Venepuncture (Venepuncture, Veni Puncture)

Venipuncture is one of the most common methods of collecting blood for analysis, as well as for intravenous infusions. This is a procedure in which a needle is inserted into a vein in the arm or leg to draw blood.

Venipuncture can be performed both in medical institutions and at home. Depending on where the venipuncture is performed, it can be simple or complex. A simple venipuncture is performed by a doctor or nurse who inserts a needle into a vein and draws blood. Advanced venipuncture involves the use of special equipment, such as cannulas or catheters, that allow medications or fluids to be administered directly into a vein.

It is important to note that venipuncture should only be performed by a qualified healthcare professional who has experience with this technique. Improper venipuncture can lead to serious complications such as vein damage or infection.

Overall, venipuncture is an important procedure that allows blood samples to be obtained for diagnosis and treatment. However, all precautions must be taken to avoid possible complications.


Venipuncture is a medical procedure aimed at taking blood for blood analysis from a blood vessel, most often from a vein. It is carried out in cases where obtaining blood from a finger or earlobe is for some reason impossible or dangerous (blood clots, incorrectly performed tests). The purpose of venipuncture is to examine the patient's blood and determine the diagnosis by taking a sample. Also perform vein