Rules for the treatment of ulcers

Know that all ulcers need to be dried, except for ulcers from crushing and crushing muscles - such muscles must first be relaxed and moisturized. Although ulcers in most cases require drying, sometimes other effects are also necessary - cleansing, tearing off juices, etc., since ulcers also develop other qualities besides ulceration, the larger and deeper the ulcer, the more drying is required and the deeper it should be connecting its edges. Sometimes the ulcer has to be sutured, regarding the need for deep suturing and the like, keep in mind what we said in the paragraph about wounds.

Know that to treat ulcers, sometimes you need flowing medicines that penetrate and deepen inside and conduct other medicines. In this case, they must be plasters or something similar, and they must be moist in appearance and dry in their inner being. This especially applies to medicines for fistulas, the drying property of which should significantly exceed the moisture content of their substance. Sometimes it is necessary to add something to medicines for ulcers that imparts fluidity to them for another reason, namely, so that they become viscous and sticky; know this about them as well.

Know that ulcers need bandages and dressings for three reasons: firstly, in order for dirt to flow out - for this, the bandage should be tightened tightly at the base of the ulcer and most loosely near the mouth, so that the dirt can be squeezed out conveniently; secondly, this is necessary , in order to hold the medicine that builds up the meat on the ulcer, for which it is not necessary to tighten the bandage tightly, and thirdly, in order to move the edges of the wound for this, the bandage near the edges should not be weak, but, on the contrary, tighten them considerably.

The bandage should not reach such a degree of pain as to cause swelling, and it is appropriate for it to be an assistant in preventing swelling, for with a tumor you cannot treat an ulcer. If you are unable to suppress the tumor and it appears, then, while dealing with the tumor and its treatment, whatever the tumor may be, take care of the ulcer itself at the same time until you finish treating the tumor and are free to care for the ulcer. Do the same, if the tissues surrounding the ulcer rot and turn blue, treat it with an incision and extraction of blood, at least with the help of cups, then apply a dry sponge to the incision and then drying medications.

When you are free to treat the ulcer and see that the ulcer is simple, then the first thing you should do is see if anything is pouring out from the body towards the ulcer or if nothing is pouring out and the pouring has stopped. If nothing is pouring out towards the ulcer, then start treating the ulcer itself, and if something is pouring out, try to stop the pouring matter by, for example, bleeding, laxation or vomiting. Vomiting also sometimes helps in such cases, and Hippocrates testifies to this. If there are fragments of bones, pieces of membranes or something else in the ulcer, then do not rush to take them out and do as we said in the chapter on bones.

The first thing you should do about an ulcer is to cause suppuration with the help of appropriate medicines, then cleanse the ulcer with the means intended for this, and then build up the flesh and heal it. If you see that the ulcer is clean, smooth, without a depression, then heal only with substances that do not burn, and with a dirty ulcer you cannot do without tearing and burning ones. At the beginning of treatment you will need the most burning medicines, because the ulcer is insensitive, and then gradually move on to less burning ones until the time comes to build up the meat, while being careful, if possible, to cause pain, especially if there is fever and inflammation.

You should eliminate the reasons that impede healing, that is, the circumstances listed and mentioned by us that give the ulcer a malignant quality. If you do not first take measures against this, you will not be free to treat the ulcer properly, and it will even be impossible for you. Often the doctor corrects the nature organ and this turns out to be enough to cure the ulcer.

Often the ulcer is flabby and bad meat grows in it - reddish and hot in itself. Such an ulcer is treated with medicines that cool the meat that surrounds it, for example, squeezed black nightshade juice with Armenian clay and vinegar, or sandalwood or camphor ointments cooled in the snow, and the ulcer continues to heal and narrow.

In case of painful wounds that cause severe pain, you should first be sure to calm the pain, using substances already known to you that relax the tissues, even if they resist the healing of the ulcers, because if we do not calm the pain, we will not be able to treat the ulcer, and when we quench it , then we will cope with the ulcer.

