Papilloma on the forehead of a child: causes and treatment

The content of the article:
  1. Reasons for appearance
  2. What do papillomas look like on a child’s forehead?
  3. Treatment options
    1. Drug therapy
    2. External means
    3. Folk remedies
    4. Physiotherapy for papillomas on the forehead in children

A papilloma on a child’s forehead is a benign formation located above the eye or in the middle between them. It can be localized in the eyebrow area or near the hair. Usually such a growth is very noticeable in appearance, since it is in the field of view of others. This often causes discomfort in children and even contributes to the appearance of complexes.

Reasons for the appearance of papillomas on the forehead of a child

Such formations appear due to the development of the disease “papillomatosis” caused by the papilloma virus. They can occur at any age, but children attending kindergarten and primary school are most susceptible to them. Often, papillomas on a child’s forehead grow during infancy, and the child grows up with them. In adolescents, such growths can also form; both boys and girls are equally susceptible to this.

The human papillomavirus, which causes the appearance of such formations, is active and easily transmitted between people. It can enter the body through open wounds, unwashed hands while eating, or in a damp room (swimming pool, bathhouse, sauna). Infection also occurs through the birth canal, from a sick mother to her child.

The danger is posed by people who are carriers of the virus. However, they do not necessarily have to have external symptoms of the disease.

Once ingested, the infectious agent does not immediately make itself known; it may remain dormant for some time. Can “wake him up” weakening of the body, which often occurs in the autumn-winter period. This can be caused by a deficiency of vitamins A, B12, C, group B and micro- and macroelements - iron and folic acid.

Severe stress also contributes to the activation of the virus., which in one form or another is present in the life of every child. This is especially true for those who take exams at school, have conflicts with peers, and cannot find a common language with teachers and parents.

The activity of HPV, which causes the appearance of papillomas on the forehead in children, is also enhanced by various parasites in the body- for example, the same helminths. They suppress the immune system, reduce the level of protection and predispose to attacks by an infectious agent. The greater the stress on health, the worse things are.

Frequent colds, especially acute respiratory infections, exhaust the child’s body and make it even less protected against papillomavirus. This is due to weakening of the immune system, the development of immunodeficiency, in which healthy cells are unable to respond to a dangerous agent and cannot neutralize it.

The child's condition may worsen allergy, which is quite common among children. Mostly, parents complain about a reaction to dust, cat and dog hair, and various food products, ranging from dairy products to eggs.

Any malfunctions of the body can also lead to the active activity of the virus, which with a high degree of probability will lead to the appearance of formations on the skin, including papillomas on the child’s forehead. We are talking here about the exacerbation of chronic gastroenterological, otolaryngological, and neurological diseases.

Often the virus begins to manifest itself under the influence unfavorable ecology. This is especially true for children living in industrial cities where a large number of chemical enterprises operate. The air here is usually highly polluted, which negatively affects the immune system and overall health.

Important! The presence of one reason does not necessarily have to cause the appearance of papillomas on the forehead in children; their combination increases the likelihood of this, and the more factors, the higher the risk.
  1. Read - prevention of papillomas in a newborn

What do papillomas on a child’s forehead look like?

In the photo there are papillomas on the forehead in children

Children usually have one or several papillomas on their forehead; as a rule, a large number of them are not observed here.

First, a small compaction forms in this place, invisible from the outside; it can only be detected upon detailed examination in the mirror. After some time, this growth takes on a solid shape, becomes dense and increases in size. Its surface is covered with a crust, slightly different in color from the skin of the forehead. It can be a little lighter (beige, with a white tint) or darker (with a red tint).

A child may have papilloma on his forehead flat, in this case it fits closely to the skin and looks like a small bump. Its diameter usually does not exceed 0.5 cm, but it can be smaller or larger.

Such education also happens hanging, the growth received this name because of its shape - it is located on a stalk and does not come into contact with the tissues as closely as the flat type.

Papillomas on a child’s forehead may be accompanied by redness, swelling, irritation and itching of the tissues surrounding the growth. This often causes the baby to want to scratch these areas, which leads to the appearance of open wounds, increases the likelihood of blood poisoning and further spreads the papillomavirus throughout the body. As a result, it becomes possible to increase the number of formations on the skin.
  1. Article on the topic: Ways of infection of papillomas in a child

Methods for treating papillomas on the forehead of a child

There are 4 ways to solve the problem: taking medications with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, using external agents, including cauterizing agents, treating papilloma on a child’s forehead with folk remedies, or performing physiotherapeutic procedures to remove formations. The last option is the most extreme, and for its choice there must be compelling arguments - the risk of the growth becoming malignant, poor facial aesthetics, severe discomfort due to this.

Drug therapy for papillomas on the forehead in children

The photo shows medications for the treatment of papillomas on the forehead of a child

This therapy involves prescribing medications to strengthen the immune system, suppress the activity of the virus, and dry out formations. They can be in the form of tablets, syrup, spray, cream, ointment, or powder for preparing a solution. For greater effectiveness in the treatment of papillomas on the forehead of a child, it is recommended to combine internal administration of funds and external treatment of growths.

