Massage for Various Emotional States (Tonicing and Calming)

Massage is widely used to normalize a person’s emotional state. With the help of a soothing massage you can relieve excessive emotional and physical stress, agitation, and insomnia. A tonic massage, on the contrary, has a stimulating effect on the human body, removes apathy, drowsiness and lethargy, causes a feeling of vivacity and a surge of energy.


A toning massage is carried out for 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to use techniques such as kneading, squeezing and intermittent vibration percussion techniques (effleurage, chopping and patting) during a massage session. The techniques should be performed energetically and at a fast pace; they should be deep, but at the same time non-painful and rough.

When performing a tonic massage, a strict sequence should be observed. First you need to massage the back area, then the pelvic area and the back of the thighs. Next, the chest, front surface of the thighs, and lower limbs are massaged.

Back. First you need to perform deep stroking, then squeezing with weights. Next, you should rub with the heel of your palm or your fist, using both hands. Stroking and rubbing should be done over the entire surface of the back. Then, using the heel of your palm, you need to knead the long muscles of the back, then use the pads of your four fingers to rub the intercostal spaces.

The latissimus dorsi muscles need to be massaged using double circular kneading. Then intermittent vibration techniques are performed, and after that - comb-like rubbing with the middle phalanges of the fingers of the hand clenched into a fist. Complete the back massage by rubbing the base of your palm in a spiral pattern.

The pelvic area and back of the thighs should be rubbed with a fist in a comb-like manner. After this, the person being massaged should lie on his back.

Chest massage is carried out with one hand using squeezing, kneading and intermittent vibration techniques.

Massage of the front surface of the thighs should be carried out using the technique of squeezing with weights. Then comb-like rubbing (straight and spiral) is performed with the middle phalanges of the fingers clenched into a fist, as well as intermittent vibration techniques. These techniques are not recommended for the inner thighs. After this, you need to use such kneading techniques as double regular kneading, double ring kneading, and double bar.

The gastrocnemius and tibialis anterior muscles are massaged using squeezing, ordinary kneading, shaking, and shaking techniques.


A soothing massage should be carried out for 5-10 minutes. When performing it, you cannot use striking techniques.

A soothing massage includes the following techniques: stroking, which should take up most of the session, superficial kneading and shaking. The massage of each area begins and ends with stroking.

Stroking should start from the back area, then apply this technique to the buttocks and back of the thighs. Next, a double circular kneading should be performed on the latissimus dorsi muscles, preceded by stroking.

Then you should move on to stroking the areas of the neck and back of the head, and the scalp. After this, in the same areas, a circular kneading technique is performed with the fingertips. Finish the neck and head massage with stroking.

The next stage is repeated massage of the gluteal region, starting with stroking. Next, you need to shake this area, and then you can move on to massaging the back of the thighs. Massaging this area includes stroking, kneading, shaking and stroking again.

Chest massage begins with stroking. Then you should stroke the thighs. After this, you need to go back to chest massage and perform a regular kneading technique with shaking. Finish the breast massage by absorbing