
Birthmark is a spot or mark on the skin that a person has from birth. The reasons for its appearance are unknown, but most birthmarks appear before the birth of the child.

Birthmarks can come in different shapes, sizes and colors. They can be flat or raised above the surface of the skin.

While birthmarks are harmless in most cases, they can sometimes indicate more serious medical conditions such as congenital melanocytic nevus plaque syndrome.

Therefore, it is important to take newborn babies to the doctor to check birthmarks for abnormalities. Most birthmarks do not require treatment, but in rare cases they may be removed for cosmetic reasons or because cancerous changes are suspected.

Spots or marks on the skin are one of the most common external manifestations of a person. They can occur due to various reasons and appear on different parts of the body. Birthmarks are a special type of birthmarks that are present in a person from birth and do not affect his health. However, in addition to their benefits, they can have a certain meaning, which attracts attention to them and creates interest in their origin.

The causes of birthmarks remain unknown, although there are various theories. One of the most popular theories is that birthmarks appear during embryonic development and depend on interactions between certain genes and environmental factors. Thus, this theory explains why a birthmark can appear on the body even before the baby is born.

There is an opinion that if a person has a birthmark, then it most likely arose during embryogenesis, and not as a result of some accidents and diseases that occur during a person’s life. This suggests that many people have birthmarks throughout their lives, they are just not visible under the skin. It should also be noted that children are born with certain birth defects or conditions, such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome or Turner syndrome, however, birthmarks are not usually associated with these syndromes.

The birthmark is a distinctive feature of the appearance of many people from an early age. This unusual phenomenon raises many questions regarding its origin and the need for medical intervention.

The term "birthmark" refers to a special form of birthmark that comes in a variety of sizes, shapes and colors. It can appear on any part of the body, including the face, neck, back, abdomen, legs and arms. However, most often it appears on the face and neck in the shape of a circle or oval. Birthmarks can come in a variety of colors, including red, blue, brown and black.

The causes of birthmarks are still unknown. They can appear immediately after the birth of the child or several years after his birth. In addition, this phenomenon can be repeated among family members, which indicates a genetic predisposition.

Birthmarks are an unusual form of skin pigmentation that is formed due to the accumulation of abnormal cells in certain areas of the dermis. As a result, a large number of small capillaries are formed that nourish the skin tissue. This phenomenon may be due to the influence of hormones, ultraviolet rays, stress, or other factors that have not yet been established.

Despite the fact that birthmarks are considered common among children, their appearance can cause a feeling of discomfort. Some people believe that they can be ugly, especially if they are found under the eyes or on exposed areas of the body. However, there are many people who are proud of their birthmarks, calling them highlights and features of their appearance.

However, despite its prevalence, birthmarks require close attention from specialists. If it is exposed to strong sun, there may be a risk of sunburn and skin damage. They can also result from certain diseases, which include leukemia, Gardner's syndrome, congenital thymic hyperplasia, MEN I syndrome and vitiligo pigmentosa.

If you notice any symptoms associated with Molecules spots, you should consult a doctor. Dermato