Below we will briefly describe popular and effective drugs of different types:

  1. Immunomodulators. Of the drugs in liquid form, we can primarily recommend Cytovir-3, sold in the form of syrup. It is created specifically for children over 1 year of age and is recommended to take 2-12 ml every day. The optimal number of doses per day is from 3 to 5. Older children can take the same drug, only in capsules, which should be taken 1 piece at a time. every day for a week at least. An analogue of this powerful immunomodulator is Arbidol in all forms of release - suspension for solution, capsules, tablets, as well as Cycloferon. Of the liquid homeopathic preparations, the tincture of ginseng and Echinacea purpurea, Lymphomyosot, best copes with its task.
  2. Antiviral drugs. They are prescribed for papillomas on the forehead of a child only in addition to immunomodulators, but very often they also have an immunomodulatory effect. First of all, it is worth highlighting Anaferon - children's drops for oral administration. It can be prescribed to a child older than 1 month, that is, almost immediately after birth. If necessary, this medicine can be replaced with Lykopid, presented in tablets that should be taken 1 piece at a time. per day, without drinking water, but placing it under the tongue and dissolving. An alternative to this option could be Kagocel, which is suitable for children over 3 years old, or Ingavirin for children in capsules.
  3. Vitamins. To strengthen the immune system for papillomas on the forehead in children and increase hemoglobin, you will need complexes containing iron, folic acid and other useful substances. Good dietary supplements include Vitrum Baby, produced in the USA. It is indicated for children aged 3-5 years. If he is older, but not yet 8 years old, he can take the Alphabet "Kindergarten" course. A fairly effective drug is Complivit-Active, which is usually prescribed to primary school students. As an option, you can offer “Baby” tablets with raspberry-strawberry flavor from the Multi-Tabs brand, which are chewed until completely dissolved in the mouth.

Read the review of Lapis pencil for papillomas and warts.

External remedies against papillomas on a child’s forehead

In the photo, the solution “Verrukacid” for papillomas on the forehead in children

For small children, papillomas on the forehead can be lubricated gel "Viferon" with anti-inflammatory properties. This should be done 2-3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.

It can be replaced by a good Superclean solution, safe for the child's health. It should be applied to the formations 1 drop per day and left until absorbed.

It will work no worse than Superclean in treating papillomas on a child’s forehead solution "Verrukatsid", which is intended for processing formations for the purpose of drying them. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day using a cotton pad. Treatment should last at least a week.

It can be even more effective Aldara cream and Panavir gel, but they are recommended for children over 14 years of age.

Folk remedies for papillomas on the forehead in children

Before using any folk remedy, you need to conduct a test - treat the skin on your elbow with it and monitor its reaction. As a result, there should be no redness, itching, or peeling.

Of the available options, you can choose lemon juice, which is sold in the market and in stores all year round. It should be used fresh, just squeezed out, to wipe papillomas on a child’s forehead using a cotton pad.

A good remedy could be extract from young leaves of aloe or celandine. You can also simply apply them to the growth, fix it with a bandage and plaster and leave it for a day until the problem is resolved.

Helps great potato juice or pulp from it, as well as onions. They can be rubbed onto papillomas on children's foreheads 2-3 times a day and used as compresses.

The same can be done with red rowan and garlic. They should be applied to the growth for 10-15 minutes, after which the skin should be wiped with a damp cloth.

  1. See another recipe: Onion gruel for papillomas

Physiotherapy for papillomas on the forehead in children

When papilloma is located on the forehead, physiotherapeutic procedures are allowed, which are completely safe for children at any age. Here you can offer several methods - cryodestruction, the use of a radioknife or laser, electrocoagulation. One of these methods is usually enough to permanently solve the problem.

Below we describe the nuances of all available procedures:

  1. Cryodestruction. The essence of this method is to cauterize the formations with liquid nitrogen, dry them and naturally remove them. This method is interesting because it eliminates pain and most often helps in one visit to the doctor, but if the growth is large, several sessions may be required. The price of cryodestruction is 360 rubles (from 150 hryvnia).
  2. Electrocoagulation. Those who choose this method of removing papillomas on a child’s forehead will need to visit the doctor once. It will act on the build-up with high-frequency current, destroying the build-up from the inside. This will lead to the formation of erosion in this area, which will disappear after 1-3 weeks, and no traces will remain in its place. The session can last from 10 to 30 minutes. The price of electrocoagulation is 590 rubles (250 hryvnia).
  3. Laser therapy. This technique is based on the use of a laser beam that penetrates the tissue and destroys the formation from the root itself. This occurs by heating the skin and excision it without blood. The procedure lasts from 10 to 40 minutes and is usually performed under local anesthesia, which does not require long recovery. The price of laser therapy is 2900 rubles (from 1300 hryvnia).
  4. Radiosurgical removal. This operation requires local anesthesia. It can last from 20 to 60 minutes, during which time the papilloma is excised with a radio knife. This is done without contact with the skin, due to which there is no bleeding and no scars are left. The price of radiosurgical removal is 3000 rubles (from 1200 hryvnia).

The appearance of papilloma on a child’s forehead requires a doctor to assess the situation, analyze the formation for benignity, and only then prescribe the correct treatment. To get rid of these growths, a whole range of measures must be carried out - drug therapy, the use of folk remedies, and physiotherapeutic procedures.

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