Brain Olfactory (Rhinencephalori)

Brain Olfactory (Rhinencephalori) are brain structures that in the early stages of evolution were associated with the olfactory analyzer. The olfactory brain includes:

  1. The olfactory bulb is a structure responsible for the perception of odors.

  2. The olfactory tract is the nerve pathway through which impulses from the olfactory receptors enter the brain.

  3. The olfactory triangle is a region of the cerebral cortex that processes olfactory information.

  4. The anterior perforated substance is a part of the brain involved in the formation of emotions.

  5. The vaulted gyrus is responsible for the formation of episodic memory.

  6. The hippocampus is a structure of the limbic system that plays a key role in memory and learning processes.

  7. The dentate gyrus (ed.) is a section of the hippocampus that is involved in the formation of spatial memory.

Currently, all these parts of the brain are classified as the limbic system, which regulates emotions, motivation, and memory. Thus, the structures of the olfactory brain perform important functions that go far beyond the processing of olfactory information.

The Olfactory Brain, or Rhinencephalori, is the brain structure associated with olfactory analysis during early development and evolution. The olfactory brain consists of the olfactory bulb, olfactory tract, olfactory triangle, substantia anterior perforation, vaulted gyrus, hippocampus and dentate gyrus. At the moment, these departments belong to the limbic system, which is responsible for emotions, memory, behavior and other brain functions.

The olfactory brain plays an important role in recognizing odors and determining their quality. It is also involved in processing information about smells and their effect on our mood and emotional state. The olfactory structures of the brain are associated with information processing and decision making, making them important for our behavior and adaptation to the environment.

However, despite its importance, the olfactory brain is not the only center of smell. Other parts of the brain are also involved in olfactory analysis, such as the temporal lobes, parietal lobe and several other areas.

Overall, the olfactory brain is an important element of our brain that plays a key role in our sensations and perception of the world around us. It is associated with emotional reactions, memory and behavior, making it important for human health and well-being.

Man has long understood that the human body has its own complex structure, and studies its individual parts, functions and relationships. One of the interesting and mysterious parts of the brain is the olfactory brain, or olfactory brain. It is an important component of the limbic system - a group of brain structures responsible for regulating emotional and