Botallov Heavy

Botalli cord (ligamentum Botalli) is an elastic ligament connecting the lateral wall of the abdomen with the anterior wall of the chest. It is one of the most important elements in the structure of the human body.

The botal cord is formed during embryogenesis and is a continuation of the peritoneal fold, which stretches from the lateral wall of the abdomen to the anterior wall of the chest. It provides stability and integrity to the abdominal cavity and chest, and allows the abdominal organs to be easily moved during breathing.

However, if the cord is damaged or missing, it can lead to serious complications such as hernia, prolapse of abdominal organs, disruption of the respiratory system, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor the condition of the cord and promptly seek medical help for any suspected its damage or absence.

Overall, the cord plays an important role in human anatomy and physiology and must be monitored to ensure health and well-being.