Beard telekinesis Schildera

Schilder bradytelekinesis is a type of bradytelekinesia that was first described by Austrian psychiatrist Albert Schilder in the early 20th century.

Bradytelekinesia is a phenomenon in which a person has the ability to move objects at a distance extremely slowly. The speed of movement of objects with bradytelekinesis is significantly lower than with ordinary telekinesis.

Schilder in his works described cases in which his patients were able to slowly move small objects, such as dice, chess pieces or sheets of paper. The moving process took from several minutes to several hours.

The reasons for the emergence of Schilder's ability to bradytelekinesis are not fully understood. It is assumed that this may be due to special mental or physiological characteristics of a person. The phenomenon causes a lot of controversy in the scientific community, as it contradicts modern ideas about physical laws. However, some researchers believe that Schilder's bradytelekinesis merits further study.