Warts on children's stomach

  1. Warts on the stomach of a child

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. Types of warts on the stomach in children
  3. Treatment methods
    1. Medicines
    2. Removing growths
    3. Folk remedies

Warts in children on the abdomen are superficial skin growths caused by the human papilloma virus that are benign in nature. They are considered relatively safe for health and can disappear on their own without treatment. However, they carry the risk of developing complications as a result of injury or severely weakened health. If you suspect an unfavorable course of the disease, you should go to the hospital for examination and prescribing adequate antiviral and immunomodulatory therapy.

Causes of neoplasms

HPV 3d model

Warts are viral tumors that appear on various parts of the skin after infection with the human papillomavirus and its activation. Thus, HPV is the only source of this disease, and without its attachment to the basal layer of the skin, warts do not appear.

HPV is not airborne like most other viruses. The main route of its penetration is contact. Children are highly susceptible to this disease because... in the process of growth, they learn about the world through direct contact with various objects and people. By touching the skin of a sick person or objects that he used, the child is likely to become infected.

Warts initially appear in places where the virus has penetrated the skin, but over time the child himself can scratch the growth and transfer the pathogen to other areas of the body. This mode of transmission is usually called self-infection.

Even when infected with HPV, warts on the abdomen in children do not appear immediately, and sometimes do not form at all if the disease is latent. This is influenced by the strength of the immune system and some other related factors.

Factors that open the way to infection and activation of HPV:

  1. Weak immunity. The body's immune defense is capable of neutralizing the virus before it penetrates the basal layers and integrates into cells, or then restrains the pathogen for a long time. However, with weakened immunity, HPV quietly penetrates the skin and causes uncontrolled growth of benign tumors, i.e. the appearance of warts on the stomach of children. There are a lot of factors that weaken the immune system, for example, an unbalanced diet that provokes a lack of nutrients, exhaustion of the body due to stress, excessive physical and psycho-emotional stress. Additional risk is present in the presence of certain diseases, for example, hormonal imbalance, HIV, diabetes, etc.
  2. Skin damage. Increased physical activity in children often leads to abrasions, wounds, cracks, and scratches, which open the way for any infection, including HPV. The tendency of many children to bite their nails also leads to the formation of wounds and hangnails. A risk factor is any skin disease that causes a violation of the integrity of the integument. And, on the contrary, healthy skin without damage can simply not let the virus in, preventing infection and the appearance of warts in children on the stomach.
  3. Poor personal hygiene. Keeping your body clean can also help prevent HPV infection. However, children often ignore even hand washing and may use personal hygiene items or the wardrobe of infected people. The skin often suffers from dryness, irritation appears, and cracks form.

See also the routes of infection and the causes of papillomas in a child.

Types of warts on the stomach in children

What do warts look like on a child's stomach?

Photos of warts on the stomach in children

In each specific case, the human papillomavirus behaves differently. In one child with a strong immune system, warts may not appear at all, in another with less strong protective functions, single growths appear, and in a third with a weakened body, numerous neoplasms form.

Warts on the stomach of children appear less frequently than on the face, hands and feet, but they cause no less discomfort, especially if the lesion is quite large. Usually in this area of ​​the body they appear as a result of self-infection, when the first growths appear on the hands, and then the virus is transferred to the skin of the abdomen.

Types of warts in children on the stomach:

  1. Juvenile warts. They usually occur in adolescence, when hormonal changes in the body take place, allowing the human papillomavirus that had previously entered the body to become active and provoke a local change in the structure of the skin. Such growths have a rounded contour and a flat surface. The diameter can reach 1 cm. The surface differs from the skin in the absence of a specific skin pattern. Next to one wart of this variety, new growths very often appear, often occupying large areas of the skin and forming a continuous lesion with jagged edges. Each juvenile wart protrudes slightly above the surface of the skin - up to 2 mm. The shade is usually pale, pink or yellowish. One of the unpleasant symptoms, in addition to the dermatological defect, is the presence of itching in the affected areas. Such warts cause severe discomfort in a child and develop an inferiority complex. Flat growths with a deep root rarely form on the abdomen.
  2. Vulgar warts. Most often, this variety appears on the fingers and toes. However, they can also occur on the stomach, causing a lot of inconvenience to the child. The growth has the shape of a dome, rising above the skin by 4-5 mm. The diameter is approximately the same. There is no pain when palpated, although the tissues have a fairly dense structure. The upper layers consist of keratinized particles and often peel off. The color is often white, and under the top layer it is yellowish or grayish.

