
Attraction is a subjective experience of need that arises independently of consciousness, stimulating human activity and giving it direction. In other words, attraction is an internal urge to satisfy some need, be it a physiological need or a psychological desire.

Drives play an important role in motivation and regulation of behavior. They force us to act in certain ways to achieve specific goals and satisfy our desires. At the same time, drives often arise in the subconscious, regardless of rational control.

Thus, attraction is a force that encourages a person to be active in order to satisfy his needs, and this force operates at the subconscious level and controls the behavior of the individual. Understanding the nature of drives is important for explaining the motives of human activity.

Attraction is an independent and strong desire for something that cannot be explained by reason. It is a combination of desire and necessity that is the source of energy for forward movement, growth and progress. In science, this concept is used to refer to those instincts that activate our innate characteristics and can be even stronger