Wart Plantar

Despite the name, don't be surprised if you start noticing strange callus-like growths on your heel. In fact, they are of a similar nature to ordinary calluses, but they do not form on the surface of the skin, but directly under it. Heel pain and discomfort are guaranteed. Another trouble is that such a callus will pop up constantly, that is, no matter how much you treat it, it’s all to no avail. Warts on the toes, soles of the feet and heels can sometimes be difficult to remove once and for all. It may take from 2 to 4 months and you will notice that this unpleasant callus has disappeared. Unfortunately, it will be possible to completely get rid of a wart only at the very beginning of its formation. When you turn to a doctor for help late, you are 100% likely to return again and again. Don’t even think about cutting off the “cornea” yourself; believe me, this is guaranteed to lead to another appearance of a new formation.

By the way, never remove warts on your leg using any of the methods suggested above, and if the skin with elements of the growth has a white and soft texture, then try to refrain from such self-medication even more. First you need to consult with a qualified doctor, be sure to clarify this in detail. Only on the recommendation of a specialist can you carry out the following procedure at home. Place the foot in hot water and remove the keratinized skin, starting