Warts and the like

The original active cause here is the expelling power of nature, and the material cause is thick black bile juice, which sometimes turns into black bile from very dry mucus, if there is a lot of it in the blood, and sometimes it happens that the blood itself, if it is locked up and there is a lot of it and is missing causes for decay, becomes dry and cold, especially in small vessels, because the blood in such vessels does not rot, since there is little of it and it is close to external causes, which dry out rather than fester, especially if the blood is not very hot in its substance. Sometimes one large wart grows and it turns out to be the reason that the nutrient coming to the neighboring organ takes on the nature of the wart matter, then this organ becomes dry and cold and the warts multiply. If you pull out a large wart or destroy it in any way, the other warts will disappear. Large warts with a huge head, like a nail head, and a thin root are called nails, and long, inverted ones are called horns. There is a genus of warts called tursus, which are classified as warts, although they should be distinguished from warts if such a wart is opened, then pus will come out from under it.

As for the hasty reduction of the amount of blood by bloodletting, as well as emptying of black bile, this is a necessary matter, if the disease has intensified and has crossed the limit of moderation, a regimen that generates good chyme and other methods of treatment, which have been mentioned many times before, are also necessary. And local treatment is carried out with substances that are bitter and have the ability to bind mild remedies in mild cases, this is the constant rubbing of pistachio oil or strained wheat decoction into the warts, which was allowed to stand for three days, or Nabatean leek juice with ushshak and bana oil, as well as caper leaves wood, cypress cones and unripe olives. Tamarisk galls are also good, as are fresh myrtle leaves, in both mild and severe cases. Fresh nut shells and dry figs from Tsaregrad horns are also useful, being little irritating, they are good for huge strong warts, as well as bark, bast and ash of willow root with wine vinegar. Another excellent, effective remedy is to take harmalas and henna, grind, sift and spread with cold water.

As for strong remedies for severe illness,   this is, for example, an ointment prepared from nura, arsenic and potash, especially with mercury, and even more so if it is used with oak ash and olive oil, with salt and the juice of onions and viper's onions or Spanish flies with arsenic are also useful with goat feces, and balazura honey also has a strong effect and removes warts if you re-lubricate them with the milky juice of yattu, they fall off. Grapevine tear and buttercup are strong remedies that cause warts to fall off, and nigella, if kneaded in urine and applied to the wart as a bandage, works wonderfully the same can be said about kid’s bile, asafoetida and a sharp plaster that causes ulcers to open, that is about balazura plaster.

Moderately strong combination. They take fresh nutshells, glass and quicklime - one piece each, pound, sift and put on the warts, or take verdigris and burnt papyrus paper - five dirhams each, coloquint pulp - six dirhams, bavrak - six dirhams, ammonia - four dirhams, potash and yellow arsenic - eight dirhams each, cow bile - six dirhams, Persian ushnana - seven dirhams - all this is pounded, sifted and spread on the wart with soapy water.

Among the remedies for treating warts is pulling them out. Sometimes this is done using feather tubes or silver and iron tubes with a cavity so wide that the wart will enter there with some difficulty, and with sharp, cutting edges. The wart is inserted into the tube with some force, covered with the tube and lightly pressed on it near the root, and this removes it along with the root. Or the wart is pulled out with hooks, so that its roots are stretched, and then removed with a sharp instrument that goes deep to its root after cutting off the wart, melted butter is placed on the wound.

Another method: whenever a sharp medicine touches a wart and loosens it, the medicine is removed, ghee is applied to the wart and left for a while, and then this procedure is repeated until the wart falls off completely. Or they remove the wart by exposing the tissue adjacent to it with a thin hollowed-out piece of iron, and then apply a sharp medicine to it. We tried to cut off the warts with a razor, grabbing as deep as possible and protecting the surface of the skin, and then we rubbed the area with soap, with syth and rose, so that the liquid that should flow out flowed out, and its flow stopped, after which what remained fell away.