vampires have become recently. Apparently all sorts of “Twilight” and “The Vampire Diaries” are to blame. You can basically draw a vampire in different ways. After all, no one has actually seen them and the portrait is made up of films and TV series in which they are also portrayed differently. Most often, these are ordinary-looking people, but I remember the three vampire sisters from Van Helsing - Marishka, Verona, Alira - gargoyles.

So, drawing a vampire is not very difficult. And this simple instruction in pictures will help you with this:

Another option is Vampire Girl on This page.

And here is a vampire who bit a girl.

Here's an interesting option - not the whole vampire - just the lips.

A vampire - a fictional creature, it all started with Count Dracula, this novel was written by Bram Stoker, and many films have been made about them, thanks to which, in our time, they are extremely popular. As you know, they drink blood, but there are also good individuals among them. The main thing in the drawing is to convey their main features - long sharp fangs and a mouth smeared with blood, and their eyes are also usually not kind.

Let's consider an example of a vampire girl, quite evil and bloodthirsty, let's start the drawing with light sketches of the body and head, then draw out facial expressions, and don't forget about hair and clothes. Here's how everything should be step by step:

Witches, vampires, spirits and ghosts are all evil forces that not everyone believes in their existence. Mythology says that a dead person who passes away of his own free will does not pass on to another world, but is doomed to eternally wander the world of the living in the form of a ghoul or ghoul. How to draw a vampire? They have sharp fangs for biting through skin and black cloaks with red lining.

Vampire in a cloak

Now let's look at one of the simple options on how to draw a vampire step by step. Let's start with the head. We draw a regular oval of the face, on the sides we draw pointed ears, in the center we draw two points of the eyes, the curve of the nose and the line of the mouth, from which we protrude two fangs. The hair flows smoothly into one line in the center of the forehead. Under the chin we create a thin, short neck. We make a collar that diverges from the neck in the form of a triangle and almost reaches the top of the head. We draw two shoulder lines.

We design the torso, dividing the robe into two halves with a vertical line in the middle. On both sides we draw three pairs of round buttons. We lower the triangular tie from the neck and draw two folds on it. From the shoulder we move the arm to the right, ending with an old-fashioned cuff. We make a semblance of a hand, and from it we lower the border of the cloak. Now we also draw a line for the cloak on the left half.

We dress our legs in trousers and put on regular shoes. We make the bottom of the cloak sharp-angled and torn. To the left and right of the vampire we draw three bats. To do this, just draw sharp ears from which the wing line extends. The lower part of the mouse is made with notches.

Add color. We paint the hair, pants, buttons, jacket, shoes and mice black, and draw the inside of the cloak and vest in red. Do not forget about the teeth, which need to be smeared with red blood in the form of the same felt-tip pen. We paint the face and hand in a light pink shade.

Cheerful ghoul

And now in more detail about how to draw a vampire with a pencil. We carefully design all the details of the face. We start with the eyes: the right one should be larger than the left, which is slightly squinted. The pupil will be white with a black spot in the middle. We create wrinkles between the eyes. Below we draw the curve of the nose. We stretch the smile almost over the entire face and show the upper row of teeth with two sharp fangs. We place the tongue on the lower lip. We draw the chin sharp. On the right we draw the ear. We make the forehead high and lower a sharp strand of hair onto it in the middle. We wrap our necks in the arms of a tightly buttoned collar.

We draw another high and wide gate behind the head. We raise the vampire’s hands and draw out all the fingers with which he scares the living. We shape the body. We hang a medallion on the chest.

The vampire's coat will be short, slightly longer than the waist. Next we move on to trousers and boots.

From the elbows we draw down the line of the open long and wide cloak. We make a wavy border at the bottom.

We paint the lining of the cloak, the collar, the collar of the medallion, the oral cavity and the pupils with red. Using black we highlight the coat, trousers, boots and hair on which we need to highlight. We paint the medallion yellow. The tongue will be pink, and the face and hands will be peachy.

Angry girl

Having learned how to draw men, you can move on to another master class, which will tell you how to draw a vampire girl. Divide the sheet into two parts vertically. At the same distance from it, we draw empty eye sockets with wrinkles in the corners and menacingly gathered eyebrows on the same line. Below, directly on the vertical, draw the nose (top view).

We add a few wrinkles above the eyebrows, as well as on the bridge of the nose. From the nose on both sides we draw down two wrinkles. Below we draw an open mouth with a row of teeth and two fangs. We describe the lips, chin and outline the entire face.

