Delusional Migration

Delusional migration: when delusion becomes reality

Delusion is a mental disorder in which a person believes in non-existent phenomena or events. One of the manifestations of delusion may be delusional migration, when the patient changes his place of residence or work under the influence of his delusional beliefs.

Patients suffering from delusions of persecution, poisoning, or harm may experience fear and anxiety due to possible threats to their life or health. They may constantly change their places of residence and work to avoid perceived dangers. They may also change their usual travel routes to avoid encounters with people or objects that they perceive as a threat.

Delusional migration can become a real problem for others. Patients may disturb neighbors or colleagues by constantly moving or changing jobs. They can also harm their health if they change places of residence without proper preparation and do not provide themselves with the necessary living conditions.

In addition, delusional migration can cause social isolation of the patient. He may lose contact with relatives and friends, and may not be able to communicate with new people in his new place of residence or work.

Treatment of delusional migration consists of delusion therapy and psychotherapy. It is necessary to help the patient realize the unreality of his delusional beliefs and teach him to cope with possible threats in the real world without unreasonable movements.

Delusional migration is a serious mental disorder that can lead to problems for the patient and those around him. Treatment and support from loved ones can help the patient overcome his delusional beliefs and return to normal life.


Delusional migration for modern society is not just a socio-psychological phenomenon caused by a person’s state of psychosis. This is also a dangerous social problem, since delusional migratory mania can lead to social collapse, deterioration of relationships in the family and in society, economic decline, etc. Not only the well-being of society, but also the health and well-being of the people in it depends on the solution to this problem. In general, delusion is a mental disorder in which a person begins to perceive facts in a distorted light, complete deformation of personality can occur, and the disease can even lead to murder. In this regard, these types of psychotic conditions must be treated by specialized people: psychologists, psychiatrists. This condition is more common in men than in women. The symptoms of this disorder are thought to develop over a period of days or weeks, and often trigger other psychiatric symptoms that include profound personality disorganization. Characteristic