Brad Expansive

**Expansive delusion** is a psychological disorder that is characterized by mania, a sense of exclusivity and unfounded confidence in one’s ability to influence and control the world around us. Such people see themselves as leaders and heroes whom everyone should obey and respect. Unlike delusions of grandeur, which is a more serious mental disorder and leads to negative consequences for society as a whole, delusions of an effusive person can manifest as a mild form of deviant behavior or simply be part of his character. But still, it is worth noting that this term is quite vague and cannot be applied to all people with such thoughts. Some people may have the same thoughts, but they won't express them openly, or they just aren't serious about it. However, there are times when these ideas begin to dominate a person's thoughts and seriously interfere with his daily life.

So what is BEX? This is a fairly rare mental disorder. It is not as severe as Delirium Magna, but still some experience serious disturbances of consciousness and behavior. It is important to understand that this is not