With an uncomplicated course of the disease, warts on the abdomen in children do not pose a danger. However, under certain conditions their presence can lead to undesirable consequences. Thus, damage to neoplasms, thermal or chemical effects, and infection can complicate the disease. The most dangerous is the degeneration of benign tissues into cancerous tumors.

Symptoms of the inflammatory process and cell degeneration: redness of the skin, the appearance of bloody and other discharge, swelling of nearby tissues, severe itching and pain, accelerated growth and an increase in the number of warts on the abdomen in children, changes in the color, size and structure of tissues. Their appearance should serve as a signal to immediately visit a doctor.

Methods for treating warts

If a child develops a wart on his stomach, it is better to seek advice from a medical institution. The doctor will examine the tumor and, if necessary, prescribe additional examination and treatment. There are many options for getting rid of annoying viral growths. This includes traditional drug therapy, instrumental removal of tumors, and numerous folk remedies. Despite the availability of all types of treatment, caring parents should remember that the decision on choosing one or another method of therapy in the presence of warts on the stomach of children should be dealt exclusively with a medical specialist.


Preparations for warts on the stomach of a child

The photo shows medications for warts on a child’s stomach

Warts are a manifestation of a viral disease, so antiviral drugs and drugs that enhance immunity are used to eliminate them. Doctors also very often prescribe vitamin complexes to treat warts on the stomach of children.

Antiviral drugs for children against warts are a group of drugs whose action is aimed at combating the human papillomavirus, which causes the appearance of benign growths. They can also perform other auxiliary functions, for example, strengthen the immune status and promote the destruction of epithelial tumors. Among the many medications with antiviral activity, this category is not only highly effective in combating the causative agent of the disease, but also has a gentle effect on the child’s body with a minimal set of side effects.

The goal of antiviral drugs often includes restoring the functional abilities of each skin cell, because... During its life, HPV is integrated into the structure of cells and changes their functions, disabling the natural mechanisms of control over the process of division and, consequently, the restoration of healthy integuments.

Drugs for the treatment of HPV in the presence of warts on the stomach in children:

