Breast milk Transitional

Transitional breast milk (l. transitorium) is an intermediate state between colostrum and mature milk. It has its own characteristics and functions that help the child’s body adapt to new conditions and receive the necessary nutrients.

Colostrum milk - This is the first portion of breast milk that is produced after childbirth. It contains a large amount of protein, fat and lactose, which helps the child grow and develop quickly. However, colostrum milk has a high concentration of protective substances, such as immunoglobulins and lysozymes, which protect the child from infections.

During the first few days after birth, the mother's body continues to produce colostrum milk, which contains high concentrations of protective substances. However, as the baby grows and develops, its nutritional needs change, and the mother's body begins to produce transitional breast milk.

Transitional breast milk contains fewer protective substances than colostrum milk, but more nutrients necessary for the growth and development of the child. It also has lower acidity, making it easier for your baby to digest and absorb nutrients.

Transitional breast milk plays an important role in the development of the child. It helps him adapt to a new environment, strengthens the immune system and promotes the development of the digestive system. In addition, it contains important nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, which are essential for the growth and development of the child's body.

Thus, transitional breast milk is an important stage in the process of breastfeeding and plays an important role in the formation of the healthy and full development of the child.

Breast milk

Breast milk is a unique nutrition for newborn babies. It contains all the essential nutrients that babies need for growth and development. Breast milk contains antibodies that help fight infections, as well as other protective factors that protect babies from disease. However, not all women can breastfeed their children. If you decide to transfer your child to artificial nutrition, then you need to choose the right nutrition. Poor quality nutrition can lead to the development of various diseases and health problems. Therefore, it is important to carefully select products for artificial feeding.

Transitional breast milk is a formula that is used to transition to artificial feeding or when breastfeeding is interrupted. These formulas contain increased amounts of protein and fat, which helps ensure the infant's nutritional development. They also contain various beneficial vitamins and minerals that ensure the baby's healthy functioning. Such mixtures also help the child’s body adapt to new conditions and switch to artificial feeding.