Psychic terrorism, also known as nonsense of a different origin, is a new type of the most powerful terrorism in Russia. Today you can often hear stories like this: “He went crazy and started attacking people,” “He talked to aliens,” or maybe it was just a crazy person who escaped from a mental hospital and attacked a passerby?
Psychic terror: how did “high origin” appear?
To understand what nonsense of Other origin is, you need to take a closer look at the history of the appearance of this term. It all started in 2012, when an attack took place in the North Caucasus near the city of Nazran
Delusions of a different origin are a subtype of delusions of a high standard, in which the patient believes that he has problems due to the peculiarities of his lifestyle, lack of personal hygiene, genetic factors, etc. It is worth noting that, as a rule, such delusions occur in antisocial individuals, those engaged in physical activity, sports enthusiasts, poor nutrition and the like. A person may be convinced that he has a genetic disorder that prevents him from leading a normal life. All these factors can aggravate the very process of delirium. Patients also use arguments that their ancestors were or were responsible for similar diseases. People of this type have perversions in the perception of the world around them, an inadequate attitude towards certain things, they can show aggression and violence. In general, delusions of a different origin are a mental disorder that contributes to the manifestation of certain psychological abnormalities or the formation of social maladjustment. It is worth noting that most often patients with high-level delusions are sent for treatment to psychiatric hospitals for therapeutic procedures that help overcome obsessions. It is very important to listen to the diagnoses of your doctor and not ignore the recommendations in order to avoid sad consequences and relapses. It should be remembered that timely treatment prevents various complications and may even save lives. Doctors say this type of disorder is more common among men.