Delusional Paranoid

Delusional Paranoid: When reality becomes an illusion

Paranoid delusion is a severe mental disorder that is characterized by the patient having unfounded ideas of persecution, poisoning, accusations and other forms of adverse influence on him from others. These ideas become comprehensive for the patient and can significantly affect his behavior and quality of life.

Patients with paranoid delusions cannot separate reality from their illusions. They are convinced that the people around them, government agencies, intelligence services and even relatives are plotting insidious plans against them and are building insidious intrigues. At the same time, all the evidence and arguments of others that can refute these ideas are perceived as confirmation of their correctness.

Patients with paranoid delusions may exhibit aggressive behavior towards others, as they see them as a threat to their life. They may feel intense fear, anxiety, worry and tension, which is accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, trembling and others.

Paranoid delusions can lead to social isolation, as sufferers may avoid contact with other people to protect themselves from a perceived threat. They can withdraw into themselves, become apathetic and indifferent to the world around them. This can lead to depression, increased risk of suicide, and other serious consequences.

Treatment for paranoid delusions may include medications, psychotherapy, and other methods. However, for most patients, paranoid delusion remains a chronic disease that requires constant attention and care.

In conclusion, we can say that paranoid delusion is a serious mental disorder that has a huge impact on the life of the patient and his environment. It is necessary to pay due attention to this disease in order to provide patients with a decent quality of life and help them return to society.

Title: "Paranoid delusions: concept, main forms and symptoms"


Delusion is a thinking disorder in which the patient begins to believe in ridiculous and fantastic ideas that are not supported by evidence. At the same time, he is convinced that his actions or thoughts are controlled by surrounding or supernatural forces. Delusions can manifest themselves in various forms, including delusions of persecution, relationships, influence, poisoning, accusations, and damage. In this article we will look at the main forms of delusions of a paranoid nature, their manifestations and treatment.


Delusions of the paranoid type are characterized by the presence of fantastic ideas that reflect a negative assessment of external influences on the patient’s health or personality. This form, namely “delusion of persecution” and “relationships”, is considered to be the most common types of mental disorder. The paranoid has strong beliefs in the harmfulness of the external environment, his actions and thoughts in relation to him. It is important to understand that this form of delusion is in the nature of a symbolic projection and demonstrates the suffering of the individual in relation to internal and external conflicts, but is not a real threat to the body.

1. Delusion of persecution - the main idea is the patient’s belief that he is being constantly monitored, that other persons or external forces with negative intentions have interfered in his life. Patients may experience the sensation of an invisible presence of someone or something nearby, creating a feeling of vulnerability and fear. People who are prone to introspection and indecisive in interpersonal relationships are usually susceptible to this condition. Typically, these individuals have previous experiences of fear of persecution in childhood, which can lead to the persistence of these disorders. Treatment for such conditions depends on how they are identified and treatment initiated, and may include various psychotherapies. 2. Delusional attitudes - patients begin to blame themselves, other people or various forces for their negative health status. They may feel that others around them are deliberately ignoring, teasing, being cruel or sexually aggressive, or stalking. Symptoms of such conditions may include a history of severe psychological trauma, perfectionism, low self-esteem, and impaired defense mechanisms. Treatment for delusions of attitude also focuses on overcoming personal problems such as compensating for irresponsibility in relationships, judgment, and dissatisfaction with oneself. Besides psycho