  1. Viferon. It is highly effective and well tolerated. It has a complex effect on the body due to the main substance (interferon) and some auxiliary substances (ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol acetate, sodium ascorbate). Strengthens immune defense, directly fights pathogenic microorganisms, disrupting the synthesis of DNA and RNA viruses, helps reduce negative external effects on the body and accelerate the reduction of the lesion. In the form of suppositories, the drug is used to treat warts on the stomach in children for a course of 5 days with two doses every 12 hours. Price - 280 rubles, 175 hryvnia.
  2. Panavir. The drug is plant-based, making it well tolerated even by young children. It is used to combat the human papillomavirus and to improve immune status. Non-toxic, does not cause allergies. It eliminates inflammation and pain due to complications of HPV. As an immunostimulating drug, it helps increase the amount of interferon alpha. Age restrictions for use depend on the form of release. The possibility of treatment is discussed individually with a doctor. The course of treatment is from 7 to 10 days with twice daily use. The price of Panavir in gel form is from 130 rubles, 75 hryvnia.
  3. Polyoxidonium. The active ingredient is azoximer bromide. Neutralizes inflammatory processes, cleanses the body of harmful compounds, restores immunity to fight HPV, but does not have a direct effect on the pathogen. As part of the treatment of warts in children on the abdomen, it can be used from 6 months of age in combination with other medications. Does not cause allergies and is generally well tolerated. Price - 760 rubles, 420 hryvnia.
  4. Cycloferon. The active substance, meglumine acridone acetate, has a wide range of pharmacological effects, but primarily it stimulates the production of interferon. It also prevents the degeneration of cells into malignant ones and reduces the severity of the inflammatory process. Age restrictions depend on the form of release of the drug. The price of Cycloferon in tablets is 200 rubles, 120 hryvnia.
  5. Timalin. Included in the group of immunostimulating drugs. Contains thymus extract. Well tolerated at any age. Stimulates the body's immune defense, restoring the reactivity of the immune system. It has additional functionality - it stimulates skin regeneration for warts in children on the stomach and the production of blood cells, improves metabolism at the cellular level. The dosage and duration of the course depend on age. Price - 440 rubles, 260 hryvnia.
  6. Lycopid. The active substance is a synthetically produced glucosaminylmuramyl dipeptide. Has low toxicity. Activates both innate and acquired immunity. Suitable for use from 3 years of age at the discretion of the doctor. The frequency of administration and dosage depend on the age and severity of the disease. Price - 260 rubles, 165 hryvnia.
  7. Solgar Omega-3, 6 and 9. Saturated fatty acids. They are urgently needed to maintain the body during the treatment of warts in children. Help restore vitamin E reserves and indirectly strengthen the body's defenses.

Of course, the best option for dealing with warts is to prevent the disease. However, after infection and the disease enters the active phase, it is better not to neglect going to the hospital in order to avoid serious consequences.

Self-medication is extremely undesirable, because only a doctor can determine concomitant pathologies and assess the risk of unwanted complications, take into account all possible contraindications and prescribe adequate treatment for warts on the abdomen in children.

In pharmacies you can also buy topical products intended for removing warts at home. However, they contain dangerous substances that burn tissue, so their use is unsafe.

Removing skin growths

Radio wave removal of warts on a child’s abdomen

If warts do not disappear on their own over time, and even more so, the disease progresses and the number of growths increases, then the doctor may recommend not only antiviral and immunostimulating therapy, but also radical removal of the dermatological defect.

Carrying out the procedure in a hospital setting allows you to avoid many problems, because... The proposed modern methods are quite effective and relatively safe, including for removing warts on the stomach of children.

In some cases, the procedure may involve the administration of local anesthesia, which does not affect the general condition of the child. Usually the manipulation takes from 15 to 30 minutes.

Instrumental methods for removing warts on the abdomen in children:

  1. Laser removal. One of the most popular ways to combat dermatological defects. Produced with minimal damage to healthy skin. The laser burns out the body and root of the tumor layer by layer. The method allows for the most precise control of the effect, therefore ensuring complete removal of warts on the abdomen in children. Relapses are extremely rare. Duration of tissue restoration is up to 2 weeks. The resulting crusts fall off on their own, and the depressions after root removal disappear faster if regenerating preparations are used. The price of the procedure is from 1100 rubles, 750 hryvnia.
  2. Radio fiber removal. It is produced using waveguides of various configurations. To remove warts vulgaris in children on the abdomen, for example, a loop waveguide can be used. The device produces radio waves of various frequencies and excises growths, instantly sealing all small vessels and preventing bleeding. This minimizes the risk of any infection entering the wound. Healthy skin is not injured. The treated areas heal quickly, and no scars remain in their place. Price - from 2200 rubles, 900 hryvnia.
  3. Liquid nitrogen removal. In essence, a very rapid freezing of tumor tissue is carried out, which leads to cell death. It is important to understand that this method is poorly controlled, so healthy tissues can also be treated along with pathological tissues, which in turn is fraught with the formation of large wounds, prolonged healing and the formation of noticeable scars. The disadvantage is also the high probability of incomplete removal of the wart on the child’s stomach, so the procedure may need to be repeated. After frostbite, a blister appears on the skin from which blood may ooze. If you scratch it, the healing process slows down and the wound can become infected. Price - 500 rubles, 320 hryvnia.
  4. Electrocoagulation. The growths are excised using a flow of electric current. Due to the painful sensations that this method provokes, electrocoagulation is rarely used to remove warts in children on the abdomen, especially in places with delicate skin and proximity to nerve endings. Price - 430 rubles, 280 hryvnia.
  5. Surgical removal. It is the most unsafe method in terms of bleeding, the risk of secondary infection, injury to healthy skin and the formation of deep scars. However, it is recommended for excessive growth of the lesion. Healing takes quite a long time, sometimes you even have to put stitches. The cost of the procedure is from 500 rubles, 380 hryvnia.

