Delirium of Persecution

Delusions of persecution (also known as delusions of persecutory paranoia or delusions of external influence) are a mental disorder characterized by the belief that other people or supernatural forces are pursuing or trying to harm the person. Persecutory delusions can manifest themselves in a variety of ways and at different levels, from simple suspicion to panic and fear. Some people with persecutory delusions may believe that they are being persecuted even in normal everyday situations, leading to restrictions in social interactions and the development of withdrawal. This syndrome often occurs in people with schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, but can also occur in healthy people as a result of stress or fatigue. Diagnosis of delusions of persecution is carried out by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist based on certain symptoms and characteristic manifestations. Treatment for persecutory delusions may include medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle changes such as improving social skills and increasing self-control. Patients with delusional paranoid phase