Bronchicum Tea

Bronchicum tea: an effective herbal remedy for respiratory diseases

Bronchicum tea is an herbal medicine that is produced in Germany by Nattermann GmbH and Rhone-Poulenc Rohrer. This tea is a combined expectorant and is used to treat respiratory diseases with difficulty in sputum production.

The composition of Bronchicum tea includes a number of herbal components, such as the bark of the roots of Piscidia red, the bark of white willow, the fruit of anise, the oil of anise, the fruit of fennel, the oil of fennel, the herb of lungwort, the stem of common ivy, the root of black cohosh and the root of burdock.

Bronchicum tea is indicated for diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract with difficult sputum separation. It helps improve mucus discharge, softens cough and makes breathing easier.

No contraindications to the use of Bronchicum tea have been identified, and no side effects, interactions with other medications, or overdose have been noted. However, like any medicine, you should consult your doctor before using Bronchicum tea.

Herbal medicines are becoming increasingly popular these days due to their natural composition and fewer side effects compared to synthetic drugs. Bronchicum tea is a good example of such a remedy that can help with respiratory diseases and improve the patient's quality of life.

Despite the fact that information about Bronchicum tea was published in the reference book “Modern Preparations from Medicinal Plants” in 1999, this medicine still remains relevant and is widely used. If you are having trouble breathing or producing sputum, consult your doctor to determine if Bronchicum tea is a suitable remedy for you.