Thus, the most suitable methods for removing warts in children on the abdomen are laser and radio wave removal, because they are safer and more effective, and are also more appreciated aesthetically, because... do not leave deep scars on delicate skin. However, biological material can be taken for histological examination only with surgical excision.

It is extremely important to remember the patient’s responsibility during the rehabilitation period. Depending on the chosen method, the doctor gives recommendations for specific wound treatment. It is also necessary to remember about precautions in the first 2-3 weeks after removing a wart on a child’s stomach - it is forbidden to pick off the scabs yourself, stay in the open sun, visit public baths, swimming pools, it is necessary to normalize the diet, eliminating all unhealthy foods.

Folk remedies

Chamomile tea for warts on a child’s stomach

Traditional medicine offers many ways to treat HPV and combat warts on the stomach of children. Many people consider the use of folk remedies safer because... they are natural compared to most medications. However, it is worth considering that while they are relatively safe, they also have lower effectiveness and can also cause allergic reactions. In this case, the treatment process is greatly delayed, and the disease can quickly progress, causing irreparable damage to the child’s body.

In folk medicine, there are means for external removal of warts, for example, celandine, garlic, vinegar, which often cause burns. Safer ones are sour apple, rowan juice, lemon, aloe, propolis, Kalanchoe, potatoes. Any of these products is applied pointwise to warts in children on the stomach and fixed with an adhesive plaster. The duration of treatment is from 2 to 6 weeks. Moreover, if by the end of the first week the tumors have not begun to regress, then the chosen method should be abandoned.

It is relevant and approved by many doctors to take various teas, infusions and decoctions made from herbs with antiviral and immunostimulating activity.

Folk remedies for HPV for the treatment of warts on the stomach in children:

  1. Chamomile tea. It can be purchased at a pharmacy and brewed according to the suggested option. The product has pronounced antiviral activity, perfectly supports the body and accelerates the healing process.
  2. Tea with St. John's wort. Ingredients: lemon balm leaves (10 g), St. John's wort (20 g), juniper berries (25 g), horsetail (15 g), oregano (20 g). Mix everything. Take 5 g of the mixture for one cup and brew it with boiling water. Divide one glass of tea into 2 doses. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. The product helps normalize immune defense and vitaminizes the body.
  3. Olive oil decoction. Ingredients: St. John's wort (80 g), centaury (80 g), olive oil (1 l). Mix everything and boil in a water bath for 60 minutes. Leave at room temperature for 2 days. After filtering, take 20 ml before meals three times a day. The product replenishes the supply of vitamins, strengthens immune defense, normalizes metabolism at the cellular level, helps accelerate the destruction of warts on the stomach in children and restore the skin.
  4. Elderberry extract. Ingredients: elderberries and sugar in equal proportions. Place alternately in thin layers into a glass bowl. Leave at room temperature for 2 weeks. We filter. Take 20 ml after each meal, but no more than 3 times. The duration of treatment is 6 weeks. Restores strength, provides vitamins, stimulates the immune system.

Read also about the treatment of papillomas in children with folk remedies.

Warts on the stomach of children are not uncommon, but do not always require treatment. Only a doctor can determine what therapy should be and whether something needs to be done. Self-medication, especially if it involves self-removal of growths, is prohibited.

  1. Related article: How a virologist can help with warts in adults and children