Bred Ipochondrichesky Kotara

The delirium of the hypochondriacal Cotard.

Delirium is a specific mental defect observed in many organic and mental diseases, as well as in alcoholics and drug addicts. In most cases, the pathology is manifested by a persistent disorder in the perception of the surrounding world, accompanied by inadequate ideas and actions. Modern medicine identifies the following types of development of delusional disorders: the influence of obsessive thoughts (obsessive), targeted manic (in the form of Cotard's syndrome), hypochondriac (delusional ideas provoked by the development of a severe somatic illness) and mixed forms. In this article we will consider the development of hypochondriacal mental pathologies. To consolidate the knowledge gained, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step algorithm for making the correct diagnosis.

Hypochondria (synonym – pseudology or distorted perception of reality) is caused by the influence of the patient’s own destructive ideas on the surrounding reality. The internal dialogue within his psyche is a factor in the development of hypochondria