Dirty ulcers must be cleansed, and these are those ulcers in which liquids of various colors form and flow out, sometimes they are cleaned by washing, and sometimes they are cleaned with powders and plasters. If they are not cleaned, then medicines and especially powders will not be able to reach their body in a pure form, so such ulcers should be cleaned and then build up the meat; cleansing medicines tear off more strongly, and builders, as you know, have an insignificant tearing force.

Sometimes bad meat grows in the ulcer and it has to be removed with some sharp medicine and lubricated on the outside with cooling agents, then the meat is torn off with substances that tear off the scab and after that the ulcer is treated. The same is our method of treating fistulas: we need to tear off the shard, and then we treat the ulcer.

The same medicine builds up flesh in the body of some people, in the body of others, if the body is very soft, it corrodes and strongly tears off, and in others it does not tear off and does not build up flesh in the body. Therefore, in the body of one person, the medicine has to be strengthened, either by increasing its amount or decreasing it in

oil, or by adding another medicine with drying and tearing properties, and in relation to the body of another it will be corrosive until its quantity is reduced or its oiliness is increased or some astringent substances are added. It is best to strengthen the medicine for ulcers that are difficult are healing. It is also necessary to leave the medicine on the ulcer for three days and only then remove it, because if you rush into it, the medicine will not have its effect.

Any oil should be kept away from ulcers, and if it is absolutely necessary, then use castor oil, myrtle oil or mastic oil.

If you have one clear ulcer in front of you, then treat the sensitive organ that bears it more gently and beware of causing pain to it with strong medicine, but if the sensitivity is dull, do not stop before the necessary treatment. Noble, dangerous, multi-useful organs, which are quickly subject to damage, are classified as sensitive, and they are judged in the same way as sensitive ones, and the organs opposite to them are classified as insensitive or slightly sensitive. For this reason, internal ulcers do not tolerate verdigris or similar drugs, especially in the form of drink, and are more in need of adhesives, for example, tragacanth and gums, the drugs from which an enema is made should be in the middle, between sharp and adhesives.

When treating ulcers, it would be wise to give the diseased organs rest and not move them; moving them gently at first is less harmful than moving them suddenly after the initial period, especially if there are bad juices in the body.

With ulcers, one should be wary that, due to their proximity, a fusion of two adjacent organs may occur; such fusion occurs, for example, between the eyelid and the eye, between two eyelids and between two fingers.

Caves and hiding places quickly turn into fistulas, and ulcers adjacent to arteries or large veins lead to swelling of nearby loose meat, for example, in the groins, under the arms or behind the ears, for the same reason that drabab or similar diseases lead to this, which we talked about above, especially if the body is not good, full of excesses. In such cases, the pain intensifies and it comes to an ulcer; therefore, it is necessary to treat the patient with the help of cleansing the body and other means that are mentioned in its place, because until the tumor is cleared, there is no hope of cure. If the body is clean, then the ulcer should be protected from irritation with the help of basilikun and similar medicines, and a barrier should be created between the ulcer and the organ, preventing irritation from reaching the ulcer under any circumstances.

And now you should listen to the following general instruction: the medicine with which you treat an ulcer is, of necessity, either suitable or unsuitable. If a suitable medicine does not help immediately, then its use is not accompanied by damage, and an inappropriate medicine sometimes does not correspond because it is too weakly indicated by the significance of phenomena opposite to what is expected, that is, for example, drying, cleansing, etc. in the absence of other harmful effects, and then the strength of the medicine should be increased. And sometimes the discrepancy occurs for other reasons, if the medicine, for example, warms more than necessary and causes redness and inflammation, in which case it is necessary to reduce its strength and immediately extinguish the inflammation with a cooling patch. If the medicine causes the ulcer to turn black and darken, then you will know that it cools or does not warm to the proper extent, and you need to add intoxicating power to it, and if it loosens, you need to increase the power of astringent and drying substances - pomegranate flowers, galls and the like .

Often the medicine dries out the ulcer, and then you should compensate for the drying with means that we will tell you about later, and sometimes, as we will explain below, it corrodes and deepens the ulcer and you have to break its tearing force.

Often the medicine is not suitable because the patient’s nature is excessively upset in some respect. Then the medicine must be strong in the opposite sense, in order to restore the usual nature, or weak in quality, corresponding to the state of nature.