Brachta Method

First, let's look at the concept of the Bracht method. Brachta is a gynecologist born in Germany in the 19th century. This method was developed to make childbirth easier for women and was named after the doctor.

The Brachta method involves the use of special obstetric instruments and techniques

The Bracht method is a method of surgical correction of the cervix, which was developed by the German gynecologist Otto Bracht at the beginning of the 20th century. This method was one of the first methods of treating female infertility and was used to reduce the size of the cervix and improve its blood supply.

The Brachta method involves placing a special metal loop on the cervix, which compresses it and reduces its size. As a result, blood supply to the cervix improves and the likelihood of successful conception increases.

However, this method has its drawbacks. First, it can cause complications such as bleeding and infection. Secondly, it is not always effective, especially if the infertility problem is associated with other factors.

Currently, the brachta method is rarely used, since there are more effective methods of treating infertility. However, if a woman wants to try this method, she should contact an experienced gynecologist who can assess all the risks and benefits of the brachta method.