Wart on a child's eyelid

Wart on a child's eyelid

The content of the article:
  1. Why is it developing?
  2. Symptoms of warts on the eyelid in a child
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removing growths
    3. Folk remedies
  4. Prevention

Warts on a child’s eyelid are a pathology that mostly affects patients in the older age category, but children are not immune from neoplasms in this area. The growths in the eye area are benign, but still cause concern among parents. Children suffer mainly from psychological discomfort. Those who are predisposed to the appearance of warts, people with weak immune systems, as well as their relatives and friends should learn more about this type of disease. Warts in children are not only a problem for the little patient, but also a source of possible infection for those around him. Proper treatment will get rid of the unpleasant pathogen and restore the health of your facial skin.

Why does a tumor develop?

HPV 3d model

In children, warts are viral in nature. The formations are provoked by the human papillomavirus (HPV) in the active stage. And although it is classified as a sexually transmitted pathogen, in children the main route of infection is through household contact. In particular, warts on a child’s eyelid most often appear due to autoinoculation, that is, accidental transfer of a viral pathogen from the hands, for example, to the eyelids.

Once in a child’s body, the virus can remain latent for a long time. The active phase of the disease is provoked by:

  1. stress and frequent overwork characteristic of the school period;
  2. weakening of the body’s protective functions due to viral or chronic diseases;
  3. hypothermia or, conversely, overheating of the body;
  4. increased sweating;
  5. hormonal imbalance during adolescence.

Having eliminated the causes of warts in children on the eyelid and adjusted the functioning of the protective functions, it is quite possible to expect an independent reduction of the formations. More than 70% of school-age patients got rid of growths after normalization of their general health. At the same time, patients who actively rub their eyes, or those whose parents tried to remove warts on their own, may suffer from secondary inflammation, conjunctivitis and even malignancy. Damaged growths tend to degenerate, despite the benign nature of the initial formation.

Symptoms of warts on the eyelid in a child

What do warts look like on a child's eyelid?

Photos of warts on the eyelid in children

In the first stages of development of warts on a child’s eyelid, the growths do not manifest themselves through any physical sensations. Small seals form on the skin without pain or discomfort. Considering that the formations develop on a visible part of the body, the likelihood of their detection is quite high. If warts on a child’s eyelid continue to develop, they take on the appearance of small round growths.

As a rule, such formations are single, their color acquires a rich shade from flesh to pinkish-yellow, the surface is slightly rough to the touch. Warts in children grow on both the upper and lower eyelids.

With prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on warts on the eyelid in children, they can also degenerate. The first sign of degeneration is the appearance of redness around the growth, darkening of the wart itself, and the appearance of itching and burning. If large enough, the growth can interfere with normal vision.

Note! The sooner treatment of warts on the eyelid in children is started, the simpler the procedure. Parents should be especially attentive to the child’s health condition and, if any abnormalities are suspected, consult a doctor.
  1. See also the main symptoms of papillomas in children

Methods for treating warts

After the first visit to the doctor, parents usually receive a bunch of referrals to evaluate the general health of the patient. In the future, preference is given to monitoring education and general health activities. But if a decision is made on active therapy, then warts on a child’s eyelid are treated with medications, hardware procedures, and even folk remedies approved by a doctor. The main emphasis is on conservative immunostimulating therapy. In a particular case, if a growth forms on the eyelid, its removal may be recommended. The young age of the patient and the delicate skin at the site where the wart develops determine certain requirements for therapy, so self-medication is unacceptable. Treatment of warts in children should be gentle, but effective, painless, and the procedures should take a minimum amount of time.


Preparations for warts on the eyelid of a child

The photo shows medications for warts on a child’s eyelid

Conservative therapy is ideal for young patients. Taking medications internally is aimed at supporting the immune system. This treatment is based on research showing that the immune system of a healthy child is able to independently cope with active HPV.

For warts in a child, the following is prescribed:

  1. Imunorix - a means to stimulate the immune system. A package of 10 bottles of solution costs 835 hryvnia, and in Russia - 895 rubles. The drug is available only by prescription and is used in children over 3 years of age.
  2. Normomed in the form of syrup or tablets can be taken by children from 1 year. The product is an active direct-acting antiviral. The duration of therapy reaches 9 weeks. It can only be taken with the doctor’s permission 3 times a day, 1 ml/kg of the child’s weight (for tablets, 1 mcg/kg of the child’s weight). One bottle of Normomed with a volume of 120 ml costs 154 hryvnia, 606 rubles.
  3. Amizon — an antiviral drug with systemic effects can be used in children from 6 years of age. The course of treatment lasts up to 7 days, taken 3 times a day, the dosage is determined by the doctor. One package of the product costs 40 hryvnia, 293 rubles.

