
Many of us are familiar with the concept of biology; we know that it is the science of living organisms, their structure and functions, as well as all the processes associated with their development. But few people can tell you what phyllogistogenesis is. So, let's take a closer look at this amazing science that sheds light on our origins and helps us better understand the nature of living things.

Phylogeny is a general term to describe the process of development of life on earth, from the simplest forms of life to the complex organisms we see today. In other words, phylogeny is a sequence of events occurring over time that lead to the emergence of new forms of organisms from existing ones. The study of phylogenesis is called "phylogeny".

Histogenesis is the process of formation of tissues and organs in multicellular organisms. Based on phylogenetic chains, nature has created several mechanisms used to improve the organism as it develops. This process is called histogenesis. It occurs gradually and begins in the earliest stages of development, when the cells of the body begin to multiply and form tissues until all the necessary organs and systems are formed.

Thus, phyllogistogenesis allows us to understand how an organism is formed and develops throughout its life, from genes to external structure. It studies the sequences of changes and events that lead to the emergence of a new organism from an existing one. Phylogistic development is a key factor in understanding the evolution and historical process of life.