Add shadows and wrinkles under the eyes. On the head we draw lush hair, which is divided into two parts with a straight parting. Add several lines highlighting individual strands. We draw a neck on which two lines are highlighted with curves, converging just below the tip. Next, we draw an oval of the shoulder and draw clothes on it slightly lower.

We tie a bun at the back of the head. Below the neck we highlight the line of the collarbone. We erase the extra lines. Add empty pupils to the eye sockets.

We paint the body gray, make the hair, eye sockets and mouth black. On the front curls, highlight two strands in gray and scatter the same highlights throughout the hair. We paint the pupils yellow, placing a black dot in the center. We make the lips red. We decorate the neck with a yellow medallion, and fasten the red fabric of the dress with a brooch in the shape of a skull. We connect the bun with a red ribbon.

Holiday Ghoul

And now a not very scary character. Let's figure out how to draw a vampire for Halloween. We draw a child’s oval of the face, highlighting the hair area with a point, and add an ear to the right, sharpening it upward.

Let's move on to the left side of the body. We make a sharp collar and design a raised hand, in the fist of which there is a cloak. We lower the clothing line and limit it to a wave.

We carry out exactly the same actions with the right side of the vampire.

We fasten the collar with a circle of brooches with a two-tier tie. Draw out the torso. Making trousers with a pocket. We get to the shoes.

We release the wide and long sole of the shoe forward. We detail the face: a long nose, eyes of different sizes with drooping eyebrows, the inside of the ear and an open mouth in a smile. We make sure to shape the fangs.

Adding life to the drawing. The pupils of the eyes, the lining of the cloak, collar and tongue are made red. With black we highlight the hair, the inside of the ear and the oral cavity. We make the front part of the cloak and trousers blue. The tie will be yellowish. The vest and shoes are painted purple. The body will be slightly pinkish.

Drawing technique for beginners

If the previous options didn’t turn out as perfectly as we would like, then it’s better to move on to a master class on how to draw a vampire for beginners. Making a vampire's face. Large eyes with black pupils and highlights. We limit them from above with wide angry eyebrows. We draw a sharp nose and a smiling mouth with fangs.

We describe the oval of the face around it, add hair and long and pointed ears.

Under the head we draw a sharp collar, which is fastened with a small skull. Below we display a vest with two buttons.

We release our hands with fingers spread. We make short legs and put on the character’s shoes.

We make the face and hands bluish-gray, the hair and mouth are black, as are the trousers and shoes. The vest is painted gray, the eyes yellow, and the cloak red.

In this lesson you will find a step-by-step drawing diagram consisting of 5 steps dedicated to how to draw a Vampire Girl.

Step 1. First of all, it is necessary to schematically depict the head of a vampire. First let's draw a circle. And then we will complete the vertical line of symmetry of the head, which we will divide into levels, outlining the areas of the eyes, nose and mouth.

Step 2. In this step we will draw the line of the front of the vampire's hair, and then schematically show the left side of his face, forehead, cheek and chin. Let's use the auxiliary lines for the eyes that we built in the last step and draw the upper eyelids.

Step 3. Let's continue working on the girl's hairstyle. Let's schematically draw several curls located in front. Pay attention to the type of hair, it should tend upward and curl at the top, taking on a wavy shape and flowing down to the right side of the face. This will give them more volume and emphasize the girl’s character. Next, we will draw thin eyebrows above the eyes and finish drawing the shape of the eyes, completing the lower eyelid. Now let's draw the outlines of the nose and upper lip. Let's complete the second half of the face by drawing the chin. Then draw the woman's neck and right shoulder.

Step 4. Let's depict the right side of the hairstyle, showing several curls of hair wrapping around the vampire's shoulder. Now let's work on the left side of the hairstyle by also depicting several curls, making them slightly curly. Let's draw eyeballs, wide thick eyelashes and thin lips. Mark two holes on the neck and then draw the collarbones.

Step 5. Detailed hair work. We show their curvaceous shape and depict curls throughout the entire volume of the hairstyle. We draw the woman’s teeth, paying attention to the two vampire fangs protruding from her mouth. And immediately draw deep shadows in the mouth. Then add the blood dripping from the neck.

At this stage, the lesson on how to draw a Vampire Girl is completed. You can leave a pencil sketch or add color to the drawing. We wish you creative success!