Botallitis [Botallitis; Anat. Ductus Arteriosus (Botalli), Arterial (Botalli) Duct + -I]

Botallitis: The disease and its characteristics

Botallitis is a form of endocarditis in which inflammation occurs in the patent ductus arteriosus, also known as the ductus Botalli. This anatomical element, named after the Italian anatomist Leonardo Botalli, is the connecting vascular canal between the aorta and the pulmonary artery in the fetus.

Normally, in a fetus, the duct of Botalli allows blood to bypass the lungs, since all oxygen exchange occurs through the placenta. However, after birth, when breathing becomes independent, the duct of Botalli should close within the first days or weeks of life. In most newborns, this process occurs automatically and without any complications. However, in rare cases, the duct may remain open, leading to the development of botalitis.

Botallitis is a form of endocarditis, which means inflammation of the lining of the heart. However, unlike other forms of endocarditis, with botalitis, the inflammation process is limited to the patent duct of Botalli. This may be caused by an infection that spreads from other parts of the body, or it may result from an autoimmune reaction in the body.

Symptoms of botalitis include blueness of the skin and mucous membranes due to disruption of normal circulation, fatigue, delayed physical development, difficulty breathing and lack of appetite. In some cases, there may be signs of an infectious process, such as fever and general weakness.

The diagnosis of botalitis is usually made on the basis of physical examination, cardiac auscultation and additional instrumental studies such as echocardiography and chest radiography. If the diagnosis is confirmed, immediate treatment is required.

Treatment for botalitis involves surgery to close the duct of Botalli. This can be achieved through surgery or catheterization using special devices that block the duct. After the procedure, patients are usually prescribed antibiotics to prevent infectious complications.

The prognosis of botalitis depends on many factors, including the age of the patient, the presence of complications, and the timeliness of diagnosis and treatment. Timely Seeking medical help and performing the necessary procedures for closing the duct of Botalli significantly improves the prognosis and prevents the development of complications. Most patients, after successful treatment, achieve full recovery and can lead a normal life.

In conclusion, botalitis is a form of endocarditis in which inflammation is localized to the patent ductus arteriosus. This is a rare disease that requires timely diagnosis and treatment. Modern methods of surgical intervention can successfully close the duct and prevent the development of complications. Early seeking of medical help and compliance with doctors' recommendations play an important role in the successful treatment of botalitis and achieving full recovery in patients.