Bromival (Bromural)

Bromizoval (Bromural): description, use, contraindications, side effects

Bromizoval (Bromural) is a sleeping pill of various chemical groups, produced in Russia by the companies Usolye-Sibirsky CFC and Pharmakon. The active substance is brominated. Dosage form - substance, substance-powder, substance-powder 1g.

Bromizoval is used to treat insomnia, agitation, chorea and whooping cough. However, it has contraindications such as hypersensitivity, acute porphyria, renal, hepatic and respiratory failure.

Bromizoval may also have side effects, such as depression of the central nervous system, irritability, ataxia, dysarthria, tachycardia, dilated pupils, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, coated tongue, skin rash and allergic reactions.

According to the literature, it is unknown about the interaction of bromizal with other drugs, as well as the possible consequences of an overdose.

It is worth noting that bromizal should be taken with caution against the background of pain, and with prolonged use, tolerance may develop.

As a summary note, we can say that bromizal can be an effective hypnotic, but its use should only be carried out as prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and possible contraindications.