
Brachybasia is a unilateral symptomatic pathology, which is characterized by the development of weakness and awkwardness in one side of the body, opposite to the side of the paretic act. When explaining and describing, a term such as hemibrachybasia is used. It is a special type of brachybasia and is a unilateral impairment of muscular ability in the lower extremity. For example, when performing any action, the patient relies primarily on the healthy limb, while the paretic leg experiences severe difficulties. From a medical point of view, brachybasia is considered to be an asymptomatic manifestation of distal polyneuropathy, when there are multiple problems with the functioning of nerve endings in the peripheral parts of the legs.

Among the factors and causes of brachybasia, the following should be noted: * post-commotion glenohumeral syndrome or osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine; * diabetes; * neurocubital cancer or other forms of cancer; * failures of metabolic processes; * systemic connective tissue diseases; * diseases of a neurological nature, etc. A significant proportion