If any drug is not suitable for warts on a child’s eyelid or the patient is sensitive to its components, a doctor should select analogues.

Panavir-gel and Viferon can be used for external treatment of growths. These agents have a local antiviral effect and prevent further penetration of HPV into healthy cells of nearby tissues. Gels and ointments can only be applied to the skin of the eyelids, if the child’s wart has formed close to the mucous membrane - it is better to discontinue the use of such products. Highly effective Panavir-gel for 3 g of substance can be purchased in Ukraine for 300 hryvnia, and in Russia - 129 rubles. Viferon is sold in packages of 12 g and will cost 185 hryvnia in Ukraine and 211 rubles in Russia.

Note! In rare cases, for warts in a child on the eyelid, immunomodulatory drugs are prescribed. The action of such medications is aimed at replenishing protective functions; for school-age patients, it is enough to stimulate their own reserves, and not external replenishment.

Removing growths

Laser removal of warts on a child's eyelid

The priority method in the treatment of warts on the eyelid in children is medication. Having activated the internal reserves of the child’s body to fight the virus, doctors systematically monitor the development of the disease.

However, a referral for hardware destruction is issued if during conservative therapy it is discovered:

  1. an increase in the number of warts in a child;
  2. darkening of the tumor;
  3. deformation or increase in growth;
  4. inflammation of nearby tissues;
  5. mechanical damage to the pathogen.

The skin of the lower and upper eyelids is very delicate, so removing warts in children in this area is a rather complicated process. Today, laser therapy is an actively recommended method of destruction. A targeted high-temperature beam gently removes build-up layer by layer. The cut site is immediately cauterized, blocking the possibility of secondary infection. The cost of removing warts on the eyelid in children is slightly higher than similar procedures on other parts of the body - 800 hryvnia in Ukraine, from 3,000 rubles in Russia. It is extremely important to seek help from the best specialists.

Electrocoagulation, cryodestruction and even the radio wave method for warts on the eyelid of a child are not recommended due to the complex calculation of the depth of exposure. The surgical method leaves behind scars and is used today only if examination has shown malignant pathology.

Removal of warts on the eyelid in children is carried out in a hospital setting with a mandatory controlled period of rehabilitation. After destruction, the patient should also periodically visit the doctor for a preventive examination.

Note! Hardware destruction is also recommended if the growth has reached a large size and interferes with normal vision, which is extremely rare in children.

Folk remedies

Rosehip decoction for warts on a child’s eyelid

It is best to trust professionals when treating warts in children on the eyelid. Properly constructed drug therapy will remove the growths without any outside help. However, some parents strive to help their child with proven home recipes.

It is noted that rubbing the juice of a sour apple, Kalanchoe or garlic into a wart on a child’s eyelid has a beneficial effect on healthy skin. But it is better to consult your doctor about the possibility of using any of these remedies.

At the same time, traditional medicine recipes are effective in combating weakened immunity. If children have warts, after consultation with a doctor, the patient can be given decoctions of rose hips, nettles, and restorative herbal infusions.

Such treatment should be supplemented with proper nutrition and moderate physical activity, having previously eliminated the external causes of the appearance of warts in children on the eyelid.

It should be understood that treating warts in children using folk remedies is not a quick process. External treatment of growths will have to be repeated several times a day for several weeks until the growth is completely removed. All this time it is necessary to monitor the general health of the little patient, as well as pathology. If a complication begins during such therapy, the procedures must be stopped and urgently consult a doctor.

Important! Self-medication is dangerous to health! The use of untested recipes can damage not only the delicate skin of the eyelids, but also damage vision in general.

Features of prevention

Child takes vitamins

To prevent the appearance of new warts on a child’s eyelid, compliance with preventive measures that are aimed primarily at maintaining immunity will help:

  1. proper nutrition and supplementation of the diet with vitamins and minerals depending on the age and needs of the patient;
  2. moderate physical activity;
  3. frequent walks in the fresh air;
  4. compliance with personal hygiene rules.

The child should also be explained that it is inadmissible to touch his face and eyes with his hands, talk about the need to use protective glasses when swimming in public pools and open reservoirs, instill a love of cleanliness and a refusal to use other people’s things that can become a source of infection.

Warts on a child's eyelid appear in extremely rare cases. But if this does happen, parents should not panic. It is important to detect the disease in the early stages and seek help from doctors. Professional treatment will remove the growth without leaving a trace. Traditional methods are acceptable, but only as a complementary therapy and only with the permission of a doctor. In the future, special attention should be paid to prevention. Protecting the immune system will prevent the appearance of warts in children not only on the eyelid, but also in other areas.

  1. Related article: Consultation with a hematologist for warts in children and adults